Each day in the morning prayer service and before studying, traditionally we recite the blessing that recognizes the centrality of occupying ourselves with Torah study (La'asok b'divrei Torah).

Join us as we not only learn virtually from our own local experts, but engage with experts and sages from around the world. Through this study we will meet and redefine the boundaries of our community and continue to grow and develop as Jewish learners.

Below is a comprehensive look at our offerings.
Keep an eye out for our Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
emails for up-to-date information.
IsraExperts Talk with
Lt. Col. Gal Horev
Tuesday, January 12, 12-1 PM

Join us for the fourth session in our IsraExperts series as we welcome
Lt. Col. (Reserves) Gal Horev to speak about the security situation in Israel in light of the changing world political landscape.

Jeff Shulman will be our local host.
Gal Horev, 50, married and a father of five, lives in Kfar Maimon, in the Gaza Envelope. For the past 26 years he has served as a fighter and commander in the IDF and for the Ministry of Defense. He recently retired from regular service with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and is serving as a commander of an infantry battalion in the reserves. His specialty was as a trainer for battalion commanders and brigade commanders for fighting in urban areas, and he worked in collaboration with the Secret Service in Africa.
He holds a bachelor's degree in politics and Middle Eastern studies and a master's degree in law. Today, his search for new challenges brings him to the educational and social field, where he learns teaching and experiences social action in his area of residence.

This program is provided by Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia's Partnership 2Gether program.

(Meeting ID: 946 3319 8912, Password: 5781, Dial in: 1-929-205-6099)
Sisterhood Rosh Hodesh Group
Special Guest Speaker
Judge Abraham Gafni
Tuesday, January 12, 4 PM

Judge Gafni will be talking to us about "Business Ethics: Perspectives from Jewish Sources." Judge Gafni has been Philadelphia’s “Lawyer of the Year” in the field of Mediation in 2015 and 2019, and in Arbitration in 2013 and 2018. He's an alum of Yeshiva University and Harvard Law School. He was also an attorney with the Securities and Exchange Commission and a law clerk to the Honorable J. Sydney Hoffman of the Superior Court. Judge Gafni has been active in numerous professional and civic organizations including serving as Vice-Chair of the Supreme Court Appellate Court Procedural Rules Committee, as Chair of the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Alternative Dispute Resolution and Professionalism Committees, and as Chancellor of the Louis D. Brandeis Law Society Foundation. Click here for more about Judge Gafni.

This special meeting will be open to the community, since the topic is certainly of interest to everyone! Thank you to our very own Lita Cohen, for helping arrange this wonderful opportunity to learn from the Judge!

(Meeting ID: 924 6612 7296, Password: 18, Dial-in: 1-646-876-9923)
For more info: Meryl P. Littman, [email protected]
Click the image to register or if you have questions.
Jewish World Heritage Tour
Mondays, 10:30 AM-12 PM
Six-Part Series beginning February 1

Registration is Open
Fee: $20/session -- choose just one or choose them all!
Once you register, you will be sent the Zoom link

(You do not need to have a Paypal account -- choose "Check out as Guest" and it will allow you to use a credit card.)
Brought to you by the Sisterhood of Har Zion Temple in partnership with the
Department of Lifelong Learning

Click here for the full listing of remaining authors.
1 PM – NaKh: The Rest of the Bible with Dr. Ely Levine
We spend a lot of time on certain parts of the Bible – chiefly, the Torah. It is time to read through the Prophets and the Writings more carefully. Join this class to read and discuss the rest of the Bible. We will move at a comfortable pace, but include some deep exploration of texts. New participants are welcome at any time!
Zoom Mtg ID: 865 668 4896
Password: 18
Dial-in: 1-929-205-6099
8:30 PM – Talmud Study with Rabbi Gary Charlestein
Call Gary (215-290-0405) if you need to pick up the text.
Zoom Mtg ID: 965 3493 8417
Password: 1111
Dial-in: 1-929-436-2866
10 AM – Experience the Joys of Yiddish with Gerry Spector
Jan 19; Feb 2, 16; Mar 2, 16, 30; Apr 13, 27; May 11, 25; Jun 8
Zoom Mtg ID: 998 2448 0124
Password: 18
4 PM – Sisterhood Rosh Hodesh
Jan 12, Feb 9, Mar 9, Apr 13, May 11, Jun 8, Jul 6
Warm, interactive, and challenging discussions related to the holidays and themes of each month are led by group members.
For more information, please contact Meryl Littman, please contact Meryl Littman, [email protected] or Janice Katz, [email protected].
Meeting ID: 924 6612 7296
Password: 18
Dial-in: 1 646 876 9923
8:30 AM – TISCH with Rabbi Shawn
Join Rabbi Shawn for inspirational learning. In this class we will engage in weekly Halakha (legal text) study from the Rambam's Mishneh Torah.  
Meeting ID: 988 8181 6669
Password: 613
Dial in: 1-929-205-6099

11 AM – Learning our Liturgy with Dr. Sara Cohen
February 17, 24, March 3,10, 17
An in-depth, multi-faceted study of our Shabbat liturgy. By “unpacking” the many layers of meaning and commentary, by delving into the history, background and lives of the great intellectual giants who wrote our prayers, we gain a keener understanding of their meaning and of the values and ideals inherent in them. Through this sharper knowledge and understanding, we discover what we stand for as Jews. Join us, learn and study with us so that you can connect more readily and easily to our heritage and keep our legacy alive and thriving.
Sponsored by Sisterhood
Meeting ID: 922 1467 7638
Password: 18
Dial-in: 1-929-205-6099

12:15 PM – The Book of Psalms – One at a Time with Dr. Ely Levine
Our familiarity with the Book of Psalms is often limited to the selections that the rabbis made for our liturgy. The book is much more extensive than that. We will look at the Psalms one by one, understanding what each says, how it may have been used originally, and how it may remain meaningful to us.
For previously recorded classes, visit the Adult Learning page on our website.
Zoom Mtg ID: 865 668 4896
Password: 18
Dial-in: 1-929-205-6099
10 AM – Commentaries on Exodus with Rabbi Ira Flax
We will study the commentaries found in the Hertz Chumash, the Etz Hayim Chumash, and the commentaries of modern biblical scholars to deepen our understanding of the second book of the Bible.
Meeting ID: 937 0719 0344
Password: 613
Dial in: 1-929-205-6099
12 Noon – Studies in the Weekly Torah Portion
with Rabbi Moriah SimonHazani
Join Rabbi Moriah in reading the weekly parasha and drawing on our tradition's wisdom to inform and enrich our understanding of today's world.
Meeting ID: 949 6786 3963
Password: 613
Dial in: 1-929-205-6099
Questions or comments about the lifelong learning classes?
Please reach out to Rabbi Shawn ([email protected]).
Stay healthy. Stay safe.