The Epiphany School
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Letter From the Chair
Dear Friends & Families of The Epiphany School Foundation, 
Welcome back to a new school year here at Epiphany.  I am honored to have the chance to serve as your Epiphany Foundation Chairman and to follow in Patrick Williams' footsteps as we continue to strengthen The Epiphany School in New York City.   Our goal is to continue to enhance the educational experience by providing the funds outside of tuition for technology, professional development, extra-curricular programs and tuition assistance.
We have a lot of work ahead of us, but we have a great platform from which we'll build.  I'd like to give credit to our past board members: Jennifer Bradley, Claire Pezeu, Joanne Rodgers and Kristin Shea, and thank them for their dedication and support.  At the same time, I'd like to welcome our incoming board members:   Patrick Plunkett, Courtney Huang, Franciscus Diaba and Felix Sencion . They each bring unique backgrounds to the board and I'm looking forward to their participation.  I'd also like to welcome Lindsay Davis Carr, our new Assistant Director in the Development Office.  Lindsay is a great asset to us bringing excellent experience and knowledge from her past positions at other schools.  You'll have the opportunity to meet Lindsay and all of our board members throughout the year at our events and within our communications.  Lastly, I'm looking forward to working with Father Titus our, new pastor who is already dedicated to helping The Foundation at all levels.

As we prepare for a new year, I invite you to participate in the Foundation's activities. Our first event is the Walk
  on October 18, followed by our Hall of Fame event at the Yale Club on  Saturday, November 7 .  Looking further ahead, we have our year end Christmas Party which includes the Mercedes Car Raffle and our biggest event in March, the Spring Auction.  We'll close out the year with our Golf Outing in May. Details for all events will be available in the ongoing school communications as well as via our website: I encourage you to get involved.  The best way to know more about the school is by participating in our community events.
It has been an amazing start to the new school year. From the excitement my children have going to school the first few days, to the parent teacher night---to seeing the support of the foundation in action with the purchase of the interactive smart boards in all the classrooms--all culminating with a papal visit, we're well on our way to a great year.   I was fortunate to attend the Pope's Mass at Madison Square Garden and to see familiar faces from The Epiphany School in attendance. We have all made a great decision to send our children to Epiphany for a quality Catholic education.

Thank you and God Bless,
Kevin G. Greaney, KM

Meet The Epiphany School Foundation
Board of Trustees 

Foundation Spotlight on Mrs. Claire Rennell 
We're excited to introduce this new section of our newsletter that aims to spotlight an Epiphany parent, teacher or volunteer who has made an impact on The Epiphany School community.
For our first issue, we're profiling Mrs. Claire Rennell for her 20+ years of dedication to the Epiphany teaching staff. Mrs. Rennell began her career in 1994 as the Nursery school assistant when her youngest daughter started Pre-Kindergarten. She became the computer and writing teacher in 1995, and has taught in the Upper School at Epiphany ever since. In addition to technology and computer classes, she has taught Language Arts, Science and Spanish.
Mrs. Rennell and her husband, Howard, have two daughters-both Epiphany graduates. All grown, Elisabeth is an aerospace engineer and Dominique is attending graduate school pursuing a master's degree in social work. The most exciting event of her summer was welcoming her first grandchild, Kirsten, into the world in June.
A product of Catholic education hailing from Woodside, Queens, Mrs. Rennell attended Corpus Christi School, Dominican Academy and Fordham University where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in French. To further her education, she got her MBA degree from George Washington University. And, before starting her teaching career, she ran a French company that manufactured and sold professional chef's uniforms. 
Mrs. Rennell shared her fond sentiments of her time at Epiphany: "I have truly loved my years at Epiphany.  Watching the students grow & seeing them transform from preteens to high school freshmen is most rewarding."
As a computer teacher, she enjoys integrating technology into her lessons and activities. She is especially enjoying the new iPads and new touch screen TVs, the most recent project funded  by The Epiphany School Foundation. "There is a wealth of excellent apps out there and we are using them! The students are incredibly knowledgeable and creative. Whether it be filming a Spanish weather report, creating a multi-media presentation, a prezi, or a slide show, they have embraced this new world of education."
Returning from an eventful summer, Mrs. Rennell is looking forward to the new school year and all the new learning that will go along with it.

The Annual Fund
Make Your 2015-2016 Annual Fund Donation Today!

The Annual Fund is the key component for overall fundraising and success of the Foundation, and is considered a top priority.  The Annual Fund provides funding for many programs that benefit our children--over and above the cost of tuition.  This year that subsidy amounts to over $1,200 per student.  The Annual Fund runs from July 1, 2015 until June 30, 2016 and the goal is to have 100% of our families participate in this initiative.  Last year as a school, we had roughly 43% participation, with the average gift being about $950 from current parents.  We need your help to get both our participation rate and average gift higher!  Participation is a reflection of the strength of The Epiphany School community, and Annual Fund donations by our parents help to increase outside donor support.  Last year current parents generously donated about $200,000 to the Annual Fund.  Our goal this year is $220,000 from our parents.   With the importance of the Annual Fund, we know we can reach these goals because of the generosity of our Epiphany community. 
Donations can be made right here online, and make sure to click "Annual Fund" in the drop down window! Thank you so much in advance!

The 6th Annual Walk- October 18th
Get Ready for Epiphany's First
Fundraiser of the Year

Our 6th Annual Walk and Fall Festival is quickly approaching! We're looking forward to walking and celebrating with you on Sunday, October 18, 2015 , following the 10am Family Mass. Once again, we are joining with the Catholic Charities Feeding Our Neighbors Food Drive campaign  on a combined mission to strengthen the community while continuing to sustain excellence in Catholic education. Don't forget to bring in non-perishable goods to the school, collection boxes have been placed in every classroom.  All funds raised will make a direct impact on our school and all non-perishable food items collected will benefit our neighboring New Yorkers in need.

Please make sure to join us at the conclusion of the Walk for our Fall Festival! The festival will be held at the 22nd Street school location where we will have games, activities, food and refreshments available for kids and adults!
Register Here today!

For more information about registering for the Walk or any questions about volunteering and getting more involved, please contact Lindsay Davis Carr at 212-473-6158 or email.

We have some exciting incentives for fundraising and participation this year for BOTH the Upper School (Grades 4-8) and the Lower School (N-3): 
  • THE FIRST CLASS to reach 100% participation will receive a dress down day, movie, pizza and ice cream.
  • THE SECOND CLASS  to reach 100% participation will receive a dress down day and pizza.
  • THE THIRD CLASS to reach 100% participation will receive a dress down day.
  • The Top 7th grade fundraiser will receive 4 AMC movie passes.
  • For all 8th graders who register, Mr. Hayes will take you out to lunch!

Look where your class stacks up! 


Alumni Happenings 
Please join us on Saturday, November 7, 2015 from 6pm to 9pm at the Yale Club when we officially induct three new outstanding individuals into The Epiphany School Hall of Fame. This year we are privileged to add to the Hall of Fame's esteemed roster: Michael J. Tierney, '65, Founding Board Member of The Epiphany School Foundation; Mary Jane Maher Higgins, '80, Epiphany School Vice Principal and Educator; and Philip J. McManus, Esq., Founding Board Member of The Epiphany School Foundation. Come celebrate our wonderful school and these impressive people while catching up with old friends and keeping the Epiphany spirit alive! Tickets and journal ads can be purchased on line by clicking here.  Please RSVP by November 2, 2015. Hope to see you all there!
Volunteers Needed!

It's not just about the money! There are many different ways to support the Foundation and make a difference at Epiphany. Volunteering your time not only helps our events to run smoothly, it keeps Foundation costs down and more money flowing directly into school programs. You can choose to help work on one of our Foundation events! We will have lots of volunteer opportunities for the Walk, Hall of Fame event, Spring Auction, Golf Outing, or with day-to-day office activities such as stuffing envelopes, labeling, organizing, etc. Whether you can provide assistance for one event, one day, ongoing help, your time will be VERY MUCH appreciated and will have a direct impact on helping the Foundation support your children's education. Please contact us at 212-473-6158 or email to sign up to help or learn more about volunteering for the Foundation.


Double Your Donations! 
Matching Gifts


With the always expanding Epiphany School and searching more ways to make our students more competitive and obtain more opportunities, we want to get more bang from our bucks! When you are making donations to the Epiphany School Foundation for the Annual Fund, Walk, Golf Event or Spring Auction please check with Human Resources at your company to see if they have a Matching Gift Program. By filling out a Matching Gift form you can often double, even triple your donations! These Matching Gifts are easy to receive, and can go a long way.   If you have any questions about Matching Gifts, or would like to learn more, please contact the Foundation Office at 212-473-6158, or email at


The 1888 Society
Planned Giving

Love The Epiphany School forever, leave a bequest! Many people wonder about the mark they will leave on the world. Will the world be a better place because of our efforts? When you include a legacy in your estate plans for the benefit of The Epiphany School Foundation, you provide essential resources that will shape the future of The Epiphany School and ensure its strong tradition looking towards the future. When you create or revise your estate plan, we hope you will include The Epiphany School Foundation among your beneficiaries. If you know any alumni, friends of the school or anyone that might be interested, please let them know about the 1888 Society and to contact the Development Office. Please call John Link in the Development Office (212-473-6158) for more information.


Mark Your Calendar!

Below is a complete list of The Epiphany School Foundation sponsored events.  Check ongoing school communication and via our online quarterly newsletters for event details and how to get involved!

Sunday, October 18: 
6th Annual Walk
Saturday, November 7:
Hall of Fame at The Yale Club
Thursday, December 10:
Car Raffle/ Foundation Christmas Party at Parish Hall
Wednesday, March 16:
Spring Auction at TriBeCa Rooftop
Monday, May 16:
Golf Outing at Wykagyl Country Club 
All of us at The Epiphany School Foundation wish you and your family a great start to the school year!

In This Issue
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234 E 22nd St
New York, NY 10010