
the Breakwater

A newsletter from the Prince William Sound Science Center

September 8, 2021

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Featured photo: Male sockeye in spawning phase with a humped back, sharp teeth, and hooked jaw (kype). Photo by Pete Rand.

Mark your calendars for our

Fall Online Auction: October 17-21, 2021

Start your holiday shopping early or treat yourself while supporting the World's Richest Waters. There will be an assortment of Alaska-made jewelry, art, apparel, tasty treats, and more! If you are interested in donating something to the auction, contact Signe.

Opens Sunday, October 17, 12:00 p.m.

Closes Thursday, October 21, 6:00 p.m.


Education - Fall Lineup

The education team is excited to be "Back to School" with a full array of activities. Last week we helped lead the 5th and 6th grade "Welcome Week" where we completed team-building challenges, tested our knowledge, learned all about graphing, and built shelters out of found materials. What a way to start the school year!

We are continuing last year's highly successful class, Introduction to Nature Journaling and Scientific Art, at the Cordova Jr./Sr. High School; planning new and exciting lessons for our ever-popular Discovery Room program at Mt. Eccles Elementary School; gearing up to start practices with the National Ocean Sciences Bowl team; and starting a new Homework Club for 7th and 8th graders.

Cordova Fungus Festival is this upcoming weekend and we have installed a "choose your own adventure" Scavenger Hunt for families to enjoy on a local trail. We will also be co-hosting a Nature Journaling event with The Net Loft focused on drawing and painting mushrooms. Get more details and register for the entire festival here.

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If you have not had a chance to review our 2020 annual report, we invite you to read about what we accomplished over the past year.

The concept of “resilience” has always been at the heart of our mission; which we view as the ability to predict shocks to systems (when possible), avoid them or adapt when they happen, and continue to thrive. With no way to avoid COVID-19’s shock to our global system, it seems the theme of the past year -- here and everywhere -- has been adaptation. As more shocks will surely come our way, we are reminded that our mission remains more relevant than ever.

Welcome, Anni!

We are pleased to introduce Anni Siebenmorgen, our new Administrative Assistant. Originally from Portland, Oregon, Anni received an International Studies degree from Western Oregon University. She has worked in the travel industry for over 20 years, of which a portion of that time was spent living and working in New Zealand. Anni and her husband have recently relocated to Cordova and she is looking forward to exploring the area and being part of the Science Center team.

Arissa Pearson, our Administrative Assistant for the past three years, accepted a teaching position at Cordova High School. We will miss her enthusiasm and creative energy, but know those traits will take her far in the classroom!

Anni Siebenmorgen

Pets of PWSSC

Welcome to the Pegau Zoo.

PWSSC Human: Scott Pegau, Ph.D., Research Scientist & Program Manager

Age/Breed: All Mixed Breeds. Three dogs: Dally (11) and sisters Nagoon and Monk (4). Two cats: siblings Harley and Cassini (8). Plus several freshwater fish.

Favorite Activities: The dogs enjoy walks and treats. They love having Scott working from home because they get to go out for more quick runs around the yard during the day. Nagoon has a need for speed and wears out the others long before she is ready to slow down.

The fish look forward to the light going on in the morning because it means that they will be getting fed. We had to block access to the back of the fish tank because Harley enjoys fishing.

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The cats love to snuggle up with Dally, aka grandma dog (pictured above). She is extremely tolerant of the cats. Harley isn’t sure if he is a cat or dog but Cassini definitely is all cat. She accepts affection on her terms. Her favorite activity is interfering with whatever the humans are doing.


The Science Center is committed to understanding how one place on earth can maintain a reliable economy and natural environment for the long term. 


We need your help now more than ever. If you believe in our mission and care about what we do, please consider making a donation today. Every dollar helps us stay stable during these uncertain times.

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