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Fall/Winter 2020

We are in an era of change and uncertainty unseen in many generations. The Coronavirus pandemic continues, seemingly with no end in sight. The impact of climate change is now being experienced worldwide, along with great social upheaval. And yet, there is hope. Great change also brings immense opportunity. We are not alone. Shamans throughout the ages have known how to access the wisdom, healing, and power of the compassionate spirits to help us find a true path forward.
You are a participant in an authentic shamanic legacy and a thriving and enthusiastic shamanic community. Even in these times of restricted social contact, there are myriad ways to stay connected and move forward in our ongoing search for healing, balance, and wisdom. In this newsletter you will find updates about new online workshop offerings, FSS membership benefits for 2020-21, Foundation news, and more to support and inspire you.
Together in spirit,    
Your friends at the Foundation 

The FSS is now offering several online training opportunities, as well as free online community meetings with FSS faculty. FSS trainings available now focus on content that offers powerful and effective methods to gain and apply wisdom from the spirits to resolve persistent problems facing humanity, our precious Earth, and its inhabitants.

COMING SOON: Shamanic Healing Series Online Program
Beginning in the Fall 2020, FSS will offer a series of shamanic healing workshops online. The series will consist of the primary shamanic healing methods, with supporting workshops in healing-related topics to provide depth and increase participants' effectiveness in the methodologies.
New! Shamanism for Inspired Local & Global Change
This workshop offers practical methods to gain and apply wisdom from the spirits to resolve persistent problems facing humanity, our precious Earth, and its inhabitants. 
  • Practice applying shamanic divination/journeying methods to the problem-solving process
  • Use shamanic divination to gain insight into real-world issues you care about
  • Look at some of the personal benefits of spirit-inspired community action
The Shamanic Journey: Pathway to Knowledge & Power
The shamanic journey is a remarkable visionary method for entering into another reality with discipline and purpose. Using classic drumming techniques to alter consciousness, participants will be introduced to the shamanic journey to awaken one's soul and dormant spiritual power. Prerequisite training for other FSS online workshops.
Information and schedule of offerings 
Shamanic Divination in Practice
The skilled practice of shamanic divination, the process of consulting the spirits for knowledge, is an essential aspect of shamanic healing and of bringing the wisdom of the helping spirits to bear on personal, local, and global issues. Practice journeying to contact compassionate spirit helpers and to enhance your abilities to form on-topic questions and interpret the messages received. Experience classic shamanic ways to build and nurture strong relationships with your spirits.  
FSS Advanced Two-Day Workshops Online Reviews are being offered for selected FSS advanced two-day in-person workshops. The online sessions are available to those who have taken the in-person workshop and who wish to clarify, practice, and deepen their understanding of the material. Information and schedule of offerings 
NEW Online Workshop Coming Soon
The shamanic worldview underpins the ethical and effective practice of shamanism. Experiential knowledge of this worldview leads to a profound awareness of the sacred nature of our world and an awakening of compassion-resulting in a deep desire to relieve pain and suffering and restore balance and harmony. Registration opens soon.
Update on Advanced Residential Trainings 2020/2021
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, FSS advanced residential training programs have been postponed. Once these in-person trainings are able to safely proceed, enrolled students will be notified and the website listings will be updated.
Filmmaker Susan Hess Logeais' interview with FSS president Susan Mokelke is now available for viewing on the FSS website. View the live streamed version with Q&A. From The Way of the Psychonaut documentary series exploring the life and work of Stanislav Grof.
Sustain the Foundation's work teaching and preserving shamanism by becoming a member of the Circle of the Foundation. To support your participation in these difficult times, the regular one-year FSS membership is available for a discounted rate of $45 through November 6, 2020 for new and renewing members.
See Complete benefitsincluding online workshop discounts beginning November 1, 2020 and interactive video conferences.

FSS Europe: Shamanism & Digitalization
On June 26, 2020 FSS Europe pioneered the field with the conference "Shamanism and Digitalization." Relevant contributions have been published in the online book Shamanism and Digitalization. There will be a follow-up event "Shamanism and Digitalization 2.0" on November 6, 2020 to further evolve in knowledge and expertise in spiritual work in the digital realities. The focus will be on experiential aspects and shamanic practice in the digital realms. Participants' active involvement is welcomed. For details and enrollment see the event page.

  Alicia L. Gates
Since we announced the passing of beloved shamanic healer and teacher Alicia Gates, on July 29, our memorial page in her honor has blossomed with remembrances of her beautiful life and work.

Read more and add your own comments here... 



Hearts That Drum Together Beat Together   
Group drumming stimulates behavioral and physiological synchronization that contribute to the formation of social bonds and a consequent ability to cooperate. Read more...
Ellen Winner, FSS Faculty
Shamanic Drum Journey "Across the Desert"
We received this experiential visual and song shamanic journey from Gustavo de Beauville, a long time student of core shamanism from Calgary, Canada. We hope it moves you as it did us. The music is by Gustavo, the spirit-inspired vocals are by Francesca Genco. (Note: the drumming is at a tempo that can shift consciousness, so please do not listen to this as background music while driving or engaging in other activities that require your full ordinary reality consciousness.) View on YouTube ...
Gustavo de Beauville, FSS student  
The FSS provides news articles and links as a service to the shamanic community; no endorsement is implied. Visit shamanism.org for articles, FSS news, media, and more about the Foundation's work in shamanism. 

FSS Polestar: Information & Support During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The Foundation is providing this Polestar column as a resource during this extraordinary time. Though we may not be able to meet in person, we have available to us many powerful digital tools for face-to-face interactions, practice, and healing. 
As wildfires rage in the Western United States, and other climate disasters threaten the planet, many shamanic practitioners are searching for ways to help. Our new online workshop, Shamanism for Inspired Local and Global Change, is one way to explore how you can engage with the helping spirits to get help in solving ordinary reality problems.
As with all shamanic work, it is important to remember the importance of ethics and permission. We refer you to this Polestar column from January 2020, which provides perspective and resources when partnering with the compassionate spirits to address problems on the larger scale.

FSS Polestar highlights some of the questions we are frequently asked about contemporary shamanic practice. "Polestar" is defined as "something that serves as a guiding principle." It reflects our commitment to helping practitioners stay oriented to authentic shamanic methods and ethics, while maintaining their own independent spirituality, which comes from learning directly from the compassionate spirits. Email us your practice-related questions for consideration for Polestar. Use our CONTACT FORM, and put "Polestar" in the subject line.

Polestar logo design by Carolyn Fee ©2010 Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Tuvan Petroglyphs

The Foundation for Shamanic Studies is dedicated to the preservation, study, and teaching of shamanic knowledge for the welfare of the Planet and its inhabitants. Thousands of people each year take the Foundation's rigorous shamanic training. Originated, researched, and developed by Michael Harner (1929 - 2018), internationally recognized as the pioneer of modern shamanism, core shamanism consists of the universal, near-universal, and common features of shamanism, together with journeys to other worlds. 

Become part of a growing community that is working to return spiritual democracy to the individual, as well as helping to preserve indigenous shamanisms and foster this transformative and powerful method of healing and problem-solving.

We welcome your participation!
Susan Mokelke

The FSS E-News is distributed by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies.
Email: [email protected]
Editor: Susan Mokelke
Assistant editor: Narrye Caldwell (Shamanism News, Polestar, Shamanism Chronicles)
Editorial Assistant: Noelle Burch

Copyright ©2000-2020 The Foundation for Shamanic Studies, a non-profit public 501(c)(3) charitable and educational organization.