August 8th-12th Family Activities Newsletter

Welcome to the WMHT Family Activities Newsletter.
This weekly family newsletter is providing resources for children’s growing and learning throughout the summer and fall months.
The theme for this week is Chemistry Experiments Part 2.
I hope you find this helpful!
Barbara Lukas, Family Learning Coordinator
Theme: Chemistry Experiments Part 2
Welcome to family activities with PBS Kids!  Science helps children develop key life skills, including an ability to communicate, remain organized and focused, and even form their own opinions based on observation. Try a second week of experiments.
Two age level areas are available – PreK-K and Grades 1-2. 
Experiment with simple home ingredients learning the science behind elasticity with this chemistry and craft project rolled into one. All you need is cornstarch, white glue, and Borax powder [can be found near laundry supplies in grocery section of store]. If you like, add a few drops of food coloring to the mix. How high did your ball bounce?

       Kinetic Sand 
Kinetic sand is similar to wet sand. You will be able to mold it into different shapes, and the sand will not dry out. Learn how to make kinetic sand, a fun sensory craft, using 3 household ingredients! You will need a big bowl to mix the baking powder, baking soda, and dish washing liquid. Did you add food coloring?

Grades 1-2
Engage in some imaginary monster-play and embrace your inner scientist with this fun activity! Learn how to make gooey monster slime TWO ways with this sensory craft. Don't worry — the slime washes off hands easily with soap and water. Supplies are simple – liquid starch, glue and food coloring. This can be messy, so make sure you clean up afterwards.
    Sidewalk Chalk
From hopscotch to street art, sidewalk chalk opens up a world of ways to play! Make a stop at a craft store for plaster of paris [dry powder], duct tape, wax paper, and some tempera paint. Recycle cardboard tubes, and spoon the plaster of paris into them. It will take three days for the sidewalk chalk to become hard enough to use, so be patient!

Fruit Leather Snack
Making fruit leather is a healthy and tasty snack that is also a great family cooking activity. And, it’s the perfect snack to take on the go! Start with a quart of fruit - strawberries, raspberries, peaches, plums, etc., and add lemon juice. You will need adult help using the blender and oven. Baking or drying the fruit will take about 3 hours. Did you invite a friend to share your snack?  

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