Jan. 17th-21st Family Activities Newsletter

Welcome to week 79 of the WMHT Family Activities Newsletter.
This weekly family newsletter is providing resources for children’s growing and learning throughout the winter and spring months.
The theme for this week is Letters and Words.
I hope you find this helpful!
Barbara Lukas, Family Learning Coordinator
Theme: Letters and Words
Welcome to family activities with PBS Kids! Letters form words and words are part of everyday life. Explore a variety of vocabulary activities in the suggestions below.       
Two age level areas are available – PreK-K and Grades 1-2. 
Design your own craft paper stars and add a letter on each star. In place of glitter you can use crayons or markers to color the edges of each star. Put the stars together to form real or imaginary constellations. You might put the letters of your name on the stars and make a constellation of your name. 

       Alphabet Grocery Shopping
Turn grocery shopping into an alphabet adventure. Help a family member create a shopping list, being sure to include some healthy foods. Then at the grocery store try some of these activities from Super Why. Did you find all the supplies on the grocery list?

Grades 1-2
Take your ABC’s to the kitchen and make gingerbread letter cookies! You will need adult help gathering the cooking supplies, and using the oven. If you don’t have letter shaped cookie cutters, just design you own letters using a plastic knife. Make sure to use a spatula when transferring the cookies to the baking sheet! Did you make the letters for your name?

    TEA Party
Create a meal using foods that begin with specific letters. This activity from Super Why starts with the letters T, E, A. Can you think of foods using other letters? For example B banana, broccoli. Or C carrot, cheese. What other letters and foods did you use to design your special letter meal?

Word Girl Game
Learn vocabulary and make story choices with this game from Word Girl. You can work with three different story lines. Which story did you choose? Did you click on the blue words to learn new vocabulary?           

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