The Spirited Woman
FALL is a time of great transition and change. Our Top 12 Pick List is filled with women visionaries who will help to inspire you. We urge you to support these spirited women. Save this list! A great resource tool for you all year round.
KATH ROBERTS - As an intuitive, color therapist, creator and certified coach, I use color to help others reconnect with their true nature. Color bypasses the conscious mind - getting to the root of patterns that keep us stuck. The Color Mirrors oils literally reflect back to us our blocks. I offer a free quiz and 4-part video series as a starter at  

SHARON EDEN M.A. - THE WILD ELDER - Psychotherapist-Alchemist-Guide inspires women who don't want to die with a wasted life to manifest what they desire in a no-bullshit way! No more feeling unsatisfied, something's missing or disconnected. Be soul and divine feminine aligned, confident, powerful and embodying love. A woman of worth creating your life for your own and the greater good.

SUE BROOME - is a gifted, intuitive healer and spiritual guide who works with Angels and the Divine. Her kind, gentle and compassionate way of connecting with others allows for a safe and healing energy that can help create amazing and lasting transformations in one's self. Products and virtual services available, including her latest deck - Angels Are Everywhere.
HEALING WITH THE BLUES - With 30 years of healing experience in massage, chiropractic and energy healing,  Dr. Tanya English has been inspired by the idea that we are born with power to heal. She uses blues music to safely access buried emotions, release them and empower our clients to freedom, centered-ness and calm. You can access her through her website

ARE YOU LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE? As a Health Coach and Award-Winning Author, Katherine Egan's passion is to spread hope. Health is so much more than your genes. Katherine helps you understand how your lifestyle, diet, stress, and more impact your overall well-being. Her unique take on epigenetics can help you rediscover a path for your best life.
JAN MALLOCH - FITNESS COACH.  Jan helps women over 60 to be more physically active to help them enjoy a great quality of life.  Whether they are frail and would benefit from seated exercise, or are fitter and would benefit from a Personal Training program, then Jan can support them to be more independently active.

KATHLEEN MAVITY, MBA - Author.  Consultant.  As-needed butt kicker. Kathleen spent the first decades of life learning really unhelpful lessons, and the years after unlearning them.  Inspired by her mission of creating "Aha!" moments for women, she shows her clients how to release self-sabotage so they can fully claim their fabulousness. Kathleen is the author of nearly a dozen Kindle "short reads."

RONJA IS A LIFE AND BUSINESS COACH & QUEEN OF JOY - Her ultimate goal is to make this world more joyful, playful & colorful. With her zest for life and passion to change the world, Ronja has a unique talent for inspiring and encouraging all those around her, to create joy every day. Life could be short, so let's enjoy every day!
KAREN ANN BULLUCK - Certified Professional Coach, Writer and Speaker. I left a successful corporate career to help women find freedom and joy, even in the workplace. I will help you break out of conformity, tear down boxes, and expand into all of life's possibilities so that you can live & work in integrity with your divine inner wisdom.

MARIA RUSSO is an award-winning author and psychotherapist specializing in childhood trauma and the addictions that are often a result.  She inspires people to awaken to possibilities for growth and a deeper spirituality on their path to wholeness and well-being. Maria facilitates the regeneration of the human spirit by tapping into the innate goodness and beauty she believes is within everyone.
DEBRA SOUTHWORTH, RMT aka #Divinely Debra - is a multi-modality Energy Healer, Teacher and Spiritual Alchemist who has recently launched her personal healing modality, #PEAR. (Parasitic Energy Attachment Release) Debra integrates wisdom from many energetic healing modalities, along with information received/downloaded directly from Spirit, offering her clients TRULY transformational, multi-level healing/clearings, so they may shine as their authentic, sovereign selves.

CATHERINE EWING, LCSW, MDiv, FOUNDER OF SACRED HEART ALCHEMY - is a Transformational Coach, spiritually focused psychotherapist and Emotional Freedom Catalyst. An expert in trauma and loss, Catherine blends science, metaphysics and spirituality to facilitate deep healing, awakening and transformation for her clients to help them heal their core wounds, shed their limiting beliefs and expand into their Soul's highest calling.
Every woman on this pick list has made a difference for women. If you would like to be featured or recommend another Spirited Woman for our next list, call Nancy @ 805-698-3555 or Our Top 12 Pick List logo is a symbol of recognition for inspiring and supporting other women.