It’s a Family Affair!!
In the Hawk’s Nest
L to R: The Turijan Siblings: Jorge (Fr), Jazmine (Jr), Xochilt (Sr);
The Fernandez Triplets: Samantha, Naomi, Zachary (Srs)
Hudson Catholic is blessed to have two families who have entrusted three children to us at the same time. THAT is quite an endorsement from their parents! And what students they are!

The Fernandez Triplets are an awesome Hudson Catholic sibling set. Naomi, Samantha and Zachary are entering their senior year. They all play sports and are in the school plays when the pandemic isn’t wreaking havoc with our stage productions. Naomi is also in the SPU Dual Enrollment Honors program.
In the Turijan family, we have Xochilt (pronounced ‘Zochee’) the senior, Jazmine the junior, and Jorge an incoming freshman. Both Xochilt and Jazmine are Dual Enrollment Honors students, and they both play soccer, as will Jorge this year. Xochilt is one of the top soccer players in the state and holds several team and county records as she enters her senior season.
All three Fernandez Triplets, and Xochilt and Jazmine Turijan were selected to attend Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama in August. Their attendance was made possible by the financial support of The Scholarship Fund for Inner City Children, a generous Hudson Catholic benefactor.

Honors, Sports, Plays, Space Camp! These great kids epitomize the optimal Hudson Catholic experience!

Great reasons to Triple (!) your Gift to this year's Annual Fund!
Top photo: The Turijans; bottom photo: The Fernandez's
Black & Gold Golf
Sponsored by Investors Bank
Still time to place Journal Ads or take Hole Sponsorships
Contact Jill at ASAP!
August 31 Reservation Due Date
for the Tree of Life
Go to for details and to reserve your Leaf

Hawk Community to Set Sail
In January 2023

Alumni Spotlight

Answer Man. Joe Slota ’72 is Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting.

Rock Jock. Tom Natoli ‘77 You can find Tom at on Saturdays at 12:45pm spinning old tunes such as NY Summer Hits of 1970. You can also hear him on Alexa/Google Mini, or load the free Tune In app, then type in Pop Gold Radio.

Ship Shape. Marco Poisler ‘88 is Chief Operating Officer for Global Energy & Capital Projects at UTC Overseas in Houston, a global logistics, transport & supply chain management firm. Marco was recently featured on National Public Radio's broadcast of 'The Engines of Our Ingenuity'. To ensure a first class production, Marco collaborated with a renowned media professional and high school classmate, Dave Muraca!
When in the Neighborhood
-- or make it a point to
stop by and see us at
The Hawks’ Nest!
If you haven’t been back to visit Hudson Catholic in what is now too long, or if you are curious or itching to see what we’ve done with the place recently, please feel free to come by for a look. Maybe you just want a photo taken in our glistening gym (really!), or need to say thanks to Phil Gazzale, Frank McGady, Debbie McGady, or Terry Matthews. Do not resist the inclination. Plan to visit at a convenient time for you. You’ll be glad you did!
Contact Gary Ferrari ’73 at 201-888-6276 or to be sure he will be on school premises (when not visiting with alumni where they prefer to be met) to greet you and host your visit.
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Advertise your business card here for $25 per issue
Plan a visit back to the Hawks' Nest.
Correction Corner

In the last issue of 'BTL, Lou Giambusso was identified as a member of the Class of 1971. Eagle-eyed Dennis Danilewicz' 71, who should know, caught the error. Lou is a member of '70.
The Office of Advancement ~ Gary, Jill & Jenine
201-332-5970 x118
Special thanks to our sponsor: