Welcome, Autumn! We have so much news to share.
Read on!
Report Released: Three Town Sea Level Rise Assessment
The Tides, Taxes, and New Tactics final report summarizes the results of sea level rise vulnerability assessments for Kennebunk, Wells, and York.
+ presents maps showing impacts from different levels of sea level rise
+ provides an overview of coastal flood hazards facing southern Maine
+ presents a range of adaptation and resilience strategies
While the assessment results are specific to the three participating towns, the adaptation strategies are transferable to any coastal municipality.
Regional Coastal Resilience Planning Project - Kick Off Meeting and Upcoming Workshop
Maine's first regional coastal resilience plan for Southern Maine is underway!
"Climate Ready Coast - Southern Maine" is a two-year regional project led by SMPDC which includes the state’s 10 southernmost communities, from Kittery to Scarborough.
Upcoming Workshop: Wednesday October 27, 10am-12pm
$10,000 Forgivable Loans for Small Businesses
SMPDC has announced a new funding source for businesses in the wake of the pandemic.
The program provides up to $10,000 forgivable loans to low-to-moderate income, small businesses (5 or fewer employees) looking to start or grow their business.
Visit our website for eligibility information, and how to apply!
New Ordinance Tools for Towns
Road Design Standards: Model Ordinance
SMPDC and its partners at Maine Dept. of Transportation (DOT) have drafted a Model Road Design Standards ordinance for Maine municipalities. The ordinance incorporates Low Impact Development and sustainable design standards to improve stormwater management and to promote other sustainability priorities. The model ordinance may be adapted and adopted as part of a Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, or as a standalone ordinance. The accompanying guide provides an overview of the ordinance sections. The Model Road Design Standards ordinance and guide are available on the SMPDC Sustainable Transportation webpage. For more information, please contact Eric Sanderson, SMPDC’s Transportation and Land Use Planner at esanderson@smpdc.org.
EV Infrastructure Zoning and Ordinance Guide
Regional Progress in Comprehensive Planning
Several towns are working with our planners to receive a range of comprehensive planning support, including:
- facilitating meetings
- writing inventory chapters
- data collection and
- GIS mapping
Collecting Ideas for Local Projects: Heads Up!
As the federal and state government continue to roll out new recovery funding and programs, we are doing our best to keep track of what towns are prioritizing.
SMPDC is compiling a list of community projects, ranging from “pie-in-the-sky” ideas to shovel ready, to better understand each town's needs and hopes. Through this process, we hope to connect towns to funding resources, and facilitate collaboration where a regional approach is appropriate.
Please be on the lookout for a request for your town’s list of possible community projects, and be thinking about the possible transportation, economic development, climate resiliency, or other projects that your town is planning for or dreaming about.
Community Food Waste Solutions: Webinar
This month, SMPDC welcomed Susanne Lee, Faculty Fellow at the Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions, for Beyond The Bin: Maine’s Big Six Solutions to Reducing Food Waste.
The webinar addressed municipalities and members of the public interested in finding community solutions to food waste and more sustainable solid waste management.
Kittery, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard JLUS Update
The Kittery & PNS Joint Land Use Study Implementation project has developed detailed potential solutions for transportation, housing, and communications challenges.
ARPA Funds for Municipalities Now Available
For support, municipalities should contact 888-804-2544 or Maine.ARPAsupport@hornellp.com. SMPDC is available to help answer questions to direct you to the right resources.
Paul Schumacher Chair of Rail Advisory Council
SMPDC Executive Director, Paul Schumacher, was recently named Chair of the new Mountain Division Rail Corridor Use Advisory Council.
SMPDC has historically been involved with the development of the existing sections of the Mountain Division Rail Trail, and this council will review and make recommendations for future use of the rail line.
Welcome Our New Finance Director!
Randall Davis joined SMPDC this August, as the organization's first Finance Director.
This newly created position will be key to our continued success moving forward.
Welcome, Randy!
Community Broadband Start-Up and Planning Grants: Start-Up grants are intended to prepare communities for planning for the expansion of broadband service, including needs assessments, inventory of infrastructure, gap analysis or other identification of needs. Planning grants should get communities ready to pursue future opportunities for broadband expansion, by committing to firm milestones to expand broadband in a way that reflects the community’s vision and goals.
Provider Expansion Projects and Community-Driven Broadband Projects: Funded projects are intended to support investments in expanding the availability of broadband service. Currently, preference is given to projects that propose the greatest relative improvement to existing internet service in unserved areas only.
Dept. of Environmental Protection's competitive grant program that matches local funding for the upgrade of municipal culverts at stream crossings to cost-effectively improve fish and wildlife habitats, reduce flooding, and increase community safety. 2021 applications due November 19, 2021.
Assists federal, state and local governments in the acquisition and/or development of public outdoor recreation facilities. The 2022 application period opened on June 1, 2021.
Remember to follow us on social media for more frequent news and updates, or reach out to learn more!
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