
I know you’ve been “anxiously” awaiting part 2 of our January parenting class! As a reminder, each month, our second email will serve to reinforce the educational, scripture-based information you already received. You can re-read it below.

Let's face it: We all struggle with many of the same parenting challenges. None of us are meant to raise faith-minded children alone. God wants us to work together! Your family ministry team here at Asbury is serious about empowering you as faith leaders in your home. I encourage you to use the information provided in these emails to strengthen your family and your faith.

In His service,

Angie Gongwer



Clinginess and tears are a healthy reaction to separation. It shows our child is bonded to us. As a child grows older separation anxiety should lessen, but in the meantime, how do we deal with it as a parent? 

We can’t always be WITH our child, but there is One who is ALWAYS with them. Romans 8:35a says, Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? As we are comforted in the fact that God is always present with our child, what can we do as parents to help a child move past separation anxiety?

  • Develop a goodbye ritual. Don’t sneak away when your child isn’t looking as this leads to more anxiety. Instead, give a kiss on the forehead and say, “I love you. Bye sweetie!”
  • Be consistent. Your child will become more comfortable with drop off at daycare and/or church as they become more consistent with the environment.
  • Leave with confidence. If you walk out of the room, turn back around and return to retrieve your child, you are reinforcing the thought that something is wrong.
  • Come up with a comfort object. Sometimes sending in a special object from home helps a child transition better.

Separation anxiety is lessened when we exude confidence and calmness at drop off. Leaving your child will help them in the end, so fight the urge to feel guilty! Your job as a parent is to help them become independent, and they can’t do that while clinging to your leg!


According to a recent report, 80% of kids with a diagnosable anxiety disorder and 60% of kids with diagnosable depression do not receive treatment. Anxiety is a growing issue among young children, and we do not want anyone to feel ashamed to let those around them know that this might be a concern for their child. Here are some sample questions to help guide a meaningful conversation between you and your child.

Parent Only:

  • Have I noticed anything different with my child recently?
  • How are my child’s habits? Sleep? Eating? Relationships? Studying?
  • Does my child smile, laugh, and enjoy life?
  • Have there been any recent situations or circumstances that may cause my child to feel fear, nervousness, or worry?

Parent & Kid Conversation:

  • Do you ever feel afraid or nervous about things?
  • Have you ever felt like you were so upset by something you couldn’t breathe?
  • Do you ever wake up at night and think about scary things?
  • Do you ever feel super sad for no reason?

Help your child find ways to confront anxiety instead of hiding in fear. Celebrate current victories over anxiety and remind them of past victories in the future!


How is the worry and anxiety level in your home this week? According to statistics and studies, if you have a teen in your home, there is a 1 in 3 chance they are struggling with some form of anxiety. Thanks to the ongoing pandemic, phones, social media, and pressure surrounding sports and school, teen anxiety disorder is on the rise. It’s not surprising, but that does not mean we as Christians need to brush it off as lack of faith or spiritual weakness, either.

As a Christian parent, we need to take the time with our teen to talk about how they are feeling. Find out what is stressing them or what might be bringing on worry before it turns into something more. If it's helpful, check out the sample questions in the section above. Take time this week to sit down face-to-face as a family and check in on each other’s worries and anxiety levels.

This time of year is the time for new anxieties and stresses. Your Asbury family is praying for you! Let us know how we can pray specifically for you and your family or we if can put you in touch with a licensed professional counselor.