This week's Hot Topic is all about Buy Nothing Day! Initially started in Vancouver and now celebrated worldwide, Buy Nothing Day focuses on the role of consumerism in our lives and the importance of being conscious about what we buy. Many environmental, social, and ethical consequences come with the issue of overconsumption, which affects climate change. Although there has been less car and air travel during Covid 19, single-use plastics and over packaging due to online purchases have increased considerably. The spread of single-use plastic around the world is accelerating climate change and should be stopped. Plastic production contributes to greenhouse gas emissions at every stage of production and increases waste in landfills. By reducing our collective carbon footprint, consuming less and conserving our natural resources, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and preserve our resources for future generations.
The motivation behind Buy Nothing Day is SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production that ensures sustainable consumption and production patterns. Buy Nothing Day allows us to reflect on our choices and make changes towards a new lifestyle. Shop and eat locally; supporting neighbourhood businesses keeps people employed and circulates money back into your community.
The activities below will introduce students to important sustainability concepts such as examining our needs vs. wants, overconsumption, and the impact our purchases can have on the environment and climate change!