In-Person and Online Practice
Sundays and Wednesdays

Join us Sundays from 8 - 9 am and Wednesdays from 7 - 8 pm either in-person at the Center or via Zoom video conferencing for practice and teaching with Michael.

We are studying You Are the Eyes of the World, a dzogchen text by Longchenpa, during the Wednesday night group.

Click the Zoom Video Link below and enter the password to join our video conferences.

Password: 362919

Zoom Video Link

Dana (Generosity)

We are very fortunate to be generously supported by our sangha community. Nevertheless, we need to host fundraising drives twice a year. This helps make up for any shortfall from monthly donations throughout the year. 

Thank you for your financial support. Know that your kindness goes far beyond the walls of our Dharma Center. We pay it forward through our support of various charitable organizations, Michael’s volunteer teaching in the high schools and other venues, and all the intangible gifts we offer through Dharma activities in the greater community.

🙏🏼Much Love,

Michael and the Natural Mind Dharma Center board of directors

Please print support materials for the Sunday teachings on the Five Buddha Families from the links below:

Five Buddha Families
Five Buddhas Color

Fall Fundraiser

$6,000 Goal

We are launching our Fall Fundraiser to reach our financial goals for the year. We are blessed with a wonderful sangha and are grateful for your ongoing support!

Our Fall Fundraiser goes towards keeping and maintaining our physical location, continuing and enhancing our Zoom experience, maintaining our website, providing a stipend for Michael, supporting our lineage teachers, and more.

To make a donation click the link below:


Sustaining Mandala

Our Sustaining Mandala is our group of members who are part of our Automatic Contribution Program. Your monthly contribution sustains our Center throughout the year. We invite you to join!

You can print out the form from the link below to pay with your checking account or you can set up a recurring donation with PayPal by clicking on the Donate button above.

Auto Contribution Form

"Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression.

We experience joy in forming the intention to be generous.

We experience joy in the actual act of giving something.

And we experience joy in remembering the fact that we have given."

-Buddha Shakyamuni

Dharma Journal Posts

The Bardo of Illness

Having recovered from a rather brutal experience with that rascal Covid, the world is somehow different. Everything seems more vibrant, alive. I realize this is just a symptom of moving through a bardo, an...

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Natural Mind Dharma Center | [email protected]rg