Fall Newsletter
Welcome Back to A New School Year
I imagine many of you have had to write professional goals by now for your evaluation process. I would like to challenge you to write for yourself a School Nurse advocacy goal and share it with OASN members. Details on how to share will be sent out soon. We will be sharing our goals and progress on the OASN community within NASN’s School Nurse Net.
Check out the Advocacy Skill Building page where you can get ideas on ways to tell your story or build relationships with stakeholders. Resources are also on this page.

With the gracious support of my co-workers I am learning to present myself as a strong professional nurse. Frequently when someone makes a positive comment on an action I have done in my role as a school nurse, I tend to not own it and not thank them. As a group, we are encouraging each other and when one of us responds shyly to a recognition the response to that nurse has been….”say Thanks” and own that you do have those skills or made a critical nursing decision correctly. We can start to practice having a voice in very simple steps.

As your OASN president, my advocacy goal will be to reach out to at least 2 elected officials this school year to meet and share the NASN flyer: School Nurse One Title, Many Vital Roles.

The challenge is on, your turn……

Debra Stoner, MSN, RN,LSN,NCSN
OASN President 
Where Oh Where are the Documents
OASN’s website is now a microsite of NASN. The benefit for us is no hosting fees, free support, and library space to easily up load documents. On our website, you will need to log in as you do for the NASN website. Once log in is complete, go to the “OASN Community” tab. Check out the discussion group, library or post a message/question. 

Board of Director Meetings

The Board of Directors meet quarterly and guests or observers may attend and speak at these meetings. As an OASN member, these meetings are an opportunity for you to see your organization at work. If you wish to add something to the agenda, please contact the president a minimum of 24 hours in advance.  Reports of meetings are posted in the library for the OASN Community.

Meeting Schedule:
September 30 at 9am to 3pm located at 4000 E Main St, Whitehall, OH 43213
January 27, 2018 at 9am
March 8, 2018 (Thursday evening prior to annual conference)

The executive board meets monthly on a conference call. If you wish to be placed on the agenda for one of these meetings, you will need to contact the president at minimum of 24 hours prior to the meeting. This is the currently schedule; however, it is subject to change: Oct 4, Nov1 , Dec 6, Jan 10, Feb 7, April 4,

NASN Legislative Update

Children’ Health Insurance Program (CHIP) five-year extension should be presented and pass in congress in the next few months.

 NASN Signed on to three letters:
  • Two letters supporting CHIP for a 5-year extension- one with the Medicaid in Schools Coalition and one with the AFT (American Federation of Teachers)
  • National Association of School Psychologist about concerns about suicide series and requested that in the second season some safeguards put into place such as contact a trusted adult

2018 OASN Annual Conference
Taking Flight: School Nurses Navigating Student Health and Academic Success
March 9,10,11
at the Marriott University of Dayton