Our vision is every child enters preschool and life ready to succeed because
"every parent has the knowledge, skills, and resources to build school readiness where it starts: the home." - ParentChild+
You taught us the significance of your support. Thanks to you, we have said, "Yes, we can help!" ... "Si, podemos ayudar!" more times than our seven years put together.

You enabled our preschools to stay open, the basic needs of 100s of families met, the capacity to safely serve and feed school-age children, and new initiatives like ParentChild+ targeting our mission - all during a pandemic! 
Home-Visiting is the heartbeat of Families First. This month Aurora and her Early Learning Specialists (home-visitors) completed ParentChild+ training. We are happy to announce a team of 4 is ready, and their families with children 18-36 months will receive visits twice weekly.

The Aim | The Impact
  • Break Poverty Cycles | Families Become Self-sustaining.
  • Preempt Achievement Gaps | Better Students and Parents as First Teachers.
  • Boost Home Learning Environments | Prepared for Preschool and Lifelong Learning
  • Racial Inequities, Data-Driven | Families Graduate and Access Our Spanish Immersion Preschools.

Join us to ensure minority families are valued, understood, strengthened, employed, and have a pathway to success in their community. 

Our most vulnerable families are more troubled economically and educationally than ever. Being in their homes weekly brings hope and expands possibilities and opportunities for the whole family.

Deeply grateful for you,
The Families First Team
Families First in Cabarrus County | https://familiesfirstcc.org/