August 2016

Family Stabilization: A Helping Hand When Financial Crisis Strikes                 
Sadly, many people in our own community live paycheck to paycheck. Any disruption in income can start a downward financial spiral that could lead to homelessness and poverty.

The Family Stabilization department at the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay provides support and guidance to strengthen a family's ability to provide for its basic needs during a time of crisis. People who come to Family Stabilization receive fundamental financial education and money saving tips by taking a Money Matters class. They're also assigned a Case Manager who assists in developing a plan to help resolve their financial hardship.

The Case Manager works with the family to target specific areas of concern such as rent, transportation and utility bills. The Case Manager also provides assistance in negotiations with landlords and utility providers, and helps connect the family members to additional community resources based on their unique circumstances.

Services such as Family Stabilization are possible through the support of Crisis Center donors, corporate partners, and funders. Thank you for providing help, hope, and healing to people facing a financial crisis!