

3rd Quarter News

2020 Statistics

Men Employed - 443

Taxes Paid - $243,576.35

Child Support Paid - $28,286.23


Men Housed - 73

Men Employed - 59

Graduates for the Quarter - 9

Baptisms for the Quarter - 5

Letter from the Director - Eric Alexander


Greetings from SHLR,

We are thankful for God's settled Word in Heaven, we at SHLR establishes Phillipians 4:13 We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!!! For where we are weak, He makes us strong. Because God doesn't give us a spirit of fear, but of Love, Power, and a sound mind! The challenges of this year have been enough to convince one to "throw in the towel", but we know that Jesus is our source and our help, He is indeed our very present help. There have been so many obstacles and conditions that could easily cause the most seasoned team member or client to just "call it quits". But we have come this far by faith and faith alone will see us through! This continued pandemic and new variant cause many to be waivered and not sure of what direction to go. But we know that God orders our footsteps and lights our path!

Just like our other locations, LR is experiencing the issues that cause a client to not believe in the Power of Jesus, like substance abuse for the past or present, broken families and dreams, the difficulty of embracing hope, and unsure of how to get on the right track. We have been personalizing our position with the clients we serve, meaning, making their struggles our struggles, their tears our tears, their failures our failures. How are we doing this? By being sincere during our one-on-one sessions and giving them our complete attention and concern, by sharing our personal stories of deliverance and redemption and willingness to assist in their road to "change".

It is so rewarding to see the gleam in our client's eyes, as they strive to get their lives on the right track, get reunited with their families and kids, achieve their career goals and get their finances in order, and become the men that God has called them to be!

As we prepare for the Fall season, our numbers are increasing, and with that comes coverage and staffing issues. Our goal for the ministry is always our #1 priority, "Reaching the lowest, thru the Power of the Highest", How? Helping them to "Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose and Make a Difference".

Though we are having staffing challenges, we as a team are preparing to finish the year strong! And praying and expecting a great start to a new year, for we know that God has great things in store for those that love Him.

May the Peace of God keep you! Pastor Eric Alexander

A look around Little Rock

Clients that were baptized @ SHLR on 09/12/2021 getting their certificates

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Pizza Party for Dorm 2!


Labor Day Picnic at Granite Mountain! Great food, great times!

We enjoyed the day that the Lord blessed us with!!

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6 o clock class. Clients sharing God is amazing!

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Rob getting ready to give us the word this morning. So proud of him!

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Starting Sundays off right praising Jesus!

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Clients taking action and doing some work around SHLR over the weekend!

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Our Reliable Director, Jon, visited AWP. We are thankful for this partnership!


Wednesday 6 o clock NA/AA Class


One of our staff members, Josh Durham, taking care of our vans that God blessed us with. Way to go Josh!

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Safe Harbor of Little Rock presented Kroger with a plaque today to show our appreciation for all of the donations they give to us! Thank you Kroger!


Thank you Evangelist Temple Church of God in Christ for the donation of chips and food this weekend! Praise the Lord!


Sunday morning church service. Pastor Eric had us fired up this morning. It is amazing to see how the altar call grows!


Movie night in Little Rock! Watching the new Black Widow!


Praise & Worship on a Friday morning


Clients and guests starting to enjoy the food God blessed us with at their outing!


One of our graduates stopped by today to see everybody and show off his car. He’s still employed with Kohler!


Great ribs for the 4th of July Celebration


Thank you AWP!

God is AMAZING! With the help of AWP Wood Products and a combination of hard work, dedication, and a willingness to change, anything is possible for our clients. Ricky Andrade & Leroy Norris are officially CDL Holders!


Celebration Sunday - August 2021

Congratulations to our graduate, Ricky Andrade!

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Reliable of the Month is Richard Tutt. Congratulations!

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Client of the Month is Ladell Johnson. Congrats!

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Partner of the Quarter - Southern Glazers

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Southern Glazers decided to take a leap of faith with us. They had never used a program like ours before and wanted to give our clients an opportunity to be successful. In the last quarter they have employed over 20 clients and now have a consistent 20 clients at their plant. They are a true blessing to Safe Harbor of Little Rock and all the clients that have an opportunity to work there. Their dedication doesn’t stop at employment. They also participate in our outings and cook outs and show us that they are committed to our partnership as much as we are to theirs.

Client of the Quarter - Steven Duck

I was in Tucker unit wondering what or how I was going to make it when I got out. I have been a Christian for many years, but everyone knows to you drift away until tribulation comes on you. The past year I was shot, then arrested and put back in prison. So naturally I turned back to God and studied hard every day. His word really came upon me and I asked him for a place to give me a chance. Next thing I know Safe Harbor accepted me and it has been a blessing since I got here. God is GREAT.

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Celebration Sunday - July 2021

Congratulations to our graduates; Miles Bassett, Joshua Durham, Larry Huey, & Leroy Norris Sr!

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Congratulations to our Reliable of the Month, Earl Hughes!

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Congratulations to our Client of the Month, Roy Collins!

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Congratulations to our Client Volunteer of the Month, Christopher Burroughs!

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Staff of the Quarter - Joshua Durham


Joshua has been a true blessing since he arrived at Safe Harbor. Always going above and beyond with whatever is asked of him. Since he started driving for us he has taking care of his van like it is his own. Very proud to know this young man. God has truly blessed him.

Upcoming Events!

Battle in the Saddle is approaching quickly! We are looking forward to Year #9 of this event. It will once again be held in Memphis, TN at the Agricenter Showplace Arena. This is our largest fundraiser each year that helps to fund so many projects throughout Safe Harbor.

We would love to have you attend if you are able. Come out and watch cowgirls and cowboys from across the US compete!

If you are interested in sponsoring this event please get with our Reliable Coordinator, Jon Brooks. His email is

Learn more at

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