Dear Gardening Friend,
Fall is an excellent time to grow fresh salads and vegetables in your GrowBoxes. With the cooler weather and little chance of a heat wave or surprise frost, many crops are easier to grow and tastier than spring vegetables.
Summer days are waning, but for gardeners in USDA zone 7, that doesn’t have to mean the last of the fresh garden produce. Okay, you may have seen the last of the garden tomatoes, but there are still plenty of veggies suited for zone 7 fall planting. Planting fall gardens extends the gardening season so you can continue to use your own fresh produce. The following fall garden guide for zone 7 discusses fall planting times and crop options in zone 7.
Best Vegetables to Grown in a Fall Garden by Zone
Here's How to Re-Plant your GrowBoxes this Fall  
If you want to replant for a new fall season here is a step by step on how to replant. You can even reuse the same soil!
  1. USE THE SAME SOIL. Your potting mix gets better and better every year. There's no need to replace it. Discard the old Nutrient Patch and mix up the top 5 inches of soil with t he remaining fertilizer.
  2. PULL OR CUT OFF THE OLD PLANTS JUST BELOW THE SOIL. They'll decompose and add organic nutrients to you soil.
  3. ADD OUR DOLOMITE TO THE SOIL. Dolomite "sweetens" the soil for healthier crops. Mix it in with the top 5 inches of your potting mix.
  4. USE A FRESH NUTRIENT PATCH. Your old Nutrient Patch is totally spent. Even though there's some granular remains on top of the potting mix, your plants have gobbled-up what they needed to thrive. A fresh Nutrient Patch for every planting is the only way to guarantee another bumper harvest.

We're shipping fresh Nutrient Patch's and Dolomite kits right now for your Fall garden. 
Order yours now for quick delivery. 
Feed Your Plants Properly!
Why Use Genuine GrowBox™ Nutrient Patch™ Fertilizer?
Because it works the best - period. No other fertilizer is formulated just for container gardens like yours. No other fertilizer is specially blended to give your plants exactly what they want, when they need it.

GrowBox™ Nutrient Patches™ provide unlimited nutrients for an entire season with just one application. Plus we've eliminated (99.5%) of the plant-damaging salts found in most other fertilizers. Organic Nutrient Patches™ are available now too! Don't take chances with low-quality "blue water" fertilizers-use the best to insure your easy growing success.
Black Spots on Your Tomatoes or Peppers?
How To Avoid Those Black Spots!
Most Potting Mixes are formulated using Sphagmum Peat moss. Sphagnum is naturally very acidic, with a pH of 3.5-4.5. (High acidity means the same as low pH.) which causes the nutrients to be "locked" into the mix and unavailable to your plants.Tomato and Pepper plants prefer a pH of 6.0 to 6.8.

If you saw black spots on the bottom of your tomatoes or peppers last springthey most likely had blossom end rot because your plant wasn't able to get the calcium it needed.  

We now have Organic Soil Sweetener and Blossom End Rot Block.

 Our Dolomite affects the pH and "sweetens" the potting mix and allows your plants to get all the nutrients they need - and packs a whopping punch of calcium for tomatoes. Best of all, it's not just for Tomatoes, and Peppers, all of your vegetables will benefit from the correct pH level. 
Staking and Plant Support Cages

One of the most innovative plant support systems in history, our Support Cages connect right to your GrowBox™ and can be added at any stage of your plants life. Unlike stakes that go in the ground, our Support Cage can be moved right along with your GrowBox™ if you need to chase the sun around your yard. Click here to see how we've improved the design and how easy they are to use and place your order.
Mosquito Relief!

Don't wait for mosquitoes to attack you this summer!

Here's an affordable solution to mosquitoes that's easy and lasts all season long. Our Organic Mosquito Dunks® automatically knock-out new mosquitoes before they're born and get a chance to annoy you. Simply toss a piece anywhere water accumulates and you're protected for 30 days. Click here for more info.

Mosquito Dunks® are a Registered trademark of Summit Chemical Co.

Your GrowBox™ Garden Deserves Star Attention!

Guess who the Farmer's Almanac contacted when they wanted to write about growing strawberries in containers? The GrowBox™ and our customer's pictures!

Summer is here and your GrowBox™ gardens should be getting started with all sorts of vegetables, salads, herbs, and flowers. Grab your smart phone and make your GrowBox™ garden a star! 

Imagine your GrowBox™ garden being featured on Good Morning America, The Wall Street Journal, Organic Gardening Magazine, MSNBC or QVC! These are just some of the places your fellow gardener's pictures have appeared.
Announcing The 16th Annual
GrowBox™ Photo Contest!  
Send In Your Pictures To Win FREE GrowBoxes™ & More!

Every season, we select 25+ of the best GrowBox™ photos and award our winners FREE GrowBoxes™ and other valuable merchandise like our Support Cages. 

It's so easy to win!
(see below "How to Enter the 16th Annual GrowBox™ Photo Contest")

Send in as many photos as often as you'd like and increase your chances of being a winner!
All submissions become the property of The Garden Patch™ and may be used in any manner. 
How to Enter the 16th Annual
GrowBox™ Photo Contest
There are 3 ways you can enter
the GrowBox™ Photo Contest this year.

Email. Email us your photos directly at Be sure to tell us a little about your GrowBox™ experience and include your first and last name.

Contest Form. Simply fill out the contest entry form at
You can even submit your entries directly from your tablets and smartphones…

Facebook*. You can send via Facebook Messenger or simply post to your Facebook page and tag “GrowBox by the Garden Patch”.

*If you need help tagging on Facebook, here’s how:

Be sure to ‘like’ the GrowBox™ page, too!

We review every entry we receive!
Don’t forget to include descriptions, we love reading these!
Every Week A Photo Contest Winner!
In addition to our 25 contest winners, every week from now through September we're giving away cool prizes for our favorite weekly submission.
That's right you have a chance of winning every week! 

Just snap a picture and email it to us. If you win, you'll receive a Natural Wooden Butterfly & Beneficial Bug Habitat* AND a pair of Teflon-coated stainless steel ergonomic-grip professional gardening shears!*- a set of precision shears for all your cutting, trimming, and pruning everything that grows from your GrowBox!
(*Gift item may vary depending on availability of product)
  • Show the actual planter with your productive plants
  • Include people, pets or both in your pictures
  • Show us before and after shots as your plants thrive.
  • Show us some unusual places you're growing your GrowBoxes™
  • Show us side by side comparisons of your GrowBoxes™

Shoot and send lots of pictures!
There's no limit as to how many you can submit!