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Fall 2024

Greetings to all of you this fall!

Many of us look forward to this time of year for cooler days, beautiful leaves, pleasant walks, and the upcoming holidays.

The fall season also means the return to school and its related activities, which typically means stress for children and their caregivers. A recent advisory from the Surgeon General highlighted this tremendous stress, with 48% of parents reporting that most days their stress is completely overwhelming compared to only 26% of other adults. Dr. Katherine Rosenblum, a close MC3 collaborator and Co-Director of Zero to Thrive, completed an interview in response to this report — I highly recommend you check out her discussion here!

The noted increase in stress has been declared a public health crisis, placing parents and caregivers at higher risk for depression and anxiety. This heightened stress could be attributed to many factors, from the upcoming election to climate change to youth mental health. This also is compounded by social media, which leaves many parents and caregivers feeling judged with “parent shaming” and confused with conflicting information on how to be the best parent possible. 

For all providers caring for children, one of the most important lessons to learn is that in order to "help the child" you must "hold the parent." Primary care clinicians are an integral part of the “community of caring” to support parents. One way to initiate this support is to share MC3’s Parent Toolkit with parents and caregivers, as it provides practical, evidence-based tools to help parents manage stress and ultimately strengthen their families.

MC3 is always standing by to help you navigate the most challenging of children and most stressed of parents. For further insight on how to best support families through times of stress, request a 1:1 psychiatric consult with MC3. 

May this fall bring you all moments of relaxation and wonderful family memories. 

Sheila Marcus, M.D.

MC3 Pediatric Medical Director

If you're a prescriber and have never submitted a consult or it's been a while, you can watch this brief video about how the process works. 

MC3 says thank you and farewell to Dr. Richard Dopp

Richard Dopp, M.D., Clinical Associate Professor in U-M’s Department of Psychiatry and Consulting Psychiatrist for MC3, recently announced his decision to leave Michigan Medicine, effective October 31.

MC3 and U-M faculty are saddened to lose Dr. Dopp as a colleague, but incredibly grateful for his immeasurable contributions to the treatment of youth psychiatric disorders in the state of Michigan.

Read more
Richard Dopp

Dr. Richard Dopp

Welcoming new faces at MC3

The MC3 team is thrilled to welcome the following new team members:

Kari Foote-Johnson

Kari Foote-Johnson, LMSW, PMH-C

Perinatal Behavioral Health Consultant

Emily Gutman

Emily Gutman, LMSW, IMH-E

Perinatal Behavioral Health Consultant

Denise Ullem

Denise Ullman, B.A.

Education Coordinator

Laura Ward

Laura Ward, M.S., BCBA

Outreach Specialist

Order copies of the MC3 Parent Toolkit

Pediatric providers practicing in Michigan are welcome to order as many Parent Toolkits as needed to distribute to patients’ families while supplies last.

Orders are free of cost and will be delivered directly to you.

Learn more & order Parent Toolkits

We want to hear about what kind of perinatal mental health education you're interested in! 

MC3 is planning educational presentations for the upcoming year. We are seeking input from providers who work with pregnant and postpartum women and do NOT prescribe medication. 

We appreciate your input and help in designing educational opportunities that you would find most beneficial. Please complete the following brief (5-minute) survey by Friday, November 1.  

Take the survey

Perinatal Patient Care services

MC3 offers direct perinatal mental health services to patients in select counties. This includes free same-day access to virtual counseling, case management, and patient care coordination.

Learn more about these services:

Watch brief video
Visit our website


If you aren't already using them, make sure you check out our helpful resources:

NEW: Health Equity Resources


Pediatric Resource Library


Perinatal Psychopharmacology Reference Cards


Pediatric Psychopharmacology Reference Cards


Perinatal Provider Toolkit


Parent Toolkit


Upcoming webinars

Perinatal Psychopharmacology 102: A Deeper Dive into Prescribing During the Perinatal Period

Nov. 20, 12–1 p.m. ET


We will share info for 2025 training opportunities in a separate email soon!

Ongoing support for providers

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Provider Café: We're here to listen. The MC3 Provider Café provides an opportunity to check in and talk about how you're managing your stress and the stress of your patients.

Learn more
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Group Case Consultation: We're here to offer guidance. MC3 Group Case Consultations give primary care clinics and provider groups educational opportunities to discuss and review patients with one of our consulting psychiatrists.

Learn more

In the media

The Wrap podcast logo

Suicide prevention efforts underway at Michigan Medicine



MC3 Chart Review Study results

New MC3 research publication highlights greater access to psychiatric care associated with CPAP support


Upcoming American Academy of Pediatrics anxiety and depression Project ECHO® offering

In partnership with the National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health (NTTAC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) will host a Project ECHO® learning collaborative on anxiety and depression. The goal of this ECHO is to build the capacity of primary care providers to provide quality behavioral and mental health care within the medical home setting, with a focus on anxiety and depression.

This ECHO offers two tracks with 8 monthly sessions each, launching Wednesday, Nov. 20, and Wednesday, Dec. 4. 

Register now

Program pics

photo from MC3 Regional Forum in Holland in Sep. 2024
photo from MC3 Regional Forum in Holland in Sep. 2024

Photos from the MC3 Regional Forum in Holland, September 2024; Pictured in left photo, L-R: Andy Ludwig, Dr. Nasuh Malas, Denise Ullem, Dr. Jessica Riggs, Karen Smith, Kristen Roy, Laura Buitenhuis, and Erin Hughes-Krieger

photo of MC3 team members at the Parkridge Summer Fest

L-R: Corinna Trantham, Dr. Angela Johnson, and Dr. Maria Muzik at the Parkridge SummerFest in Ypsilanti, August 2024

photo from the MC3 Behavioral Health Conference in Marquette, Aug. 2024

The MC3 Behavioral Health Conference in Marquette, August 2024; Pictured in individual photos, L-R: Dr. Jessica Riggs, Dr. Nasuh Malas, and Dr. Prachi Shah

photo from MPCA conference in Kalamazoo, Sep. 2024

Kristen Roy and Jessica Jenkins at the Michigan Primary Care Association conference in Kalamazoo, September 2024

Jessica Jenkins at the Michigan Academy of American Pediatrics conference in Kalamazoo, September 2024

Carmen Harrison and Jessica Jenkins at the Black Maternal Health Equity Summit

Carmen Harrison and Jessica Jenkins at the Black Maternal Health Equity Summit in Lathrup Village, September 2024

Videos: MC3 medical directors explain the program

Video still of Dr. Sheila Marcus in the "What is MC3 Pediatrics?" video

Video: MC3 pediatric services

Video still of Dr. Maria Muzik in the "What is MC3 Perinatal?" video

Video: MC3 perinatal services

MC3 is part of the Michigan Medicine Department of Psychiatry and is funded by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) via general funds, Medicaid Administration funds, and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funds.

Michigan Medicine Department of Psychiatry logo