October 19, 2022

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Ordained in Rome

Ben Pribbenow of the Diocese of Green Bay, third from left, was among 23 seminarians from the Pontifical North American College in Rome to be ordained a deacon on Sept. 29 in St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. Deacon Pribbenow, whose home parish is Holy Spirit, Kimberly/Darboy, is scheduled to be ordained to the priesthood next summer.

CNS Photo | Paul Haring

Here's what's happening now


Pastoral letter

Bishop David Ricken issued his fourth pastoral letter, “Encountering Jesus in the Eucharist: Disciples Called To Worship.” In his letter, the bishop calls the people of the Green Bay Diocese to a deeper appreciation of Jesus in the Eucharist and to participate more fully in the Mass. Read more …

StreetLights Outreach

StreetLights Outreach returned to its roots of providing a positive presence on the streets of Green Bay. Since August, StreetLights volunteers have served one evening per week providing food and engaging with the homeless and other people on the margins. Read more …

Parish marks 150 years

St. Michael Parish, Whitelaw, celebrated 150 years as a Catholic community. Jesuit Fr. Joseph Brunner organized Catholics in the area in 1850. St. Michael Parish was established in 1872 with parishioners choosing Michael the Archangel as its patron. Read more … 

Local News
Read more local news from Northeast Wisconsin in the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay.
Nation and World News
Read more Catholic world news here!
Click here for Diocese of Green Bay EVENTS.
Bishop Ricken
Message from Bishop Ricken.

In 1994, Pope John Paul II began the “World Meeting of Families” to unite families from all over the world. This unique gathering of the Catholic Church and family has been happening every three years in different places across the globe. Read more … 

Fr. John Girotti discusses how after the death of a loved one the yearning remains to share things with that person. Read more … 

Naming churches for Mary and the rosary dates to the Middle Ages. It was once traditional to have the main church in a region named for Christ’s mother. Read more …

Mass Schedules

Click here for Mass Schedules.

Sunday Readings Learn more about this week's Sunday readings.

Spanish News

Catholic news translated.

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