
Did anyone else notice a marked change in weather on the fall equinox last week? All of the sudden the trees were changing color and the air temp was cooler. This summer Becca and I started plunging in the bay several times a week for all of the benefits cold therapy offers. And last week, we noticed the water temp also took a turn. Maybe we didn't plunge as long, but it still felt really great. We'll see how long we can keep it up

Something that hasn't changed is the upward trend of interest rates. The info graph below shows how those growing rates have affected the housing market compared to last September. My take is that unless people -have to- make a move, they are staying put to keep their low interest rates.

I celebrate my 21st year in real estate this month. I am grateful for all of the amazing folks I've met and worked with through the years! Always feel free to contact me - I'm here for you.