Fall Fit Challenge

September 6th-December 6th


What am I signing up for?

A change. Lots of us know the things we need to do to take care of ourselves but we often have a hard time doing them without accountability, camaraderie and encouragement. Would you like to join me, and hopefully dozens of others for our Fall Fit Challenge? Check it out below.

Why those daily goals?

People are often tell me they want to get leaner, feel/be more rested and have more energy. These habits will help make those a reality.

  1. Why drink 90+ ounces of water a day?

It lubricates your joints and makes movement easier. It helps you maintain a steady body temperature. It helps you digest your food and process waste. It replenishes your body after workouts so you don't get dehydrated. Water provides an energy boost. It improves your skin. It helps curb food cravings. There's more reasons. That seems like enough though right?

2.Why take 10,000-12,000 steps a day?

While the goal is to increase your steps per day (if you hover around 5,000, try to make it to 7,000 a day etc) there is a clear benefit to moving more. This goal helps promote weight loss. It helps improve your cognitive performance and helps creative thinking. It improves sleep. It improves blood pressure and stabilizes blood glucose. You are less of a risk for a heart attack and stroke. It reduces anxiety. 

3.Why workout 3 or more times a week?

Working out is good for your heart, body and mental health. High intensity and strength building workouts help promote weight loss, build muscle, increase strength, builds endurance and more. Working out helps regulate your mood and improves your brain function. If you already workout 3 times a week, add another day. You absolutely should have a rest day each week. Do not workout 7 days a week. You can walk lots, but high intensity workouts or weight training 6-7 days a week do not give your body proper time to rest and repair. Workout hard and often, but always build in a rest day or two. 

4.Why prioritize your sleep?

Sleep is essential for weight loss and overall health. Sleeping less than the recommended amount (depending on the person 6.5-9 hours is ideal a night) results in higher body weight. Lack of sleep affects two important hormones in your body (Leptin and Gherlin) and when lacking in sleep they affect your appetite, metabolism and moods. Sleeping longer/better helps your body recover from workouts. Sleep helps repair and restore your brain. There is no right time to go to bed and wake up, as everyone has their own rhythm, however prioritizing your sleep, preparing a restful environment and prioritizing longer sleep time will greatly increase your mood, ability to lose weight and you being way hotter and happier : )

5.Why lower your alcohol intake*?

I mean, you know this right? Alcohol affects your sleep, your mood, your weight, your interactions and a whole lot more. I am not saying you have to entirely cut out alcohol, but you should reduce your frequency as well as your amount. Even a little change in it will help. Your stomach lining will be less inflamed. Your empty calorie intake will decrease. Your sleep will dramatically improve. Often alcohol helps your fall asleep, but your quality of sleep is significantly worse. Less alcohol consumption means less sugar consumption, improved digestion, less dehydration and better metabolism. Alcohol is a depressant and slows you down in many areas. Make a manageable goal to cut your alcohol intake by 1/3 or 1/2 for this challlenge. If that doesn't feel like enough, cut it out entirely. *If you do not drink, but you have a food item or two that's particularly addictive and detrimental to you, consider giving that up or consuming less of it during this challenge.

6.Why try a new physical activity?

It is always good to try new things. It's also help to stretch outside of our comfort zone and routine. In addition to that, if you do the same workout over and over with the same sets and routines, your body isn't needing to learn new things and your muscle memory isn't being tested and it begins to get too easy. Trying a new physical activity might spark a new passion, or friendship or a different enthusiasm about movement. 

 Want to do this?  

1.Sign up here-  JOIN US

2.Check in here each week about how it's going for you. Share what's worked, what hasn't, how you feel about it. On Monday's Lisa will post an update on the page and you can reply below it with ideas, tips, confessions,  encouragement and shout



3.Do not expect perfection daily. Keep at it. Don't give up if not completing it perfectly. Consistency is the key.

You aren't alone! Let's take better care of our bodies in the next three months together and see how we feel at the end....we will probably design some cool t shirts and sweatshirts about it so you don't want to miss out on cool comfy clothes either right?