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October 24, 2024

Dear Parents and Families,

I hope you are enjoying the fall! October is New York State History Month and American Archives Month, and the New York State Education Department (NYSED) Office of Cultural Education is working to promote the education and appreciation of New York State’s rich and complex history. In addition to hosting in-person events throughout October, the State Museum has created a dedicated New York State History Month web page with many resources to explore, including the podcast “A New York Minute in History,” educator guides, a list of events happening statewide, and much more. In addition, the State Archives invites you to discover the enduring value of historical records and learn more about New York State history using its web page featuring resources for American Archives Month. I encourage you to explore all of the resources we have to offer and learn about the fascinating history of our state!

In celebration of New York State History Month, NYSED is highlighting students’ reflections on the impacts of history and its relevance to their generation. Through the #MyHistoryMyFuture social media campaign, the Department intends to amplify the voices of young people. We encourage students to learn about the past as well as be proud of where they come from and take action to make their schools, communities, and the world a better place for future generations.

This month, we invite students to participate in the #MyHistoryMyFuture social media campaign using the resources available from the State Museum, State Library, and State Archives to learn about New York State history.


Suggested Student Activities

Explore the resources available on the New York State History Month web page, then share your views as you reflect on the past and look to the future. Post your thoughts on social media using the hashtag #MyHistoryMyFuture. Here are some ideas to help you get started:


  • Join the New York State Museum for special in-person programming throughout October to celebrate New York State History Month.
  • Listen to a podcast episode of “A New York Minute in History.” From stories about New York’s role in the War of 1812 to the history of regional food specialties, the podcast offers fascinating stories to engage students with a wide variety of interests.
  • Attend one of the many events and programs happening across the state to celebrate New York State History Month.
  • Celebrate New York State History Month by exploring one or more of the sites on I Love NY's Path Through History!
  • Participate in one of the New York State Library's online and in-person events that relate to New York State History.
  • Celebrate Archives Month and learn more about New York State History by exploring the New York State Archives digital collections, name indexes rich in family history information, highlights from New York Archives magazine, and more!


College Application Month

If you have a student applying to college this year, take advantage of College Application Month! More than 130 colleges and universities throughout New York State are waiving their application fees for College Application Month. This means students can apply to multiple colleges without the burden of application fees, making it easier and more affordable for students to pursue their college goals. Find a complete list of participating schools and their fee waiver dates on the Higher Education Services Corporation website.

Get connected to the resources your child needs to prepare for college by signing up to receive text alerts with key information about financial aid, important deadlines, and resources to put students on the right path toward their college careers.

Blue Ribbon Schools

The U.S. Department of Education recently announced that 21 New York schools have been recognized as 2024 National Blue Ribbon Schools. The prestigious recognition highlights schools that excel in academic performance or make significant strides in closing achievement gaps among different student groups. Our press release includes a full list of the 2024 New York State National Blue Ribbon Schools. Congratulations to the honorees!

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

NYSED joins the country in celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) by recognizing businesses that hire an exceptional number of individuals with disabilities. This year’s theme is “Access to Good Jobs for All,” which will be promoted through statewide events hosted by the Department’s Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services—Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) and partner organizations throughout the month of October. Many of these events aim to offer employment opportunities to people with disabilities. Find a list of events and regional award winners on our website.


Thanking Our School Leaders

Finally, October is National Principals Month. Please take a moment to thank the leaders of your children’s schools who work tirelessly on behalf of our school communities all year.

I appreciate everything you do for your children and schools. Thank you for your continued support.


Betty A. Rosa


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