Hello Learners Chess Parents and Friends!

Happy Fall Equinox and Rosh Hashanah!

We are off and running with our Fall 2017 School Chess Programs! Registration is now closed for most of our clubs, but a few still have openings and time to sign up.
We will be sending out more specific updates to our Fall 2017 chess program parents soon and regularly throughout the semester.
Welcome to all of you new to our organization!

This email is going out to our Program Offerings email list, as it's main purpose is to announce our Fall 2017 Single Day Chess Camps.

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Single Day Chess Camps,
Fall 2017
During school breaks like Fall Break and parent/teacher conference days, we run half day and fay long chess camps at our location just off Lomas and Washington in Albuquerque.

October Camps:
November Camps:
  • Sign up now and get our early bird discount!
  • Sign up 2 weeks early and pay $18/half day instead of $30 or $32/full day instead of $45!
  • 10% off for siblings and signing up for multiple days.
  • Before and After care and Lunch Hour (for half day campers) available!

We'll also have these camps available over the Winter Break. Stay tuned!
Learn and Practice!

A great way to learn the basics of chess is to go through these simple chess excercises at lichess.

A great way to practice recognizing important patterns and techniques is to go through these puzzles and exercises at lichess.

You can also create an account at lichess.org and practice chess against other people from around the world.
Thank you for staying engaged. Have a great weekend!

Coach Victor Lopez
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