Walking & Biking News & Ideas
We hope you are staying healthy!

The mornings and evenings are getting cooler, a hint to the coming autumn, and it's festival time in the city! Please mark your calendar to join Walk-Bike Cupertino in celebrating two festivals this month - the Silicon Valley Day 'n Night Fun Fest on Sept 11th and Cupertino’s 8th Annual Fall Bike Fest on Sept 25th.

Also in this issue, you will read the event recaps for the WBC Star Awards and Linda Vista Extension of the Stevens Creek Trail opening, a great idea to turn a chore into fun, the Bollinger Road safety study, good news about AB122 (the bicycle stop-as-yield bill), and the Pruneridge Ave Complete Streets Plan. 

Let us know if you have more great ideas of walking and biking to share. May you fall in love with walking and biking in the autumn!  

Walk-Bike Cupertino Honored as Non-Profit of the Year at the 2021 STAR Awards
Every year, since 1957, the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce has recognized the outstanding people, organizations, and businesses in our community. This year, Walk Bike Cupertino was honored to be chosen as the "2021 STAR Awards Non-Profit of the Year". Receiving the award on behalf of the organization were Larry Dean, founding board member, and Seema Lindskog, Executive Chair, Walk Bike Cupertino Board, at the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce celebration event on August 26. Read more...
Linda Vista Extension
of the Stevens Creek Trail Is Now Open!
The Linda Vista Extension of the Stevens Creek Trail now connects the Stevens Creek Trail with southern Cupertino neighborhoods. Nature trails are a great way to build a strong community - they get people outdoors, walking and socializing with their neighbors. On hand to celebrate were Council members Willey, Wei, and Vice Mayor Chao; former Mayor Richard Lowenthal and Ellen Lowenthal who donated the land for the project; Public Works project manager Chad Moseley; and many residents from Walk-Bike Cupertino, Friends of Stevens Creek Trail, and the public.

Walk-Bike Cupertino is pleased that the City Council has been supportive of this project and other projects that make walking and biking safer and easier. 
Join in the Fun at Two Festivals this Month
Cupertino's 8th Annual Fall Bike Fest on Sept 25, 2021
Would you like to enjoy a family-friendly bike ride and make new friends? Cupertino’s 8th Annual Fall Bike Fest will be a perfect event for you and your family! Welcome to join in the fun from 9am to 1pm on Sept 25 at the City Hall parking lot.

Walk-Bike Cupertino will be there helping adjust bike helmets and handing out “bike safety wings” to the first 15 bicyclists who stop by our event booth. Many organizations, bike shops, and community groups will join the effort of Cupertino’s Safe-Route-To-School (SRTS) and Bicycle Pedestrian Commission (BPC) to provide fun activities and learning experiences to build up your interest and confidence in biking. Read more
Silicon Valley Day 'n Night Fun Fest on Sept 11, 2021
A fun festival for the whole family with cultural and environmental booths, yummy food, and fun kid activities. Come say hi to our Board members at the Walk Bike Cupertino booth! For those with elementary school kids, sign up for the bike rodeo!
Turn a Chore into Fun by Walking, Biking and Birding
by Dino Sakkas, a WBC Board member
I am a volunteer on the California Bluebird Recovery Program at Fremont Older Open Space Preserve . My weekly duties during bird nesting season are to record the status of the 14 bird nest boxes...Then one day, I realized that this would be an excellent walk-bike experience! Read more
At the July Cupertino Bicycle Pedestrian Commission meeting, the staff report covered two options to improve the safety of Bollinger Rd. Bollinger runs east-west at the southern border of Cupertino, connecting De Anza Blvd. to Lawrence Exprwy. Read more
Support California AB 122 – “The Idaho Stop Bill”

On Sept 1st, AB122 passed the Assembly on a 50 – 17 bipartisan vote, after passing the Senate on August 31 on a 31 – 5 bipartisan vote. AB122 now moves onto the Governor’s desk for consideration. Once passed, AB 122 would allow bicyclists to yield the right of way at stop signs to vehicles already in an intersection without coming to a full stop. Read more
Pruneridge Avenue Complete Streets Plan

The City of Santa Clara hosted two community meetings for the Pruneridge Avenue Complete Streets Plan where draft concept plans were shared for feedback from the community. Read more
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We'd love to hear YOUR voice!

Do you know a great walk, ride, run or hike? Want to share an issue about walking, biking, city planning, or interesting idea?

Walk-Bike Cupertino would love to spotlight it in our newsletter and on our website! Articles should be 500 words or less, and should include a picture (at least 3 pictures for hikes). All submissions are subject to approval & editing, and can be used by Walk-Bike Cupertino in future publications. Contact us here.
Happy Walking and Biking,

Your friends at Walk-Bike Cupertino

Find much more, including maps, safety data, and information on all the city projects at: walkbikecupertino.org