Family Flyer
May 2021 Issue
Summer Literacy Supports
These supports include: 1. Scholastic Summer Reading 2. Start with a Book: Read, Explore, Learn! 3. Video: The Home Front (Reading Rockets) & 4. Encourage a Love of Reading Throughout the Summer (PBS Kids)
Summer 2021 Transition University Virtual Training
Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC)
The course begins June 12, 2021 and will be open until
August 6, 2021.
Transition University will offer a 5-session self-paced online series to help parents/guardians navigate the transition process for their school age child and prepare for the adult world. Life is full of transitions. For families of children with disabilities thinking about the future can bring mixed emotions.
AT Tools in Schools (Available in Spanish)
VDOE's Assistive Technology Network
This guide (available in Spanish) is designed to support professionals and families in understanding assistive technology (AT) and identifying possible AT tools for students from preschool through high school.
Legal/Advocacy Groups and Resources
This Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) document includes a non-exhaustive list of non-profit legal services and advocacy organizations in Virginia that provide no-cost legal or advocacy services, technical assistance, and/or referrals to the public. Other attorney or non-attorney services, including pro bono services and special education resources may be available in your community.
Virginia Department of Education
The Kellar Institute
George Mason University