Fall Happenings
2022 Revamp the Riverfront
In September we completed our first Revamp the Riverfront series, which was a huge success! Throughout the year we hosted 3 river cleanups in partnership with Great Rivers Greenway and the local community to demonstrate our commitment to protecting our rivers and oceans from plastic pollution! In April, June, and September we gathered together to clean up the Mural Mile of the Lenore K. Sullivan north settlement on the Mississippi Greenway.

Overall, in our 2022 Revamp the Riverfront series, 60+ volunteers collected over 100 bags of trash and prevented over 1,500 pounds of plastic pollution from entering the Mighty Mississippi and eventually our oceans! Thank you to all our volunteers who joined us this year in demonstrating our commitment to protecting our rivers and oceans from plastic pollution!
Be on the lookout for announcements on our Revamp the Riverfront 2023 series!
Black Friday Camp
We made a SPLASH at our first Black Friday Camp!
Our campers had a FIN-tastic time learning about marine biology and exploring the wonders of the St. Louis Aquarium while their parents got some alone time to complete their holiday shopping!

Igniting passions in areas such as science, conservation, and the world around us is what drives us to continue sharing the love we have for STEM and learning!

The St. Louis Aquarium Foundation is continuously developing new education programs to take place throughout the year! Keep an eye out for our upcoming camps, including our Migrating the Cold Winter Camp, and join us for a FIN-tastic experience!
Volunteer Appreciation
International Volunteer Day is celebrated on December 5th! We are so thankful for our volunteers and all they do for our organization and mission. Since our opening almost 3 years ago, our volunteers have logged over 8,000+ hours of service at the Aquarium, spreading joy and knowledge of marine animals, conservation, and education. From river clean-ups, to educating our guests with artifacts to everything in between - we want to send a big THANK YOU to all volunteers!
Interested in volunteering?
Learn more and complete an application here!
Member's Night:
An Evening to RAY-member!
Our third annual Member's Night on September 8th was an evening to RAY-member! We invited our Global Waters Circle and Aquarium Friends Circle Members and their families to the Aquarium after hours to enjoy an evening of good fun, good company, and good food!
Since we are so TOUCHED by our members, they had the opportunity to be one of the first to experience our new moon jelly touch tank! The Aquarium was open for members to enjoy after-hours, family-fun activities, food and drink, and one-on-one interactions with animals and Aquarium team members that never disappoint.

Thank you to all who helped make Member's Night 2022 an over-the-MOON event!
St. Louis Aquarium Foundation members become part of an important group of people who are helping to provide free aquarium visits, education classes and transportation to Title I schools and underserved youths to further our impact on the community and global waterways.
We made a splash at our second annual Making Waves Gala on Friday, November 11th! Thank you to our FIN-tastic guest for a wonderful and successful evening. With your support, we raised almost $300,000 to fund our H2O Friends program, which provides free access and STEM based education programs for youth from Title 1 schools and other under-resourced community groups.

If you didn't have a chance to donate,there's still time!
A special thank you to our co-chairs Rob and Melissa Merlin, honorary co-chairs Steve and Bob O’Loughlin, volunteer coordinator Nancy Suelflow, and Development Committee Chair Linda Hunter for their planning and execution of this event.

Thank you for making a difference and helping to provide access and inspiration for a future generation of potential biologists, conservationists and educators. Check out our gala photos below:
Get ready for holiday gifting and shopping!
When you select "The St. Louis Aquarium Foundation" as your charity of choice on AmazonSmile, you donate 0.5% of all eligible purchases to providing students from Title I schools and under-resourced communities in our region with free Aquarium field trips, bus transportation, and education classes.

Select the Foundation on AmazonSmile at: smile.amazon.com
St. Louis Aquarium Foundation | 314.923.3926 | info@stlaquariumfoundation.org