Newsletter - November 22, 2024

Fall Conference Proved a Huge Success

More than 50 family physicians joined us in Ridgeland for MAFP's Fall Conference November 16, with 10 of those being our very own past presidents. The conference featured 5 amazing speakers for CME and an afternoon of KSA on Asthma led by Drs. John Mitchell, Lee Greer, and Emily Landrum. We even had one medical student in attendance, Jamison McComb, daughter of Dr. Dwight McComb, pictured below in the middle photo with Dr. David Lott. We have received great feedback from attendees, speakers, and exhibitors and are looking forward to seeing you all at Spring Conference in April! Make sure to save the dates (listed below) of our 2025 events so you don't miss out!

A first time exhibitor had this to say of the event, "Thank you once again for inviting me to such a fantastic event. I truly enjoyed every moment and came away with even more value than I had anticipated. The doctors were incredibly engaging, and your team’s warmth and hospitality made the experience all the more memorable. I hope to have the opportunity to attend future events."

Save These Dates for 2025

Pay Your Dues & Be Entered to Win

Who is ready to be our dues-day champ?! Pay your MAFP dues by December 31 and you'll be entered to win one of the following: a FREE registration to ANY 2025 MAFP event of your choice, an MAFP Sweatshirt, and a Family Medicine Strong Print! That's right--three chances to win! Don't miss your chance to treat yourself for the new year. Simply click the "pay now" button below, and let's get you on the winner's list!

The AAFP has begun sending notifications with information regarding renewing your 2025 membership including your dues invoice and payment options. Dues payment can be made online at AAFP QuickPay. The AAFP is still offering the Auto Installment Plan Option. This allows you to spread your annual dues payment over 12 months. There is a $15 convenience fee associated with the installment plan. The installment charges will occur on the 10th of each month. You will receive e-mail confirmation for the charges and can discontinue this service at any time by contacting the AAFP.

CME Re-election

If 2024 is your year for CME re-election, the MAFP is here to help! All Active members are required to report 150 CME credit over a 3-year lookback period. Remember to report the following:

  • Teaching of any health professionals – even your office staff! Claim up to 60 credits!
  • Any life support courses: ACLS, ATLS, BLS, etc.
  • Claim up to 25 Professional Enrichment credits for attending any medical meeting: medical staff meetings, hospital/clinic meetings, etc.

The MAFP values your membership. With you, family medicine is stronger! Please don’t hesitate to contact the MAFP office at 601.853.3302 with any questions. We are happy to help!

Pay Your Dues Now

Journals Are Hot Off the Press

& On Their Way to You

We have your journals hot off the press! Be on the lookout for our newest edition of The Mississippi Family Physician—these will be headed your way next week! 

A very heartfelt thank you goes to Dr. Stanley Hartness and Terresa Sullivan for their editorial help on this piece. This journal was three years in the making and is 56 pages full of great stories about our wonderful MAFP members!

Have a story idea for the next journal? Email your submission to Caley Dawkins at publicawareness@msafp.org for consideration. 

All I Want for Christmas is MAFP Swag!

The best gifts under the tree come from MAFP! Looking for a great gift option to put under the tree for your favorite physician or future physician? MAFP has a lot of great options from MAFP swag, to books, to our Family Medicine Strong prints! These have been such a hit that we've had to reprint them just in time for the holiday season.

Prints: $50

Images in Medicine by Dr. Lampton: $50

Una Voce by Dr. South: $25

Sweatshirts: $30

Hats: $30

Shirts: $18

*Shipping will apply applicable to your order.

To order yours, email Caley Dawkins at publicawareness@msafp.org.

Order Yours Today

Welcome New Members!

Welcome to all of our new members from the month of October! We are so excited to have you join MAFP and see all that we have to offer!

Bethan Biggers

Connor Bowman

Leah Brown

Karina Rodriguez Castillo

Jonathan Clark

Cameron Cloud

Katelyn Colon-Santiago

Nicholas Crasta

Malek Daghestani

Nora Daghestani

Mary Linton Davis

Neha Dhaliwal

Jeffrey Ellison

Jasmin Gill

Jeong Ho Jang

Benjamin Jones

Pooja Keriwala

May Khine

Aiden Leise

Bailey Wilson Lynch

Lindsey Meding

Kennedi Morgan

Brad A Murray, MD, BSN

Roya Nabavi

Kelsey Napper

Christian Olivur

Rohith Guduruvenkata Reddy, MD, MBBS

Ramsha Saad

Erin Schreck Goodman

Clifton Shane Scott, MD

Preeti Shukla

Sabrina Smith

Carolyn Spear

Henry Stanly

Keyona Sutton

William Sutton

Reena Tharn

Sarah Thomas

Emily Tomey

Hayden Tucker

Akshaya Vijayasankar

Mary Marshal Waller

Reagan Watson

Apply Today to Attend NCCL As A Delegate

Wednesday-Saturday, April 23-26, 2025 Kansas City, MO

What is the NCCL?

The NCCL is the AAFP's leadership development event that empowers a select group of change makers to catalyze positive change in family medicine. NCCL will inspire you to build on your leadership skills and create a lasting impact for current and future generations of family physicians.

NCCL constituencies include:

NCCL constituencies include: women, minorities, new physicians (in the first seven years of practice following residency), international medical graduates (IMG) from schools outside the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico, and LGBTQ+. The conference offers and opportunity for members to voice their individual and group perspectives.

Are you ready...

to develop skills to advocate for issues that are relevant to your constituency, your practice, your specialty, and your patients?

The MAFP is seeking physicians to represent our chapter and serve as delegates to the AAFP National Conference of Constituency Leaders and you have been identified as a great candidate for this.

This is a great opportunity for upcoming leaders who want to get involved in state and national levels, a great opportunity to network with family docs in other states, and a great opportunity to develop resolutions that shape AAFP policies. Delegates will be reimbursed for travel and accommodations for the meeting.

If you are interested in being a delegate for the MAFP in any of the above constituencies, please contact Caley Dawkins at publicawareness@msafp.org.

For More Information

MAFP Foundation Hosts Mississippi Family Medicine Residency Learning Network Meeting

One of the revisions from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) for family medicine residency programs is to participate in a learning network. The MAFP Foundation hosted a 2-hour meeting last week for the residency directors to being working toward this goal. Representatives from four residency programs—MSMERC, UMMC, EC-HealthNet, and Baptist Memorial Hospital-DeSoto—joined the Office of Mississippi Physicians Workforce (OMPW) to collaborate on enhancing resident scholarly opportunities, faculty development, and statewide resident engagement. This event strengthened collaboration among programs focused on advancing family medicine in Mississippi. We look forward to our continued work with all program directors and coordinators.

Employment Contracting Resources

Without a doubt, signing a physician employment contract is one of the most consequential decisions a family physician can make. It’s essential that physicians understand the terms of their contract and know how to negotiate to protect their interests and ensure their career success and well-being.

Fortunately, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) has tools and resources to help family physicians navigate the entire employment contracting experience—from choosing a knowledgeable lawyer to help review contract terms to negotiating key contract provisions, including your dues for Academy membership.

Some simple tips to get started include:

  • Physicians should seek out experts to fill knowledge gaps. Hiring legal and financial advisers who understand the physician’s needs and desires is fundamental to achieving a positive outcome. Knowing how to choose an experienced lawyer is a great place to start.
  • Preparation is the best strategy for successful contract negotiation. Physicians should review their proposed contract to identify the most important items to negotiate, as well as what to avoid. A member-exclusive checklist can help identify possible concerns.
  • There’s no substitute for the written word. Principal elements of a contract should be spelled out in writing. Whenever possible, physicians should avoid relying on an employer’s verbal assurances and promises.
  • Physicians need to decide what they can live with—and what they can’t. If an employer won’t negotiate on a contract provision that’s important to the physician, it may be time to walk away from the agreement.

Visit the AAFP’s updated Physician Employment Contracting webpage for more information about these and other resources.

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