PBC Newsletter

Inspiring. Exchanging. Building.

November 2023

Message from President!

Hello fellow PBC Members!

We have some changes to our staffing I wanted to make you aware of.

As you all know Kathi Guino has been the PBC Administrator for the past few years. She has been an asset to the Chamber as she has helped to facilitate ribbon cuttings, networking events, and PenFest!!

She has decided to focus on a new direction as an Author! We are so happy for her and her family and we can't wait until her first book is published. Kathi, we wish you well in your new endeavor and thank you for all you have done for PBC. You will be missed!

We also would like to welcome Amy Weisensel as our new administrator! Amy and her husband reside in Penfield along with their two children. We are excited to have you on board Amy and look forward to working with you!

Please Make Note of our NEW Number #585-362-0289

Looking for an opportunity to network? A chance to bring awareness to your organization? A way to interact with other business owners? A moment to engage with other PBC members?

We've got you covered!

Check out the PBC Events Calendar today!

November News & Updates from the PBC

Is your member profile up-to-date? Does it reflect your current email address and contact information? If not, please update it so that you can receive PBC communications that include educational and networking events, updates on business legislations, and community news!

Help support us, so we can continue to support you!

Please don't let your membership lapse! If you have received a membership renewal notice, please login to your Member Profile to renew your membership! If you are unsure of your renewal and/or require any renewal or login assistance, please email info@penfieldbusiness.org or call (585) 348- 8360.

Get involved! Your membership is only as good as you make it!

Check out all our upcoming educational and networking opportunities on our Events Calendar! There's always something new to do and someone new to meet! Additionally, we're always open to suggestions and looking for members who may want to present at one of our Topics@12! If interested, contact PBC Director of Events, Laurie Enos.

Not a PBC Member Yet?

The PBC has several levels of membership from which to choose to meet the budget and needs of your business/organization! Plus, we offer several Member Benefits!

PLEASE NOTE: All new memberships will automatically renew annually upon their "Join Date (month)." As of July 1, 2023, all existing members who need to renew for the 2023-2024 year will switched to our auto-renew membership as well. Thank you!

Registration is now open!

Join the Penfield Business Chamber (PBC) board, PBC Members on Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. at Penfield Country Club for the Penfield Business Chamber's Annual Meeting/Luncheon!

For the first time, the Penfield Business Chamber is combining both the Annual Meeting and the Annual Business Awards Presentation!

This event will feature an update on PBC progress and programs, along with the announcement and presentation of the PBC Annual Business Awards!

Only $40 for PBC Members, and just $50 for Non-members/guests

Price includes a delicious buffet (with a vegetarian option), dessert, pre-holiday festive entertainment, a raffle (with proceeds going to Penfield HOPE), and networking opportunities! 

RSVP by November 9, 2023!

Join us in supporting the Penfield Hope House Holiday Drive!!

We are excited to announce our sponsorship of the Penfield Hope House this holiday season. Your assistance in this endeavor would greatly benefit our local families in the Penfield area.

Running until November 30th, our drive aims to provide the following items to support our community.

·       Lego sets of any kind

·       Pajamas or drawstring pants in sizes ranging from Infant to teen/adult small

If any of you are willing to collect items for this holiday drive, you may bring items to the annual meeting/luncheon on November 16th or we would be more than happy to arrange a pick-up.

For any inquiries or coordination, please reach out to Amy at info@penfieldbusiness.org.


Your support for this incredible organization is immensely appreciated.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our local families. 

News from PBC Members

Kristen M. Dombroski Named as a 2023 Legal Excellence Award Honoree


McConville Considine Cooman &

Morin, PC is pleased to announce that associate attorney Kristen M. Dombroski

was named as an Up and Coming Attorney, Legal Excellence Award honoree by The

Daily Record and the Rochester Business Journal. The Legal Excellence Awards

honor legal professionals who strengthen the community through professional

accomplishments and community service.


Link: https://www.mccmlaw.com/news-and-articles/news/kristen-m-dombroski-named-as-a-2023-legal-excellence-award-honoree

Johanna Winter Named as a 2023 Legal Excellence Award Honoree

McConville Considine Cooman & Morin, P.C. is pleased to announce that our law firm administrator Johanna Winter was named a Legal Excellence Award honoree by The Daily Record and the Rochester Business Journal.

Link: https://www.mccmlaw.com/news-and-articles/news/johanna-winter-named-as-a-2023-legal-excellence-award-honoree

Congratulations to both Kristen and Johanna!!!

Color Penfield Green has an event happening in November! We are offering several free classes through Penfield Recreation and the Penfield Library. Some of these classes may already be full but extra sessions often get added and they will be offered again in the winter:


  • Thursday, November 9th, you can rethink the American lawn.

Color Penfield Green also regularly participates in other events happening in the community. For example, many of our members will have attended, tabled for and displayed their EV’s at the National Drive Electric Week event on Saturday, September 30th at R.I.T. Lot T from 10-2. We hope you will join us for more exciting events like this in the future.

We also do a cleanup once a month somewhere in Penfield. The group is called Walking with A Purpose and we meet the third Wednesday of each month.

To learn more about Color Penfield Green and sign up for our monthly newsletter, visit our website at www.colorpenfieldgreen.org. We meet in-person and on Zoom the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Penfield Community Center.

Email us at: colorpenfieldgreen@gmial.com with any questions

Please join John Pascucci with Edward Jones as he hosts the following informational topics!

November 16th at 5 pm presenting an informational Zoom through Penfield Recreation

Longevity and the New Journey of Retirement

In this seminar, you’ll learn about the forces shaping retirement today. The different emotional and financial stages people experience on the retirement journey. The various paths followed by retirees – and the ways you can prepare and thrive in retirement.

There will be time for Q&A at the end of our session.


Please register using this link: https://www.penfield.org/programs_and_activities/index.php

November 17th at 12:30 pm 

Monthly Markets Update

Join me for a brief review of current headlines, forecasts, and trends in the markets, with time for questions and answers at the end.


Please register using this link: https://edwardjones.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TyslmVOPRMOCleXZ_9HQzw


John will also be holding a Toy Drive at his branch from 11/27 to 12/8 to benefit the Pirate Toy Fund.


If folks cannot drop off in person they can also donate online at https://ptftoystore.com/store/johnpascucci


The PBC Newsletter is brought to you
by our Premium, Harris Whalen, Rothfuss, and Sherwood Field Members!
Harris Whalen Members
Sherwood Fields Members
Rothfuss Park Members
Premium Members
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2022 - 2023 PBC Board of Directors

Amity Decker, PBC Board President

Canandaigua National Bank

Steve Conger, PBC Board Vice-President


Spiro Ziogas, PBC Board Treasurer

M & T Bank,

Sarah Kearney, Family First Credit Union

Daria Reitknecht, Genesee Valley Pennysaver

Meghan Little, Episcopal Senior Living

Hillary Paine-Hopkins, Episcopal Senior Living

Laurie Enos, Dawn Nowak Team at Keller Williams

John Pascucci, Edward Jones - John Pascucci

PBC Contact Information

(585) 362-0289

P.O. Box 268, Penfield, NY 14526

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Penfield Business Chamber
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