Week of June 13-19, 2022 | Vol. 81 Issue 24

Worship on Sunday, June 19 with a Family Dedication

This Sunday, June 19, 2022, we will worship together in the Sanctuary in person and online as we continue our summer sermon series, "iMessages to St. John's from the First Century," with a message from Dr. Foust called, “Recalculating,” based on Revelation 2:8-11 and 2:12-17.

During worship, we will celebrate the dedication of Alexandra and Julien Cushman, the daughter and son of Blinn and Anna McLeod Cushman. See you Sunday morning!

2022 Global Missions Offering

This year's Global Mission Offering goal is $25,000.

So far, we have received $1,460 towards this goal.

We will support our friends at the Nyarweng School, South Sudan, with $20,000 and we will send $5,000 to Project Ruth. You can give towards this goal today by donating online and specifying Global Missions, or by writing "Global Missions" in the memo line on your check.

Help us reach our $25,000 goal!

Frozen In Time: What Girls Need Now

Community Cue on Sunday, June 26, 2022 at 2PM

Broach Hall

Community Cues are free events that are open to the general public. In these settings, the community is open to explore themes and topics inspired by an upcoming show.

The upcoming Community Cue is based on the musical, Frozen, and is targeted towards girls and young women. It will include a panel discussion featuring licensed mental health professionals. This conversation is an opportunity to explore common themes causing stress in girls and young women in early elementary school and is designed to help them understand that they are not alone in battling stress, anxiety, depression, bullying and other issues. The day will end with breakout sessions that will help teach valuable stress-relieving tools that they can use everyday.

It will take place in Broach Hall at 2PM on Sunday, June 26, 2022.

The event is free but requires advance sign-ups using the form linked on the button below.

Frozen Community Cue

A Message from the Music Ministry!

Carillon Installation:

In July a digital carillon will be installed at St. John's. It will strike the hour throughout the day. At noon, it will play a selection of hymns for several minutes.

We need your help!

We would like to have the carillon play hymns that are favorites of YOU! If you have a favorite hymn, please email, mail, or drop a note to Kevin Gray with a list of your top five favorite hymns. 


Free Concert July 3 | 7:00PM | Sanctuary

This concert is sponsored by the American Guild of Organists and St. John’s and will feature two incredible organists, David Wilcox and Annette Martin, playing mostly patriotic, Americana music.

The concert is FREE and open to the public. Join us for an evening of music!


Prayers for Our Youth

Pray for our youth group and leaders as they depart this Sunday, June 19 for Chicago on a mission trip. Next week, they will be participating in Experience Mission’s ministry in Chicago and partner with Sunshine Gospel Ministries (through the BridgeBuilders program) for an experiential service-learning opportunity. This trip seeks to connect people from different backgrounds to promote a shared understanding of the challenges facing inner-city communities. Their work will fluctuate day to day depending on the local partner’s needs, but in each experience, they hope to be given opportunities to build relationships with local people and extend the work of the local church.



Many thanks to those who brought summer clothing and books for children in the ourBridge program! We were able to deliver a good supply of clothing and many books, with an assortment for all ages, from preschool through 8th grade.

The staff at ourBridge is grateful for the support of the local community as they continue their educational and enrichment programs for the summer.

A Fun Adventure for this Weekend!

On Saturday, June 18, join in the celebration of World Refugee Day. This is a time established by the United Nations to honor refugees who, because of conflict and persecution in their homeland, have made their way into another country and have shown great resilience as they make a better life for their families.

This colorful and lively event in Charlotte, co-sponsored this year by ourBridge for Kids and Refugee Support Services, is designed to acknowledge the many ways our own culture is enriched when we learn from people from around the world who have come here to make Charlotte their new home.

The event, between 4:30-7:30 p.m., is being held on the lawn at the entrance of Aldersgate Retirement Center, 3925 Willard Farrow Drive. It is free and open to the public for all ages, and will include music, games, arts, and food. To learn more about the festivities click here.

Anyone who would like to volunteer to help with this event can contact Beverly Hester, 919 696 5018, or

at beverlyrhester@earthlink.net for more information. Help is needed for an hour or so in set up prior to the event or afterward for clean up, or during the event at the various stations.

Happy 102nd Birthday to Virginia Allen!!!

Last Sunday, June 12, Virginia celebrated her 102nd birthday!

If you would like to drop her a note, please send it to:

5802 Old Providence Rd Apt 302

Charlotte, NC 28226-6909

Assist M.E. Collection

June is our month to collect medical equipment (wheelchairs, shower seats, toilet chairs, walkers...) for Assist M.E. 

Assist M.E. is a non-profit organization in the Charlotte. They take in gently used medical equipment and gift it to low income, uninsured patients in our community. Assist M.E. gets wheelchairs, bedside commodes, walkers, shower chairs and other medical equipment from individual donors and organizations.  


Please bring medical equipment to the collection room as you are able throughout the month of June. Contact Jane Starnes for more information at 704-618-8353.

Men's Shelter:

Next Date is July 15

St. John's serves at the uptown Men's Shelter every third Friday of the month.

Our next date to serve after June 17 is July 15. 

Will you consider signing up for this great cause?

Click on the button below to sign up for service to our neighbors.

Sign Up to Serve!

From the Heritage Room

Information about St. John’s in the 1950’s is now on display in the hallway.

The 1950’s was a decade of growth--in membership and attendance, in church staff, and in additional space.

Due to the increased membership, the church was quickly outgrowing its building. The Sunday School attendance records show enrollment of more than 1500 and attendance of more than 700. An apartment house facing Fifth Street (located on what is now the lawn area) had been acquired in 1948 and was being used as the Nursery. A building fund campaign was launched for an additional building behind the Sanctuary Building; the cost of the new building was approximately $220,000. This “new” building, referred to as the Education Building, was to have a fellowship hall, chapel, and additional Sunday School rooms. The initial groundbreaking was held in August 1951 and occupied in November 1952 with the dedication being held on March 29, 1953. In September 1952, the church voted to borrow funds for furnishing the new building and remodeling the first and second floors of the old building. (You can see both the old and new plans in the exhibit.) To accommodate the new building, the Community House was demolished.

Also in 1951, the church began work on a new pastorium (parsonage) on Colville.

Read More Here

Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations

  • Kathleen Bumgardner, Tish Philemon, Tarsha Williams, Ethel Harris

Financial Ministry Plan Report

  • Week of June 7-13: $4,859
  • Income through June 13: $531,109
  • Annual 2022 Ministry Plan Budget Goal: $1,135,000

Ministers On-Call Schedule

  • June 13-19: Kevin Gray
  • June 20-26: Dennis Foust
  • June 27-July 3: Lee Gray


Staff Contact Information

  • Amanda Morrison, Ministry Coordinator - 704-333-5428, ext. 11
  • Dennis Foust, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 12
  • Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-451-1309 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 15
  • Kevin Gray, Minister for Music and Worship - 803-524-0287 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 14
  • Jacquelyn McAbee, Church Administrator - 434-579-1177 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 20
  • Mallory Brown, 704-477-3349 (cell)

Deacon Offering Schedule
Usher & Greeter Schedule
Church Calendar
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