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I love the Fall….it is the winding down of one year and the planning for the next. Especially during this season of the Jewish New Year, it invites contemplation, review and an accounting of what has happened this year. For HealthAdvocateX, we have been busy and there are a lot of events happening this FALL.

I am very proud of the work our organization has been doing that has led to our Diversity Statement, just approved by the Board at our last Board Meeting.

I am also grateful and proud of our outstanding Board of Directors! We will be saying thank you to a couple of our long-time Board Members who will be retiring off the board – they have earned a well-deserved thank you from our Community. This also provides us an opportunity to invite our community to identify and nominate new potential Board Members to join our awesome, cool group of leaders! Please see story below and consider applying before the October 26 deadline. While we hope to onboard at least two new Board Members in 2023, we will be accepting applications after this date as well. (Prospective HealthAdvocateX Talent Scout, Recruiting New Board Members)

We are also pleased to recognize the efforts of two of our Board Members. Dr. Dale Reisner will be retiring from Swedish Health Services as the Medical Director (OB/GYN, Quality and Safety) where she has had a very illustrious career and impact! Congratulations Dale on your well-deserved retirement and we hope that means we will be seeing more of you at HealthAdvocateX activities!!

We also recognize Board Member Syreeta Nolan’s selection to participate in The ADVANCE Resource and Coordination (ARC) Network is organizing a 2-day workshop on “Understanding impacts of the COVID pandemic for equity, diversity, and inclusion among STEM faculty”. 

We hope to see you at an upcoming HealthAdvocateX event – there are many to choose from in the next couple of months!

Here’s to your good health,
Robin Shapiro (Board Chair) and the Team at HealthAdvocateX
Diversity Statement – Just the Beginning!

In 2021 the HealthAdvocateX Board committed to working on our plan to include diversity efforts into all aspects of our work. We took a hard look at our community, programming and our unique offerings in the marketplace. Through work facilitated by Jason Oliver and led by HealthAdvocateX Board Member Bonnie Bizzell, our organization developed a Statement on Diversity, approved by our Board at our last Board Meeting. Please look at this statement here. Board Members want you to know that this statement is not an end but a beginning of how HealthAdvocateX operates and presents programming in the future. In 2022, concepts developed in this statement informed changes to our website, inclusion of Land Acknowledgments, Safe Space Statements and inclusion of various viewpoints in our programs, including Community Conversations. We are pleased to be partnering on a number of initiatives you will see in 2023 to fulfill our commitment, including our intention to host a live, virtual screening on Race To Be Human where we will have a post-film panel discussion on race, racism and healthcare. If you would like to further support our efforts, please:
  • Let us know if YOU want to be involved and support our programs by volunteering
  • Sign Up to Partner on our Race To Be Human Screening (likely to be at the beginning of March), or express your interest to be included in our post-film panel
Looking For New Board Members – How About YOU?– Apply by October 26!

Are you interested in working with national leaders to advance the field of health advocacy? Are you committed to helping every person attain better understanding, access and application of advocacy in all aspects of health and healthcare? Do you have ideas and energy to help? HealthAdvocateX is accepting applications for future Board Position and encourage you to apply prior to October 26. Please read our application overview and fill out our Talent Scout (attached). Questions? Please contact Robin Shapiro at [email protected].
Other Upcoming Events!
Community Conversation - October 2022
When: October 10, 2022 | 11am – 12pm (PT)
Where: Online via Zoom (Register Here)
Cost: FREE!
TOPIC: Honoring Indigenous People’s Day  

We are very pleased to welcome HealthAdvocateX Board Member Dr. Dale Reisner, Medical Director (OB/GYN Quality and Safety), Swedish Health Services and Erica Mendez, Ambassador for the Native Action Network, a COVID-19 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator for Thurston County Public Health and Social Services and Advisors.
Speaker: Erica Mendez, Ambassador for the Native Action Network, a COVID-19 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator for Thurston County Public Health and Social Services and works as an Expeditor for Banister Advisors.

The topic will be updates on the pandemic where we will review the latest stats and sort out information we know and do not know about COVID-19. Please join us for this free monthly conversation.
Case Review: Advocacy During Conflicting Medical Opinions - NOTE NEW DATE IS Oct 27!
Case Review - October 2022
When: October 27, 2022 | 4pm – 5:30pm (PT)
Where: Online via Zoom
Cost: FREE! (HealthAdvocateX Member Only!)
The Professional Networking group has requested HealthAdvocateX host periodic ‘peer case review’ sessions to help advocates learn about how their peers are handling cases. The purpose is mutual information exchange and continual improvement of advocacy services. 

You won’t want to miss the upcoming, fascinating, and complex Case Review of how to Advocate Through Conflicting Medical Opinions. Sarah Jane Yang, MS, RN, Care Advocate & Financial Patient Advocacy Lead. In this session, Sarah will present her case using the HealthAdvocateX Case Review ™.   This session is a free benefit of Professional/Partner HealthAdvocateX Membership. To participate, please email [email protected] to be registered. 
Case Review is: Thursday, October 27, 2022 at 4 pm PT/7 pm ET and will last for approximately one hour.

Speaker: Sarah Jane Yang, MS, RN, GreyZone Health, LLC
Sarah Jane is a Care Advocate and Master’s level registered nurse with experience managing complex medical cases and navigating in-hospital services. Sarah Jane works with the GreyZone team and owns Lighthouse Healthcare Navigation, PLLC. Sarah Jane’s experience as a hospital administrator gives her a solid foundation navigating the “behind the scenes” complexities of the entire healthcare system including communicating with medical personnel in hospital settings, medical coding, insurance contracts and payment denials. Fifteen years as a registered nurse has taught Sarah Jane many valuable skills. Her time at major, urban, and academic medical centers such as Harborview in Seattle and Weill-Cornell Medical Center in New York City, shaped her early career with rich learning environments. Sarah Jane holds great pride in leading Virginia Mason Medical Center’s efforts to achieve a Comprehensive Stroke Center certification from its regulatory body. Sarah Jane also supported the early creation of a telemedicine program at Virginia Mason Medical Center.

For more information or to register, contact us at [email protected]
Join Professional Advocates and other allied professionals in a virtual networking event designed to support your health advocacy business. Be ready to learn and share what is working in terms of business development and practice. Note: You do not have to be a HealthAdvocateX member to attend this event!

The objectives of Professional Networking sessions include: 
  • Grow your network of advocates you know and trust
  • Exchange ideas about advocacy best practices
  • Learn new information related to health advocacy
  • Receive peer feedback on challenges and opportunities

Each networking session has a specific focus. If there are topics/ideas/speakers you would like to suggest, please email us at [email protected]
Professional Networking - November 2022
When: November 3, 2022 | 9am – 10:30am (PT)
Where: Online via Zoom (Register Here)
Cost: $15 for Members | $20 for Non-Members
Give and Get: Networking With Your Advocate Peers
November’s Networking event brings a two-fold opportunity to network with other Advocates. Participants will the opportunity a specific learning that has made your business more successful in 2022, one that allows others to better know who you are and provides a window into your practice.
The Give: Be ready to share within 2-3 minutes a summary: What is (“the”) one thing that changed your business to make it more successful?
The Get: Ask a question of your peers that you are curious about! Be ready to answer your peers too!
This program will be facilitated by Nancy Ruffner
Professional Networking - December 2022
When: December 8, 2022 | 4:00 – 5:30 PM (PT)
Where: Online via Zoom (Register Here)
Cost: $15 for Members | $20 for Non-Members
Give and Get: Bring a hard problem to solve, a challenge or barrier, and receive insightful questions and suggestions from peers.
December’s Networking event offers another two-fold opportunity: practicing succinct delivery of a practice challenge and the chance to obtain suggestions toward solution from your peers.
The Give: Be ready to share a problem or challenge you solved, or for which you’d welcome input. This will be a two-minute share (we get to practice our succinct presentation).
The Get: Attendees will better know each other, and network through sharing of experience as well as questions and solutions offered.
This program will be facilitated by Nancy Ruffner 
Welcome New Partner Member!
When a complex medical situation arises, do you wish you had a doctor in the family to ask your questions? Now you do.
Meet Partner Member – Chris Price, MD – Call Doctor Chris...
Call Doctor Chris is a service that helps explain in everyday language the medical situation that you or your loved one is going through. I will advocate for you with your medical team in both the hospital setting and outpatient setting to get the best information for you. This will allow you to make the most informed decisions for your healthcare. Being a physician allows me to unique avenues to obtain this information from your medical team. I will also help you find the right healthcare provider for your specific situation.

You can find Chris through our HealthAdvocateX Directory Here

Are you looking for a way to extend your opportunities to educate the public about health and patient advocacy? HealthAdvocateX licenses two presentations and offers a ‘Train the Trainer’ package for these two topics:
  • The ABCs of an Effective Doctor Visit
  • Taming the Medicine Cabinet

Each Train the Trainer Package includes:
  • PowerPoint presentation and script for the topic represented, which will include an introductory slide for the presenter approved to give the presentation
  • Electronic copies of materials including:
  • Handouts of Scenarios/Role-Plays
  • Self-Learning Quiz (where applicable)
  • Feedback From
  • Flyer Template
  • Presentation Description

To license the presentations and register for the training:
- Sign and Return the License Agreement/s - (ABCs of an Effective Doctor Visit & Taming the Medicine Cabinet)
- Pay for the Presentation Train the Trainer (we will invoice you as soon as we receive your signed license agreement(s)).

Do you have questions about this? Email us at [email protected]
Many advocates have been contacting us as you are trying to finish up earning your CEs for the year. We have more than 20 CEs currently available with bundled pricing available for two conferences:
  • Health Advocacy Now: Lessons From the Pandemic 2021 Conference (11 CEs Available)
  • Whole Person Advocacy: Integrating Mental Health 2020 Conference (10 CEs Available)
  • Health Literacy: The New Vital Sign (1 CE Available)

For more information and to have access to these CEs, visit: https://www.healthadvocatex.org/ces/ 

HealthAdvocateX Calendar
October 10: Community Conversation (Register Here)
October 27: Case Review (HealthAdvocateX Members Only!)
November 3: Professional Networking (Register Here)
November 14: Community Conversation (Register Here)
December 8: Professional Networking (Register Here)
December 12: Community Conversation (Register Here)
Programs & Presentations
Although HealthAdvocateX speakers can give presentation on many topics, here are a few of our popular presentations: 

  • Advance Care Planning (In partnership with Honoring Choices)
  • Taming Your Medicine Cabinet
  • The ABCs of an Effective Doctor Visit
  • Patient Know More...Patient No More!
  • The Emerging Field of Health Advocacy 
  • Safe & Sound in the Hospital: A Short Course in Patient Safety 
  • Volunteer Health Advocate Training: Understanding the Role & Skills to Be Effective

To schedule a speaker for your community, please submit your request here: https://www.healthadvocatex.org/presentations/

Have a topic you wish we offered? Let us know - let's talk!
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) Statement

Approved by the Board September 21, 2022
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) Statement

Our mission is to help people transform into active participants and partners in their own health care. To make this possible, we must advocate for inclusion, diversity, equity, and access (IDEA) for all individuals.
We recognize that:
  • Racism is a public health issue that impacts various intersections and communities differently.
  • Each person is unique and therefore experiences health care differently.
  • Every individual deserves health advocacy regardless of their race, ethnicity, language, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, spiritual practice, financial status, education, geography, disability, mental and physical status, age, weight, substance use disorder or other factors. 
  • Our organization is uniquely positioned to raise awareness on IDEA in health and health care.
We are committed to:
  • Raising awareness about the importance of IDEA in health and health advocacy in all aspects of care.
  • Expanding diverse representation within our organization, expert presenters, and educational offerings.
  • Intentionally messaging our values, sharing IDEA expectations for ourselves, affiliated advocates, and partnering groups.
  • Creating space for respectful dialogue about representation, equitable access, and inclusive practices in health care and health advocacy.
  • Educating our community and participating in opportunities about IDEA events and exercises to keep these issues in the forefront of our work.
  • Implementing systems to ensure IDEA is pervasive in our organization.
We will reflect on our accomplishments with humility and grace. We will recognize our limitations and remain open to what we may not see or realize so that we can improve and or repair any harm. 
Land Acknowledgement

HealthAdvocateX is headquartered in Seattle, Washington. We acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe. We invite you to join us in acknowledging and thanking indigenous people for their ongoing stewardship wherever you are located.
Land Acknowledgement Challenge

Will you help us? We invite YOU to research and submit the name of the people, your location and how you would word your own personal land acknowledgement. Our Board will be selecting and reading land acknowledgements from across the country at our Monthly Board Meetings. You can submit it here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/hadvx-land-acknowledgement

Do you have something you would like to share with the HealthAdvocateX community?

Please submit ideas to [email protected]