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3rd Quarter News

2020 Statistics

Men Employed - 312

Taxes Paid - $195,025.13

Child Support Paid - $55,967.86


Men Housed - 67

Men Employed - 62

Graduates for the Quarter - 22

Baptisms for the Quarter - 7

Letter from the Director - Gary Kenney

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To our supporting community,

I would like to begin this letter by expressing our heartfelt appreciation to all the people and organizations that are apart of what we do here at Safe Harbor of Erin Tennessee. With out your constant support and belief  in our our corporate leaders vision, to restore the men who have come to our Safe Harbors and return them back to their families. 

Over the past few month’s we have had the privilege to meet with caring Tennessee court Judges and their appointed officials, working toward the success of some great men who have fallen pray to the struggles of drugs and alcohol. 

Our Employment Company's such as TENNSCO, Tennessee Bun, Magnum, Jones Plastic and Waverly Wood continue to place our clients for future career positions. Safe Harbor of Erin realizes the importance of the service opportunity they give us, and we look forward to having a long lasting partnership as well as new opportunities.

To the Erin and Clarksville communities, your continued support has been a great part of the each of the men's lives we serve. Recognizing Erin local businesses such as Piggly Wiggly, Shamrock Automotive, Tennessee tire, and Houston County Tire. Our service organizations such as Erin Rotary Club, Erin United Methodist Church, Erin public Health Department.

From the Staff here at the Safe Harbor of Erin, we want you all to know that you all are apart of what we do. Thank you so very much for believing in the men we serve, your support is a constant encouragement to us all.

Lets Welcome our New Admissions Coordinator 

Congratulations to Jeffrey McManis, who was formally in a program position but was promoted to Admissions. Jeffrey is currently training and learning his new position, though we expect him to be at your full service soon, due to his familiarity of the job. Jeffery is a hard worker and is committed to what is expected from our organization and outside agencies.

Exciting activities going on at the Facility

We and been very blessed to be able to provide high quality housing arrangements for all of the men residing here at the Harbor. A clean and healthy living experience is important toward addressing the mental health of any person in recovery. The Safe Harbor facilities strive to provide such an environment for our clients. The Erin facility has provided that environment since our beginning.

We are excited to announce to our community and supporters, in the interest of providing the best for our clients living experience, we are currently in the middle of upgrading the living space and dorms of every client. I would like to say, “We are going from 4-1/2 star to 5 star.”

You can help

The remodeling going on is being supported by our corporate headquarters, and donating supporters such as Churches, non-profits, and local business. If you want to know how to help, you may contact the local Director at (931) 709-2553, e-mail at [email protected], or feel free to come by for a special visit and tour. 

Thank you, God Bless You.

Honor to Serve

Pastor Gary Kenney


Celebration Sunday - September 2021

Congratulations to our graduates; Edwin Burnett, Trevonta Thompson, Moriel Harris, & Paul Mathis!


Client of the Month is Robin Phipps! Congrats!


Dorm of the Month is Dorm 12. Congrats guys!


Renovations in Erin!

Safe Harbor of Erin opened in July of 2018. It was formerly the Oak Brook Retirement Living facility. We have 21 dorms which can house 78 men at once. To date we have had over 200 men graduate from Safe Harbor of Erin. We want to continue to shine the Light of Jesus into the darkness of this world to see these men discover the freedom and life God has for them! God’s ways are higher than our ways; His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. It’s overwhelming to think back to every step He ordered for this moment. We give Him glory, Amen! We are beginning renovations to Safe Harbor of Erin. Pictured below is one of our dorms in the process of starting a remodel.

This facility has gone from good to great, and now we want to take it to Legendary. That is where you can help. If you, your church group, business, etc. would like to sponsor a dorm we would love to have you involved. You can drop items off in person, have them mailed to Safe Harbor, donate money through PayPal or use the sponsorship form we have available.

All sponsor funds are applied towards our facility; beds, mattresses, dressers, flooring, paint, pillows, comforter sets, renovations. Not only will we be able to see the impact you have on our client’s lives with your donation, we are excited to see their families welcome their loved ones home after completion of our programs, drug and alcohol free living the life that God intended.

Your donation will guarantee a continued successful program for Safe Harbor this year, and many years to come. We will be able to continue to Reach people at their lowest through the power of the Highest!

If you want to buy items yourself we need: Twin Comforter Sets (gender neutral), Twin Mattresses, Queen Pillows, Twin Beds with Headboard/Footboard, Dressers, Nightstands.

How to donate:

Drop Off & Shipping Address -

Safe Harbor of Erin - 179 Substation Loop Rd - Erin, TN 37061

You can donate through PayPal at this link -

Call 901-282-9661 to donate using Debit/Credit Card

Sponsorship Form -

* All donations are tax deductible.

Thank you for all of the support we have been shown. The love of the community is amazing!


A look around Erin!

It's Football Time

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Pastor Kenney and his many skills


Creek runs in Erin


Pastor gave a word out of Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you...and a rainbow after the service


Church Service here in Erin


Movie night in Erin


Safe Harbor Erin would like to thank Pastor Benny Keller of Eternal Life Church for the donations of clothes and shoes!


Salad bar in Erin


Baptism in Erin


Clients taking some down time and playing bowling & golf on the Wii


Shout out to Cody Frazier, a client here at Safe Harbor Erin. He poured his heart and gave a moving testimony at our church service


4 pm class


Play Ball!


Pastor Kenney gave a great word...There is only one that can make you whole again!


Pastor Bronson from the Garden Church giving a word on Worship with your whole heart!


Jeff our Reliable coordinator explaining frisbee golf to a client


Pastor Gary Kenney spending some time with clients


Thank you Jay & Margy for the great food at Erin


The guys all had a wonderful time on the 4th


Celebration Sunday - August 2021

Congratulations to our graduates; Robert Olive, Austin Moore, Shannon Kelsey, Taylor Spain, James Parrott, Joshua Blake, Elliot Chandler, Medrekus McKinnie, & Russell Gamble.


Happy August Birthday to Cory Hosick, Scottie Mitchell, Joshua Pollock, & Robert Olive


Client of the Month is Bradley Guinn. Congratulations!


Dorm of the Month goes to Dorm 21. Great job guys!


Partner of the Quarter - Magnum Manufacturing


Our Processes and Procedures at Safe Harbor of Erin are productive, success driven, and accurate. We strive for greatness through innovation and people. Our goal is to help men who have strayed from their path to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference. We are not able do all of this without our Corporate Partners!

Magnum Manufacturing in Erin, TN has been instrumental in the success of many men through this last quarter of 2021. The staff is second to none. Their down home atmosphere and loving approach with our men has created a peaceful work environment. They offer a competitive wage and treat everyone the same. Our men come home from Magnum saying things like, “I could be full-time out there” and “I like it because the treat me with respect”.  


Thank you for being our Partner of the Quarter Magnum Manufacturing! We cannot help these men find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference without folks like y'all! We are truly blessed to have you.


Matthew Ellis

Reliable Coordinator

Safe Harbor Erin

Client of the Quarter - Lorenzo Jackson

"My name is Lorenzo Jackson born and raised in Memphis, I got addicted to drugs at a young age. For 25 years drinking and drugging. At the age of 23 I was shot 3 times, God spared my life and gave me many changes. After being shot I returned to the same life style. I always had faith but I wasn't saved and didn't accept Christ at that time. My addiction got worse through the years and I thought I had control. Leaning on my own understanding. Getting help wasn't a part of the plan. I thought I could just stop on my own. 20 years later I found myself in a park in my car crying out for help, Jesus heard my cry and told God about me. I picked my phone up for help and start dialing numbers. No one would help me with no insurance, or no money. I talked with a man who said he was retired but gave me a name and phone number to a man named Pastor Kenney. I called that number and we arranged a way and time for me to get in Safe Harbor. June 3rd I arrived humble and ready for acceptance. That day I got saved, cause I gave my life to Jesus. God put me where He wanted me to be. My healing process began that day I accepted Jesus. 4 months in Safe Harbor my spirituality side has really grown. Reading His word is how I understand what He wants us to do. There is no other way but through His word. Safe Harbor has provided me with the tools that I need to get back to loving myself and others again.

This is a 6 month program and I have 2 months left here. And I will continue my story as God watches over us. I would like to thank everyone who is apart of my growth and development Pastor Kenney and staff and Heavenly Mr. Short and the Garden Church."

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Staff of the Quarter - In Honor of our late Staff Member, William Short

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It has taken me a moment to express my thoughts and memory of a man who became a great friend, and fellow co co-worker. I would have did him a injustice to write while navigating through my own emotions his passing away. Our Safe Harbor ministries call for leaders and men who are driven by seeing the need of others, and are willing to sacrifice their own needs because they see the value of helping the men we serve make across the finishing line.

As the Director Of Safe Harbor Erin, Mr. William Short was given a call to come to Safe Harbor Erin to Help me as the Pastor and Director to lead and help Men across the finish line, to provide a safe place (Safe Harbor), to protect them and provide a place where men can regain their lives.

Mr. Short was the team member on our staff who was the centurion on the wall for our facility that provided that culture. While providing that culture it was amazing to see the amazing relationships he developed with every man and their families. His commitment to every other staff member was honest, transparent and faithful. He had the full trust of every staff member as well as every client. Mr. Short had the respect of all of our community help services such as our local church pastors and their members, outside volunteers, and other recovery program administrators. William Short was also very instrumental in helping our ministry obtained food, Clothing, and basic essentials for all our clients.

With this heart felt expression to his family and friends, we will deeply miss a man who became a true friend, a committed co-worker who so loved the men Safe Harbor and the work he did. We have since missed and realized the absence of all the qualities he brought to us, the men, and the ministry of Safe Harbor Erin. Thank you Dear God for lending this man to us for a little while, thank you you for the help and human strength he gave us. Now oh God be with his family, friends, and the men who’s lives he help change.

Thank You for Mr. Short.

Pastor Gary T Kenney

Director Safe Harbor Erin 

Celebration Sunday - July 2021

Congratulations to our graduates; Brandon Clifton, Charles Esits, William Gibson, Myles Gooch, Patrick Johnson, Christopher Neubauer, Zakariah Nickless, Christopher Shannon, & Bobby Boddie


Happy July Birthday to Jeremy Legge, Zachary Bruggeman, Robin Phipps, Tyler Wildermuth, & Austin Moore


Congratulations to our Client of the Month, Patrick Johnson


Congratulations to our Dorm of the Month, Dorm 14

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Upcoming Events!

Battle in the Saddle is approaching quickly! We are looking forward to year 9 of this event. It will once again be held in Memphis, TN at the Agricenter Showplace Arena. This is our largest fundraiser each year that helps to fund so many projects throughout Safe Harbor.

We would love to have you attend if you are able. Come out and watch cowgirls and cowboys from across the US compete!

If you are interested in sponsoring this event please get with our Reliable Coordinator, Lance Newcomb. His email is [email protected].

Learn more at

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