Fall Update from Green Hedges School
September 16, 2021
Dear Green Hedges Neighbors,

We hope this email finds you well. Green Hedges School would like to send you, our neighbors, periodic updates on campus happenings and upcoming events that might be of interest to you. We value our partnership with you and hope that you find the below information helpful. The School will plan to send you updates every two months or so. We wish all of you a happy fall!

Upcoming School Events 
DragonFest, our outdoor fall festival, will take place on October 2 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. on the Green Hedges School campus. Open this year only to our families, we will encourage those who attend to wear masks when they cannot maintain physical distancing. Parking will be off-campus and we plan to end at 2 p.m.

School Updates
We are currently working with Michael's Lawn Service and a landscape designer from Meadowlark Botanical Gardens to improve the appearance of our Science and Native Garden. We have heard your feedback and are working to create a space that is inviting, aesthetically pleasing, and educational. We will provide you with an update on our progress in our next newsletter.

Neighbor Meeting this Winter
The School will plan to hold a Zoom meeting with our neighbors this Winter. Please look for an invitation from us. This will be an opportunity to check-in and to ask any questions you have of the Head of School and Administration.

Please reply to communications@greenhedges.org if you have any questions. If you would prefer not to receive updates from Green Hedges School, please click on the unsubscribe link below. Thank you!
We inspire young people of talent and promise to develop clear values, a desire for wisdom, and an appreciation for all endeavors which broaden the mind and enlighten the spirit.

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