Please read the following updates from Family Transition Place (FTP), located in Treaty 19 territory. Find out more about Treaty 19.

A Year of Transition

Much of last year was about transition at Family Transition Place (FTP). Our board was focused on the retirement of our executive director, Norah Kennedy—after leading this agency for 17 years—and the hiring of Lynette Pole-Langdon to step into this role. Our International Women's Day Celebration Event was moved to a new venue to accommodate more guests and was an incredible success. And, after many months of preparation, we received another four-year accreditation through FOCUS Accreditation (see more in section below).

You can read about all of it (and more!) in our 2023-2024 Annual Report.

2023-2024 Board of Directors

L–R: Jennifer Innis, Rapinder Kaur, Jocelyn Johnston, Sharyn Ayliffe, Lynette Pole-Langdon, Norah Kennedy, Sheralyn Roman, Laura Bryan-Kirk, Denyse Horner, Tony Maxwell and Carissa Burton (Board member Laura Cameron missing from photo).

FTP held its General Meeting on June 26th. It was an evening layered with many emotions as we went through the highs (a stable year financially, our FOCUS Accreditation results and the introduction of new faces and roles) and lows knowing it was Norah Kennedy's last board meeting.

The board also welcomed Jocelyn Johnston to our 2024-2025 Board of Directors.

For more information on our board, please visit our website.

FOCUS Accreditation

Through FOCUS Accreditation, FTP has achieved its third, four-year accreditation from June 2024–June 2028. FTP received a 100% rating for the third time and also received an elite-level award named the Seal of Sustainability.

“This recognition signifies FTP’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of excellence in the human services sector. Accreditation is a rigorous process that involves a comprehensive review of an organization’s operations, programs and services, and performance against established benchmarks. FTP has successfully met these standards, demonstrating a dedication to quality and continuous improvement.” – FOCUS Accreditation

We are grateful for the dedication and participation of our staff, volunteers, donors, board members and clients in our accreditation and extend our heartfelt thanks to FOCUS for their dedication and professionalism throughout this process.

To read more about the accreditation process, please read our 2023–2024 Annual Report, page 9.

A "Feel Good" Youth Education Moment

In 2012, The Ferguson Memorial Walk was created by Gus and Penny Bogner to honour their daughter Heidi Lee Ferguson (née Bogner). Heidi was tragically killed on September 12, 2009, in a domestic dispute with her estranged husband. From 2012–2019, the Bogner family raised over $120,000 in support of our largely unfunded youth education programs.

From 2020–2023, FTP was proud to carry on the important legacy of this event, which evolved into Heidi’s Walk for Hope, raising an additional $75,000, and further awareness for our work. Through Heidi’s Walk for Hope, we continued to honour Heidi, the incredible support received by her family, increase awareness about domestic violence, and raise critical funds to support violence prevention education. 

We sincerely appreciate the participation and support of this important event by our community throughout the last 12 years, and after much consideration, have decided to pivot our awareness and fundraising direction this fall. Making a decision like this has not been easy, but together with the Bogner family, we are confident it’s the right time and very excited to share new opportunities to support and learn more about the important work we do. Please stay tuned for announcements coming soon.  

A tribute to Heidi, her family, and the remarkable impact they’ve made possible through their dedication and belief in the work that we do will be installed at our Orangeville FTP location in September.

A "Feel Good" Youth Education Moment

FTP's Youth Education Program promotes self-esteem, compassion, greater empathy and more trusting and cooperative relationships.

Recently, we received a lovely email forwarded by a teacher from one of the schools where our youth educators offer programming, from a parent.

"I hope your day is off to a great start. I wanted to express my gratitude for the Stereotype Busters course that was conducted in your class. This course opened up some great topics of conversation within our home. When our daughter came home on Tuesday she was glowing and quickly showed me the laminated sheet of the thoughtful comments her peers had written about her. Each of the comments on that page has an invisible yet tangible string to her heart. She had proudly displayed the card and I bet she will keep it handy for many, many years to come." 

These programs run primarily through fundraised dollars and we rely on the support of our community to keep them going.

Our Youth Education Programs ARE making a difference in the lives of youth in our community!

World Day against Trafficking In Persons

July 30th is recognized globally as the World Day against Trafficking in Persons—a day to raise awareness about the human trafficking pandemic. Human trafficking can involve men, women, and children. However, most cases involve women and girls, for sexual exploitation, and children for cheap child labor. Children, particularly girls, represent a significant proportion of trafficking victims on a global scale. Human trafficking is an “industry” that reportedly rakes in hundreds of billions of dollars globally each year.

This year's theme is: Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking.

Visit the United Nations website to read more about the World Day against Trafficking in Persons.

Overdose Awareness Day

In recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day (August 31st), the Dufferin-Caledon Drug Strategy Committee* is hosting its 7th Annual Overdose Awareness Day Event on August 29, 2024.

To be the first to know about event details, please follow the committee on Facebook:


Together, we can end stigma, begin conversations, and help save lives.

*The Dufferin-Caledon Drug Strategy Committee is a community group composed of like-minded agencies that are working together to support and coordinate the development and implementation of local, comprehensive, cross-sector strategies to reduce the harms related to substance use and/or addictive behaviours.

Apology Statement

At Family Transition Place (FTP), we recognize the importance of fostering a culture of inclusivity, respect, and understanding. As an organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families in our community, we strive to uphold these values in all aspects of our work.

It is with humility and sincerity that we acknowledge the generational trauma, ongoing discrimination and inequalities experienced by First Nations, Inuit and Métis people and individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups. Unethical colonial practices lead to oppression, discrimination, human atrocities and social injustices resulting in lost heritage, dehumanization and underserved supports. We deeply regret any harm or hurt caused by past and current practices, actions, policies, or attitudes not in alignment with our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

As part of our ongoing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) efforts, we are taking steps to better listen, learn and address systemic barriers and promote positive change for a more equitable and inclusive society. We understand that true healing requires acknowledgement, accountability, and meaningful action.

We will continue educating ourselves, engaging in difficult conversations, and actively challenging biases and prejudices. By improving our practices, approaches, and use of language, we hope to continue fostering an environment where everyone can feel safe, valued, respected, and empowered to thrive.

Together, with the ongoing participation and support of our community, we can achieve an equitable and understanding society.

June 2024

Image by freepik

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July Events

July 1: Canada Day

July 8-14: Non-Binary Awareness Week

July 14: International Non-Binary Peoples Day

July 30: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

August Events

August 1: Emancipation Day

August 9: International Day of the World's Indigenous People

August 12: International Youth Day

August 18th: Never Give Up Day

August 31: International Overdose Awareness Day

Contact Us for Support

If you are experiencing abuse and/or homelessness, please do not hesitate to call us. Our counselling and outreach supports will be offered virtually, by phone or in person. Our support/info line operates 24/7; text options are also available. Our priority is to ensure those experiencing gender-based violence and/or homelessness have somewhere safe to go, or have the option to speak with a caring and compassionate professional.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance. We are always here to provide access to safety, support and hope for those in need.

24-Hour Support/Info Line:

519-941-HELP (4357) | 905-584-HELP (4357)


Text: 519-278-5410


Text and email accounts are monitored Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Staff will respond to messages as soon as possible. 

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

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