April 10, 2020
Family Enterprise Entertainment
Dear Family Enterprise Community,

Family is on everyone’s mind right now, especially as we are in the midst of Spring holidays, including Passover, Easter and Ramadan. We hope you and your families are able to enjoy time together (especially virtually) this weekend. And, if you’re looking for some family enterprise entertainment, here’s a tried and true trio:   

  • Movie: The Descendants. Travel to Hawaii and experience the story of a multi-generational family business as it faces an uncertain future.

  • Series: Dynasty. Splurge on this blast from the past, the ultimate bingeable family business drama.

Thank you to the alumni who’ve already sent us your favorites.

If you have any recommendations of your favorite movies, series, or books, please send them to:  [email protected]
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay tuned …

The Family Business Program