Seneca Past and Present 
September Newsletter
Issue #2018-09
September, 2018
Quick Links

We hope your fall is getting off to a great start.  Make sure you get involved with your alma mater.  Come to our next meeting on Tuesday, October 2, 6:00, in the Band/Orchestra Room.
Hall of Fame News

Are you looking forward to the 2018 Seneca Hall of Fame celebration? We are anxiously awaiting Saturday, October 20, 6:00pm. Please join us at the University of Louisville Alumni Club on the University of Louisville campus. There are a limited number of tickets available for $45 per ticket for dinner and the induction ceremony program afterward. You can purchase tickets by sending a check to our address, PO Box 20856 Louisville, KY 40250-0856, with 'Hall of Fame' on the memo line.  Or you can purchase through Paypal. Make sure you note the names of attendees so that seating can be arranged. We look forward to celebrating this year's well-deserving recipients!
Reunion Information

Class of 1966  - 70th Birthday Party! -  Our birthday party plans have been set. On October 6 the evening gathering for all will be at Owl Creek Lodge. There we will have a catered casual meal and birthday cake. Earlier in the day we will have a guided tour of our alma mater, and after that the ladies will have a luncheon of their own. And the best part of all this is that the main event is free to the 1966 graduate!  

Contact the committee at   We're expecting a great turnout. Committee:  Stan Humphrey, Rick Thomas, Kathy Stammerman, Diane Kurtz, Pam Fackler.

Class of 1978 -  It's time to order tickets!! Class of 1978 40th reunion, 1st weekend in November! Go to the website below and get ALL of the information on our Forty Year Reunion! Buy your Tickets Now! You can even order a Lonesome Polecat Seneca T-shirt (red with gold Lonesome) as pictured at the bottom of the page on the website under Tickets. Please pass this information along to our class mates and friends from Central! Tell our Teachers too!  Check out all the details here!  Our reunion email address is if you have any questions.

Class of 1983 - The reunion is coming up the weekend of October 19-20.

Friday, October 19, 6:30pm - no RSVP required - social get-together @ Molly Malone's Irish Pub Mezzanine 3900 Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY 40207.  

Saturday there will be a tour of Seneca High School at 10:00am - no RSVP required.  At 5:30pm there will be a formal dinner and program at St. Michael Orthodox Church Parish Hall with graduates, teachers, administrators and "friends of 83".  

Contact Craig Garrison at or for more information.

Class of 2010  - This class is beginning to plan their 10-year reunion! Contact Spencer Scruggs at if you are interested in helping.
Volunteer Opportunity

Seneca's Principal Kim Morales recently made us aware of an opportunity to volunteer to mentor Seniors to help prepare them for life after high school.   Seneca is looking for volunteers for Senior Transition Ready Conferences.  If you commit to volunteering, you will meet with scholars one-on-one and discuss their plans for life after high school. Even if you could donate just one hour, that would be awesome!  The goal is that every Redhawk senior has a plan after they graduate in May 2019. No worries about what to say - you will be given a script to guide the conference.
If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up  HERE
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact counselor Jennifer Rullan:
2018 Holiday Craft Bazaar

Make plans now to attend the 2018 Holiday Craft Bazaar sponsored by the Seneca High School MCJROTC Booster Club at Seneca on Saturday, November 3, from 9am - 3pm.

If you are interested in participating as a vendor the application/payment deadline is October 15.  Cost is $50 for a 10x10 space.  Tables and electricity are available for additional cost.  

For additional questions, please feel free to contact Donna Schneidtmiller at or by phone at (502) 876-9133.
Seneca Forever,

Board of Directors

Seneca Past and Present