Please read the following updates from Family Transition Place (FTP), located in Treaty 19 territory. Find out more about Treaty 19.

Happy International Women's Day!

This year's theme is #InspireInclusion.

For International Women's Day and every day let's inspire those around us to not only understand but to truly value women's inclusion.

Collectively, let's create a more inclusive world for women everywhere.

Make sure to take your photo in this pose (with your hands in the shape of a heart) and post it to social media with #InspireInclusion and #IWD2024 to show your support for this year's theme.

More on International Women’s Day here.

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who helped make our International Women's Day Celebration Event a success. We couldn't have done it without the support of this incredible community.

(Click here to visit our sponsor acknowledgement page)

And thank you to all of the wonderful business owners who contributed to our silent auction:

2024 Issue of Celebrating Women Magazine

Released in conjunction with our International Women's Day Celebration Event, this year's issue of Celebrating Women is now available!

Please have take a look at some wonderful contributions from local writers.

Thank you to all of the business owners who purchased ad space and to all the writers who donated their time to contributing an article for this year's issue. This magazine is an additional source of revenue for us and we're incredibly grateful to all who contributed.

All proceeds from this year's International Women's Day Celebration Event, event Silent Auction and ads purchased in this year's Celebrating Women magazine support FTP's critical shelter, counselling and education programs.

We will announce the fundraising total very soon!

Subscribe to receive our monthly e-newsletter

If you're not already a subscriber to our monthly e-newsletter, you may not receive important information about upcoming events (like today's International Women's Day Celebration Event) and program and service updates.

Sign up today to be one of the first "in the know."

You can unsubscribe at any time.


Help raise important funds with a chance to win!

There is till time to get your ticket(s) for a chance to win one of the following amazing prizes!

Grand Prize:

From Tradition to Non-Tradition–a quilt designed, created and sewn by Sandra Small Proudfoot. Machine quilting by Mary Light of Temiskaming Shores.

2nd Prize:

$200 gift cards for use at

Winners | HomeSense | Marshalls

3rd Prize:

$100 gift certificate for dinner at Bluebird Café and Grill

Artist Statement on From Tradition to Non-Tradition:

Quilts have long provided an outlet for creative expression, from the pioneer women of years past to the quiltmakers of today. This quilt is titled From Tradition to Non-Tradition. The traditional patters are displayed on the borders of the quilt and the central design is created by its designer and quiltmaker. Traditional quilts are often referred to as our 'grandmother's quilts.' They are made from patterns which have been passed down from generation to generation of quiltmakers for decades and which have become a 'tradition' with many quiltmakers. This quilt is designed to fit a queen-sized or twin bed.

Prize draw to take place on March 20, 2024, 11 a.m.

Family Transition Place—20 Bredin Parkway, Orangeville

You do not have to be in attendance to win.

All proceeds to support the personal-care needs of the women and children accessing FTP's shelter, counselling and outreach services.

If you would like to know more about this raffle, please visit our website or contact Kelly at 519-942-4122, ext. 243, or email

The fine print:

Purchasers, all ticket holders and/or group members must be at least 18 years of age. Tickets cannot be purchased in the name of a minor.

Tickets are not tax deductible and must be purchased and delivered within the province of Ontario.

Only one (1) name can be entered as a Primary Ticket Holder.

Employees of the Charity* staff and Charity board members are NOT eligible to participate (defined as purchase tickets or receive prizes in the Raffle).

Charity volunteers and family members are able to participate.

*Charity defined as Family Transition Place (FTP)

Lottery Licence M 841760

FTP Employees Supported Pink Shirt Day Last Month

Pink Shirt Day falls on the last Wednesday of February every year.

On that day, we wear PINK in hopes of creating a more kind, inclusive world by raising awareness for anti-bullying initiatives.

More information on Pink Shirt Day can be found here.

FTP's Youth Education Program is Making a Difference

The following is a success story received by one of FTP's Youth Education Program educators:

"My daughter is in grade eleven. Last week she told me she had to explain to a friend (who had attended a different elementary school) what "healthy relationships" are. She told me that they CLEARLY didn't have FTP in elementary school, and isn't that sad that they didn't even know that he deserves to be treated respectfully in a relationship? She was quite concerned and happily shared what she had learned. Thank you for what you do!"

Ecuador Trek for Shelter Success!

The following Royal LePage RCR Realtor's generously raised funds on behalf of the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation and FTP as part of last November's Ecuador Trek for Shelter. Combined, they raised almost $20,000 in support of our essential programs and services. We're truly grateful for their support.

Ross Hughes raised an incredible $8,384! We're grateful for Ross' ongoing support and truly inspired by his efforts.

Dave Grime from The Grime Team raised $5,800! We're truly grateful for this incredible contribution and to Dave for this amazing accomplishment.

Trish Condo raised $4,989.62! We're tremendously grateful for Trish's efforts and her ongoing support.

March Events

March 1 - Self-injury Awareness Day

March 4–10 - Social Work Week (Ontario)

March 8 - International Women's Day

March 19 - World Social Work Day

March 21 - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

March 31 - International Transgender Day of Visibility

April Events

April 3 - International Day Against Victim Blaming

April 7 - World Health Day (International)

April 9 - Equal Pay Day (Ontario)

April 10 - International Day of Pink

April 14-20 - National Volunteer Week

April 22 - Earth Day

April 24 - Administrative Professionals Day

Contact Us for Support

If you are experiencing abuse and/or homelessness, please do not hesitate to call us. Our counselling and outreach supports will be offered virtually, by phone or in person. Our support/info line operates 24/7; text options are also available. Our priority is to ensure those experiencing domestic violence and/or homelessness have somewhere safe to go, or have the option to speak with a caring and compassionate professional.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance. We are always here to provide access to safety, support and hope for those in need.

24-Hour Support/Info Line:

519-941-HELP (4357) | 905-584-HELP (4357)


Text: 519-278-5410


Text and email accounts are monitored Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Staff will respond to messages as soon as possible. 

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

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