Fall Racing - Head of the Saskatchewan

It has been an amazing summer of rowing in Saskatchewan. Our clubs have seen record membership numbers and lots of interest in our local Come and Try days. Provincially, we offered several Come and Try its from Swift Current to Lloydminster and at provincial parks across the province. As we head into fall, we will continue our outreach through our school indoor training programs and virtual indoor training league.

But we still have more fun on the water, and since it has been more than 18 months since crews have been able to compete in any form, we are all looking forward to the Head of the Sask. September 11th, the Saskatoon Rowing Club will host rowers from across the prairies to this first sanctioned regatta of the Year. We look forward to seeing all of our rowing friends at the Head of the Sask.

Keep up to date with all our latest events and other exciting news at under WHAT's NEW and follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Sunday September 12, 2021

With such a long gap since our last regatta, we are offering all Level 2 Umpires this free refresher course. This is also open to the Level 1 Umpires who may be interested in the next level of training, but who may not have achieved the necessary regatta experience yet.

Umpire (Level 2 – Licensed): an Associate Umpire who has attained the age of 18 years, has completed the Level 2 practical training requirements, and passed the written and practical exam.
  • Candidates who pass the exam are issued an RCA Umpire’s License.
  • To maintain their Umpire License, as per the RCA Policy on Umpire Licensing, an Umpire must:
  • Register annually with RCA and the PRA in which they live and normally umpire, be active at the local and/or provincial level in the previous year, and
  • Be evaluated at three of five stations over every three-year period block (as specified in the RCA Umpires Evaluation Policy) and attend an umpire seminar once every three years. The stations include Start, Judge at the Start, Race Umpire, Control Commission and Finish Judge.

Date: September 12, 2021
Location: Saskatoon, SK
Time: 8am-12 noon
Facilitator: Errol Bosman

For more information or to register, please email Nicole at
Learn to Row - Online Coach Training
Mondays September 22 & 29, 2021
SRA is hosting the LTR virtual coach training via Zoom.

Wednesday, September 22 - 5:45pm to 10:00pm
Wednesday, September 29 - 5:45pm to 9:45pm

This training is ideal for anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge of rowing principles and/or are interested in supporting their club or community to develop on water rowing. 

Facilitators: Garett Mathiason & Amelie Schumacher

Training Modules
1. RCA and the NCCP Overview Module
2. Safety, Risk Management and the EAP Module
3. Analyze Performance – Technique Module
4. Lesson Planning and Structure Module
5. Communications, Teaching and Learning Module
6. Rigging Module
7. Coach Boat Safety and Skills  

1. Create an account and register with RCA as a coach (
2. Register in “The Locker” (
3. Obtain/verify Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) and provide to your Provincial Rowing Association

E-Learning Pre-Requisites
1. Complete NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport eLearning Module
2. Complete RCA Rowing Essentials eLearning Module

Cost: $50 to be paid by etransfer to (Sask residents)
Out of Province - $150 to be paid by etransfer to
Adaptive Rowing for All
Would you like to try a new sport? Interested in getting fit and having fun?

Come and try our PARA rowing indoor program with in person training in Regina and Saskatoon or virtual training from your own home. This program is open to anyone who may identify within the following classifications:

  • PR1, rowers with minimal or no trunk function who primarily propel the rowing machine through arm and shoulder function;
  • PR2, rowers that have functional use of arms and trunk but have weakness/absence of leg function to slide the seat;
  • PR3, rowers with residual function in the legs which allows them to slide the seat. This class also includes athletes with vision impairment.

September 22-December 8th, 2021
Wednesdays 6-7pm
  • 6 week option $80
  • 12 week option $150

If cost is a barrier, please reach out to us. To find out more about this program, and to register please email

Special thanks to Sask Lotteries for their support of this program through the Adaptive Sport Club Development Grant.
On behalf of the entire Board and staff of Saskatchewan Rowing, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to Curtis Brunner and Brunner's Construction for the use of their truck for all of our summer development activity out of the Saskatoon & northern regions.

Due to COVID, the province experienced a shortage of trucks which in turn affected our capacity to rent trucks for all of our out of town development programs. We are extremely thankful that Curtis stepped in and offered the use of this truck for the summer.

We want to hear from you. Give us your feedback on the newsletter, suggest information you would like to see more of and help us get you what you need!

Saskatchewan Rowing | (306)244-7697 ||