Please read the following updates from Family Transition Place (FTP), located in Treaty 19 territory. Find out more about Treaty 19.

Welcome to June

June is a month full of recognition and celebration.

Sexual Violence Prevention Month Recap

Town of Caledon flag-raising ceremony - Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The month of May represents Sexual Violence Prevention Month (SVPM). Throughout May, FTP participated in Sexual Violence Prevention Month (SVPM) awareness initiatives.

County of Dufferin Proclamation

Town of Orangeville Proclamation

Town of Caledon Proclamation

We also shared information and resources on our website and social media pages.

FTP's Lotus Centre provides sexual violence support to those of ALL genders who have experienced sexual violence and friends and family members supporting loved ones. If you have questions or need help, please contact us 24/7 (1-800-265-9178) or one of our partners, Dufferin Child and Family Services (child and youth services) and Headwaters Health Care Centre (The Sunrise Centre—emergency medical and crisis services). We work together to deliver a broad array of sexual violence support across our community. There is no wrong door.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911.

Town of Orangeville flag-raising ceremony - Thursday, May 23, 2024

Vigil hosted by Brave Canoe

On May 5th, FTP staff attended a thought-provoking candlelit vigil hosted by The Brave Canoe at Orangeville Town Hall to honour and remember the many missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and LGBTQ+ peoples.

This event was in recognition of the National Day for Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and 2SLGBTQI+ people, also known as Red Dress Day.

Sexual Harassment Awareness Week

On June 2, 1996, Theresa Vince was brutally murdered by her workplace supervisor. In memory of Theresa, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario passed Bill 207 to proclaim the first week in June (June 1–7) each year as Sexual Harassment Awareness Week. Under Bill 168, workers now have the right to refuse work if they believe they are at risk of workplace violence, workplace harassment and domestic violence that may occur in the workplace. Sexually harassing a person because of their sex, gender, or sexual orientation is not only unacceptable—it is against the law.

Everyone has the right to a workplace where they are treated with respect.


Legislative Assembly of Ontario - Sexual Awareness Week Act, 2005

CBC News - Woman killed at worked memorialized in new law

Government of Ontario - Preventing workplace violence and workplace harassment

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)

June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).

Myth: Violence, especially intimate partner violence, is a problem that only younger women face.

Reality: Violence against women who are older is a global phenomenon. (source)

Senior women are over two times more likely than senior men to experience spousal violence; this includes violence from current and former legally married spouses and common-law partners. (source)

As a community, we need to protect the security and dignity of older adults who may be vulnerable and prevent abuse and/or neglect. Human rights do not get old.

Please call us 24/7 if you need support: 1-800-265-9178.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911.

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Click the image above to find out more about the meaning behind the visuals.

June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day. It is an important day for all Canadians to take some time to learn about, celebrate and honour the history, culture and contributions of Canada’s First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people.

Visit the Government of Canada's website for a list of events celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day throughout Canada.

Good News Story

A teacher from a local school was so inspired by our youth educators who had just been in his classroom that he felt compelled to make a donation on behalf of his class to help support this largely unfunded program.

“I just wanted to email you to let you know that we are so grateful for your time and effort in our class! We've really enjoyed having you in, and the class has responded really well to your programming. They've found value in it, and I know it's made a positive impact on them. 


As a thank you, I made a donation to Family Transition Place on behalf of our class! We really appreciate all you do for the community.”

Kudos to our youth educators who are making a difference in our community and surrounding communities one classroom at a time.

Confirm your subscription for our monthly e-newsletter to receive important information about upcoming events (like our annual International Women's Day Celebration Event) and program and service updates.

You can unsubscribe at any time.

Other June Events

June 1-7: Sexual Harassment Awareness Week

June 19: Juneteenth

June 27: Canadian Multiculturalism Day

June 27: PTSD Awareness Day

July Events

July 1: Canada Day

July 8-14: Non-Binary Awareness Week

July 14: International Non-Binary Peoples Day

July 30: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Contact Us for Support

If you are experiencing abuse and/or homelessness, please do not hesitate to call us. Our counselling and outreach supports will be offered virtually, by phone or in person. Our support/info line operates 24/7; text options are also available. Our priority is to ensure those experiencing domestic violence and/or homelessness have somewhere safe to go, or have the option to speak with a caring and compassionate professional.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance. We are always here to provide access to safety, support and hope for those in need.

24-Hour Support/Info Line:

519-941-HELP (4357) | 905-584-HELP (4357)


Text: 519-278-5410


Text and email accounts are monitored Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Staff will respond to messages as soon as possible. 

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

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