The Homestead Chronicle


Fall, 2024 - Vol.10 No. 4

In this edition of our quarterly newsletter:

The Wappingers Historical Society honors all of our Veterans, past and present.

See inside this newsletter for more on our Veterans.


WHS President's Letter

Upcoming Holiday Events at Mesier Homestead

Featured items from the WHS Archives

Speaker Series: Dutchess County Historian YouTube video link

The Wappingers Historical Society honors all of our Veterans, past and present. See inside this

newsletter for more on our Veterans. The booklet above is from WWI.

President's Letter

The calendar tells me that Fall is here, but when I sit on the porch at Mesier I’m not so sure.  Many of the trees in Mesier Park have been enrobed in spectacular colors, but it doesn’t make sense when it’s 75-degree weather. (I am not complaining.)


Our 2024 Speaker series was hugely successful, ending with Tony Musso’s standing room only talk on “Madams, Mobsters and Murders in The Hudson Valley”. We are already starting to work on the 2025 programs and would welcome any recommendations on speakers or topics.

Looking forward, I can’t wait to celebrate the holiday season at Mesier. We have so much planned. There will be lots of opportunities to see the Homestead beautifully decorated so check on our website and social media for the times we are open and make sure to come visit. St. Nicholas is arriving on December 7th to delight the children and families with stories, and yummy traditional Dutch holiday treats. Always a special program.

The main room in 1741 section of the Homestead is almost finished being restored and is now on the tour. The Historical Society is grateful to Dick Thurston for donating 18th century furniture that make the room come alive.

Finally, be sure to visit our gift shop. We strive to showcase local artists and have a terrific selection for your holiday shopping.


So yes, I am thankful for the sweater weather! But more importantly I am thankful and grateful to our Members, Volunteers, Supporters and Donors. You all make the Wappingers Historical Society a very special organization.

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays to you and your families.


A Fun Family Event where you will:


Discover the history of Sinterklaas and the holiday traditions that the early Dutch settlers brought with them to New Netherland.


Learn how Sinterklaasavond (St. Nicholas Eve) was celebrated in the home with food, funny poems, disguised gifts & much excitement! Taste some tradition Dutch sweets which were part of the festivities.

 There will even be a surprise visit from St. Nicholas himself!! 

Activities for children are part of the program.


Due to limited space at each session, advance ticket purchase is suggested.

$5 child with accompanying adult. 

Get Tickets

Member Holiday Party

Sunday, December 15 5:00pm-7:00pm at the Mesier Homestead

The Wappingers Historical Society annual Member Holiday Cocktail Party is on Sunday, December 15th from 5:00pm – 7:00pm at Mesier Homestead. What could be better than to enjoy good company, wine and wonderful hors d’oeuvres, and celebrate the holidays at our beautifully decorated Mesier Homestead!  An invitation will be sent out in November via email to our members.

Become a member

Happy holidays from the WHS Board of Trustees!

Giving Tuesday

Tuesday, December 3rd

Giving Tuesday is a global movement, occurring annually on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. It serves as a counterbalance to the consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, redirecting the focus to acts of kindness and charitable giving. Our giving campaign this year focuses on sustaining the works of the Wappingers Historical Society. We are dedicated to preserving and promoting the history of the Town of Wappinger, the Village of Wappingers Falls and neighboring communities, and to maintain the custodianship of the Mesier Homestead. We work to preserve and expand our archives, collections and library to actively chronicle the life of our hamlets, village and town for future generations. Our public programs and exhibits allow people of all ages to better understand their connection to history, and we safeguard and share our architectural heritage and history of the 1741 Mesier Homestead. Please consider a monetary donation to the Society to allow us to continue and expand our programs. 

And the winner is.........

And the grand prize winner of our Gift Cards Galore raffle is... Carol M! Congratulations, Carol and a BIG thank you to WHS Trustee Trish Costello for coordinating and supporting this fundraiser, and to all of the donors who made it a great success - - Wappingers Historical Society members and friends; business donors Nature's Pantry Hudson Valley; Quincy's Candy Shop; The Jessica Experience; The Hog; Braised Pies; Norma's Bakery & Cafe; Boho Beauty; Hannaford; Shop Rite; Stewart's Shops; Leo's Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria; Shadows on the Hudson, and all of the people who supported us by purchasing raffle tickets. And a special thank you to local author Tony Musso for helping us draw our winners at his Speaker Series talk. Please support the local businesses that help support us!

New Members

Michael Bettini and Family

Garrett McGuinness and Family

Thomas McCarthy and Family

Samtreo Tucker


Stones & Bones Living History


Heartfelt thanks to WHS Trustee Dani Masterson for her creativity and endless hours working on this very special program, and all of the wonderful and talented volunteer actors, script writers, and behind-the-scenes volunteers for another outstanding production of Stones & Bones Living History! Despite the misty, drippy weather, it was a sold out, magical event which was enjoyed by over 100 attendees -- thank you all for coming to support WHS! Very special thanks, too, to the Board of the Trustees at the Wappingers Rural Cemetery and to our sponsors, especially Straub Catalano & Halvey Funeral Home. Their support makes this program possible, and we are most grateful for their involvement in sharing our local history.

2024 Cast of Stones & Bones

This year’s apparitions included (L-R) N. Harold Cottam; Jeptha Bridge; William Britner; Irving Grinnell; Mary Goring; John Morris Goring; guides Orson Fowler and village Woman; George Rush; Florence Henderson. 

From the Archives

The Wappingers Historical Society has in its possession a scrapbook of photos taken by Corporal Lewis Smith while stationed in France during WWI. A few samples of his work are included here.


Lewis Smith, WWI Army Photographer


Lewis Smith was born on December 16, 1896, in Stormville, East Fishkill. His father Robert was a farm laborer who died when Lewis was a teen. His mother Josephine, his brother Daniel and Lewis moved to the Village of Fishkill.

Lewis enlisted in the US Army and served from March 1918 to February 1919. He was stationed in France and worked in the photographic section of the Air Service Aeronautics. Corporal Smith served as a chauffeur and photographer in the 2nd Co. 1st Battalion 155th Depot Brigade, 24th Photo Section. He photographs depict the soldiers’ lives in France at the end of the War, as well as the everyday life of French civilians. The photo album is available to peruse in our archives at the Mesier Homestead.

In 1925, Mr. Smith married Mary Wixson and they lived on East Main Street, Wappingers Falls. He worked as a school bus driver in the 1940’s, and in the 1950’s, he was a power shovel operator for the Town of Wappinger. Mr. Smith died in 1966 and is buried in Wappingers Rural Cemetery, his grave marked with a military headstone.

Retreat at Coiffer Barracks, St. Maixent; American Graveyard near Chateau-Thierry

World War II Scrapbook

Rosalie Alfonso was born in 1924 to Daniel and Amelia Alfonso. She was the youngest of five children who grew up on West Main Street in the Village of Wappingers Falls. Two of her brothers, Joseph and Johnny, served during World War II. Rosalie kept a scrapbook filled with photos of the "boys back home" and memorabilia, some of which is pictured here.

Seeking Veteran-related items for our Archives!

As we were preparing for this newsletter, we realized we do not have much, if anything, in our archives from the Korean War, Vietnam, the Gulf War or other recent conflicts. If you have uniforms, insignia, documents, photos or other memorabilia from these wars, especially from a local viewpoint, please consider donating them to our archives. This will help us when creating exhibits for Memorial Day or Veterans Day with content more recent than WW1 and WW2.

We always accept donations to the archives, and can even scan photos or documents and return the originals to you if you prefer. If you would like to make a donation, please contact us via email at or call 845-632-1281. 

Can you help with any of these tasks?

We have an immediate need for help with the following tasks. Please choose one that you would like to help with, then give us a call at 845-632-1281 or email   Thank you!

1.     Assemble a tall wire rack in the Collections room.

2.     Help hang pine roping and white Christmas lights on the porch of Mesier over Thanksgiving weekend. Help remove them in January.

3.     Fix and set up the “rope” bed in the master bedroom.

4.     Sell a few items for us on eBay or Facebook Marketplace

September Speaker Series is on YouTube!

In case you missed it, in September we welcomed Dutchess County Historian Will Tatum to our Speaker Series, where he spoke on the topic of "Buying, Selling, and Everyday Life in Dutchess County on the Eve of the American Revolution". You can view his excellent presentation on our YouTube Channel.

View Video

Speaker Series Suggestions?

We hope you’ve been enjoying our Speaker Series lectures over the past few years. Our Speaker Series coordinator, Laura Landau, will soon start lining up a roster of speakers and topics for next year. We welcome your input on topics that interest you – who would YOU like to hear from, or what topics would YOU like to learn more about? Please let us know!  We hope our Speaker Series brings familiar names in the history community speak on new, unique topics, plus give you a chance to hear from some speakers who are new to WHS.   We’re looking forward to another busy year of events!  

Contact Us




Beth Devine



Marie Needham


Recording Secretary:

Eileen Stickle



Connie Boden

Joey Cavaccini

Amy Hauck-Barr

George Hemroth

Trish Holohan-Costello

Laura Landau

Dani Masterson

Nancy Piscitello

James Williams


Trustee Emeritus

Brenda VonBurg

Eileen Stickle, Newsletter Editor

Beth Devine, Copy Editor

Christina Ungar, Content Contributor

P.O. Box 174

Wappingers Falls

 NY 12590


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