Hanukkah Gift Program

As we approach the Hanukkah season, we want to ensure that all families can celebrate the holiday with dignity. At JFS we value the happiness and well-being of children in our community, and we are honored to be able to assist families in their gift giving. Families choose gifts that they know their children would want or need and our generous volunteers buy gifts for the families anonymously.

If you find yourself struggling to buy gifts this year, please contact us discreetly at (615) 354-1672.
Jacob's Ladder

We’ll climb the ladder to help with the chores that are just out of reach.

The Jacob’s Ladder Program pairs volunteers with seniors who might need assistance with small tasks that require the use of a ladder such as replacing batteries in smoke detectors, changing light bulbs, and setting clocks.

This program is especially useful during Daylight Savings Time, which is coming up on November 6.

If you are interested in learning more about this program as either a volunteer or recipient please call or email Jamie Maresca at 615-345-1686
Items That Tell a Story

At JFS, some of our most used “office supplies” actually tell a story about the work we do to assist our clients.

We’ve gathered some of these items to help you better understand some of our programs. These are items we use frequently at JFS – in some cases every day. Visit this page on our website and click each item to learn more about how they’re used and why they’re a key part of the work we do. If you would like to learn more about them, please reach out to our staff at 615-356-4234.
JFS Open House Recap
Our Open House last month was a huge success! We were so happy to connect with community members and give people an inside look into our programs and services. Thank you so much to everyone who attended and supported JFS.
Make an Impact with our Giving Campaign
Since our founding in 1853, the generous support of our community has made the work of Jewish Family Service possible. Your contribution to our mission is part of a generations-long tradition that makes a world of difference today for individuals and families in their most vulnerable moments. Click here to learn more about ways to give or call us today at 615-354-1644.