Please read the following updates from Family Transition Place (FTP), located in Treaty 19 territory. Find out more about Treaty 19.

Our FTP family would like to thank everyone who helped us in 2023 to bring safety, support and hope to those we serve.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2024.

Early bird tickets now available!

Presented by:

FTP has hosted a fundraising luncheon in celebration of International Women’s Day for over 10 years. This event is incredibly popular and it is for that reason that we moved it to a larger venue providing space to host 400 guests. In addition to an exclusive opportunity to get to know her, Serena will also treat the audience by performing one of her popular songs. Attendees will also have access to extraordinary silent auction, swag and door-prize items and the occasion to indulge on a three-course gourmet meal. This event also provides an opportunity to network, connect with friends and celebrate the accomplishments of women, all while supporting FTP. 

$175/person (early bird)

$200/person (effective February 1, 2024)

NOTE: Discounted rates are available for full tables of 10, but the table rate needs to be paid in full at the time of registration. Please contact Kelly at 519-942-4122, ext. 243 or to access the discounted rate.


$1,600/table of 10 (early bird)

$1,800/table of 10 effective February 1, 2024

All funds raised will help support FTP’s critical education, counselling and shelter programs.


Other ways to support this event

Sponsorship is an incredible way to build your brand identity and show the community your commitment to supporting our essential programs and services.

Please check out the exciting Sponsorship Opportunities for this year's IWD event. We would love to partner with you!

If you have questions, please contact Kelly at 519-942-4122, ext. 243 or

Advertise your product or service in this year's Celebrating Women magazine. This incredible full-colour magazine celebrates women, features beautiful graphics and thought-provoking content. Your advertising investment provides your business with valuable exposure and 100% of ad sales will support FTP.

Please consider this year's Advertising Opportunities and contact Kelly to place your ad at 519-942-4122, ext. 243 or

Help raise important funds with a chance to win!

Buy a ticket (or tickets!) for a chance to win one of the following amazing prizes.

Grand Prize:

From Tradition to Non-Tradition–a quilt designed, created and sewn by Sandra Small Proudfoot. Machine quilting by Mary Light of Temiskaming Shores.

2nd Prize:

$200 gift cards for use at

Winners | HomeSense | Marshalls

3rd Prize:

$100 gift certificate for dinner at Bluebird Café and Grill

Artist Statement on From Tradition to Non-Tradition:

Quilts have long provided an outlet for creative expression, from the pioneer women of years past to the quiltmakers of today. This quilt is titled From Tradition to Non-Tradition. The traditional patters are displayed on the borders of the quilt and the central design is created by its designer and quiltmaker. Traditional quilts are often referred to as our 'grandmother's quilts.' They are made from patterns which have been passed down from generation to generation of quiltmakers for decades and which have become a 'tradition' with many quiltmakers. This quilt is designed to fit a queen-sized or twin bed.

Prize draw to take place on March 20, 2024, 11 a.m.

Family Transition Place—20 Bredin Parkway, Orangeville

You do not have to be in attendance to win.

All proceeds to support the personal-care needs of the women and children accessing FTP's shelter, counselling and outreach services.

If you would like to know more about this raffle, please visit our website or contact Kelly at 519-942-4122, ext. 243, or email

The fine print:

Purchasers, all ticket holders and/or group members must be at least 18 years of age. Tickets cannot be purchased in the name of a minor.

Tickets are not tax deductible and must be purchased and delivered within the province of Ontario.

Only one (1) name can be entered as a Primary Ticket Holder.

Employees of the Charity* staff and Charity board members are NOT eligible to participate (defined as purchase tickets or receive prizes in the Raffle).

Charity volunteers and family members are able to participate.

*Charity defined as Family Transition Place (FTP)

Lottery Licence M 841760

Outreach support success

The following is a client's success story through FTP's outreach program and a Dufferin County-led community support network:

“For several months and through a few major crises, FTP's mobile crisis counsellor collaborated to support a client who struggled with both past and present sexual violence, various addictions and homelessness.

Eventually this wonderful client accessed various programs throughout the agency leading to a more stable frame of mind to work through some of her life’s traumas. Following this time, they were able to access independent housing and with continued support from both FTP and partner agencies, they are more confident they will heal, grow and succeed.“

Empty Bowls donation

Thank you to Ann Randeraad for her generous donation of $4,000 raised through the 2023 Empty Bowls fundraising initiative. We're truly grateful for her ongoing contributions and to everyone who supported this incredible community event.

Amazing group effort

A local group generously contributed funds to purchase and donate Sandy Proudfoot's incredibly compelling quilt—Coercive Control—for display here at FTP. This quilt delivers such a powerful message about intimate-partner violence.

We're so grateful for the generosity of the following individuals:

Judi Sullivan (organizer), Fern Pugh (organizer), Linda, Nancy S., Nancy R., Christine, Jody, Judy, Joyce, Sue, Michele, Jennifer, Alison, Jan, Ann, Karen and Nancy.

This quilt will hang prominently on the wall in our main meeting room.

Read more about the messaging carefully and creatively stitched into this quilt here.

Photo L–R: Norah Kennedy (FTP), Sandy Proudfoot and Judi Sullivan

January Events

January 15: MLK Day

January 21: Lincoln Alexander Day

January 25: Bell Let's Talk Day

February Events

Black History Month

February 6: Safer Internet Day

February 14: Women's Memorial March/V-Day

February 17: International Random Act of Kindness Day

February 20: World Day of Social Justice

February 22: Human Trafficking Awareness Day

February 28: Pink Shirt Day

Contact Us for Support

If you are experiencing abuse and/or homelessness, please do not hesitate to call us. Our counselling and outreach supports will be offered virtually, by phone or in person. Our support/info line operates 24/7; text options are also available. Our priority is to ensure those experiencing domestic violence and/or homelessness have somewhere safe to go, or have the option to speak with a caring and compassionate professional.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance. We are always here to provide access to safety, support and hope for those in need.

24-Hour Support/Info Line:

519-941-HELP (4357) | 905-584-HELP (4357)


Text: 519-278-5410


Text and email accounts are monitored Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Staff will respond to messages as soon as possible. 

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

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