Oct. 17th-21st Family Activities Newsletter

Welcome to the WMHT Family Activities Newsletter.
This weekly family newsletter is providing resources for children’s growing and learning throughout the fall and winter months.
The theme for this week is Autumn Nature Activities.
I hope you find this helpful!
Barbara Lukas, Family Learning Coordinator
Theme: Autumn Nature Activities
Welcome to family activities with PBS Kids!  October means changes in our weather and in the nature around us. Discover some outdoor fun in the activities below.
Two age level areas are available – PreK-K and Grades 1-2. 
 Go on a nature walk and collect leaves for an easy art project. As you collect the leaves, look carefully at the colors, textures and shapes. To make the rubbings you will need white paper and some peeled crayons. Did you make a design by combining two or three leaves on a page?

       Nature Cat Scavenger Hunt
Gather a few of your friends and go on a scavenger hunt to find items and textures from nature. Give everyone a pencil, sheet of cardboard backing with a copy of the Nature cat scavenger sheet on it. Begin the hunt! Everyone can check off items and draw new ones in the blank spaces. 

Grades 1-2
On the next nice fall day talk a walk in the neighborhood or local park. Collect several dry leaves. Look for different colors and shapes. Use them to make your own leaf cards. Glue them on plain note cards, or make your own cards from heavy construction paper or card stock. Note – to flatten leaves, place them between two sheets of paper, and put a heavy book on top. After several hours they will be smooth and flat.
    Night Time is a Great time to Explore
What can you discover while exploring at night? Create your own nighttime observation kit and discover the mysteries of exploring at night time. First print the observation chart. Then collect a flashlight, magnifying glass, and pencil to record what you find. Head out into your yard or neighborhood as the sun is ready to go down. 

Children’s Books to Celebrate Fall
A new season has arrived and we say goodbye to summer. Cooler weather, pumpkins, colorful leaves are everywhere. Share the wonders of autumn with these 13 fall-themed children’s books
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