October Parenting Tip of the Month
Fall in Love with Apples
With the arrival of fall, the leaves on the trees are changing from green to yellow, red and brown. The weather is changing to cooler temperatures. Fall also brings a change in the fresh foods we eat and can find at the grocery store. One tasty treat that is in season this time of year and is recognized during the month of October is apples. Apples come in a variety of colors and tastes. They are also very versatile when used in cooking. According to Medical News Today, apples are considered one of the top 15 foods considered most healthy.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) developed the slogan “My Plate” to encourage and remind us to eat the right mix of the five food groups to help make us healthier. One of their recommendations is to fill half of our plate with fruits and vegetables, especially whole fruits. Apples are a healthy choice to meet this recommendation. They have many important nutrients, including vitamin C, B-complex vitamins (riboflavin, thiamin and vitamin-6) and fiber. They are full of minerals like calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Research studies have shown that apples may help with reducing the risk of dementia and stroke, and lower bad cholesterol.
Children between the ages of 1 and 10 years old are recommended to have two to three servings of fruit per day. Click here to learn your child’s portion size based on their age according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. 

It is also recommended to limit fruit juices to four ounces each day for children ages 1 to 3 years old, four to six ounces for children ages 4 to 6 years, and to not give fruit juices to children under 12 months. 

It is best to keep the peel on when eating fresh apples or using apples in recipes, because most of the fiber and antioxidants are found in the peel. It is important to always wash your apple in plain water or use a solution of water and vinegar to wash away bacteria and pesticides. 

For delicious and healthy apple recipes to serve your family from the Food Network website, click here.

For apple recipes for children from Yummy Toddler Food, click here.

Nordqvist, Joseph. (2017, April 11). Apples: Health benefits, facts, research. Medical News Today, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/267290.php  
U. S. Department of Agriculture’s Choose My Plate website, https://www.choosemyplate.gov/
Extra tip...
Supporting Healthy Eating Habits with Family-Style Dining

Did you know that children establish eating habits as early as age 2? You can start building healthy eating habits with your little ones early on by serving meals family style. Click here to learn more ideas on ways you can support your child's early learning during mealtimes!