Please read the following updates from Family Transition Place (FTP), located in Treaty 19 territory. Find out more about Treaty 19.

Welcoming Our Incoming Executive Director

After a thorough recruitment process, FTP's board of directors is thrilled to announce Lynette Pole-Langdon as the incoming executive director. Over the coming months, Lynette will work closely with outgoing executive director, Norah Kennedy, with the official transition scheduled for August 1, 2024.

Lynette has served FTP in various capacities for over 20 years, first on the front lines as a clinical counsellor on the counselling team and, over time, advancing roles to the counselling team lead, manager of counselling and community education, and community mental health initiatives. Having extensive experience in the leadership of a team, Lynette also brings a wealth of knowledge of the sector, compassion, ambition, and integrity to the role.

FTP's board of directors unanimously believes Lynette genuinely carries the agency's values in her heart and demonstrates them through the way she chooses to conduct herself. She has not only shown her capability to lead but has a very thorough understanding of FTP's historical growth and trajectory, the agency's clients, staff members, and the needs of the community.

As executive director, Lynette looks forward to leading the agency and FTP's mission of supporting the holistic well-being of those affected by gender-based violence and promoting healthy relationships and community, through education.

FTP's board members are honoured, and very much look forward to supporting Lynette, Norah, agency, and community through this transition.

Photo credit: True Nature Media

May is Sexual Violence Prevention Month

Sexual Violence Prevention Month (SVPM)formerly named Sexual Assault Awareness/Prevention Month—takes place annually in May. FTP will be joining other members of the Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres (OCRCC) in raising awareness with community flag-raising ceremonies, proclamations and other awareness initiatives throughout the month.

The Town of Caledon and the Town of Orangeville will be recognizing this annual awareness-building initiative by raising a flag designed in partnership with the OCRCC by an Indigenous design firm two years ago (see image above for design). Both municipalities have also proclaimed May as SVPM.

Town of Caledon flag-raising ceremony - Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 2 p.m. Caledon Town Hall, 6311 Old Church Rd Town of Caledon proclamation

Town of Orangeville flag-raising ceremony - Thursday, May 23, 2024, 12 p.m.

Orangeville Town Hall, 87 Broadway

Town of Orangeville proclamation

Test your knowledge on consent and bystander intervention by taking the Draw the Line Quiz. Some parts of this quiz test your knowledge. Other parts contain information about sexual violence prevention, helping you to increase your knowledge as you go along.

Please help us raise awareness about this vital initiative by following our social media pages and sharing our posts with your networks. More information can be found on our website.

National Day of Awareness for Missing and
Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

May 5th is the National Day of Awareness and Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 LGBTQIIA+ Peoples. It is also known as Red Dress Day.

The Brave Canoe—an Indigenous-led not-for-profit in Dufferin County—will be hosting a candlelight vigil on Sunday, May 5th at Orangeville Town Hall starting at 8 p.m. Please join us to remember and honour the lives that have been taken and the loved ones left behind.

Please take a moment to learn more about this incredibly important annual initiative, and how you can help build awareness about violence against MMIQG2S+ individuals.

Here are some resources to get you started:

Image source: May 5 is National Day of Awareness & Action for MMIWG2S - Women's Centre of Calgary (

Mental Health Week

May 6–12 is #MentalHealthWeek, centered around the healing power of compassion.

In a world that is so often plagued by suffering, we'd like to emphasize that kindness is equally intrinsic to our humanity.

Please find out how you can support others by exploring how compassion connects us all by visiting

International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

May 17th is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT). This day has been recognized annually since 2005, but it was on May 17, 1990 that the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders.

This year's theme is:

No one left behind: equality, freedom and justice for all.

It shouldn't matter who you are or who you love—human rights are everyone's rights.

Visit the IDAHOBIT website for more information.

Image by redgreystock on Freepik

Dufferin Caledon Community Help Line

The Hills of Headwaters Collaborative is pleased to introduce the Dufferin/Caledon Community Help Line.

Help is just a call away!


Available weekdays from 8 a.m.–8 p.m.

The Dufferin/Caledon Community Help Line connects individuals with local healthcare and social services to make it easier to find resources. The service also offers callbacks within 24 business hours.

Please click the above image for more info.

*If you need an immediate response from police, fire or ambulance, please call 911.

Honour Someone Special on Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a day to celebrate moms and those who fill mothering roles, but for many, it can also bring up feelings of grief, worry, and fear. Help us make EVERY day a safe and hopeful day for the women accessing our services. Please donate in support of FTP to honour a special woman in your life on Mother's Day. We will send you a customizable letter that you can send to your loved one.

Your donation will help FTP continue to provide safety, support and hope to the women and children we serve.

Become a Monthly Donor

The 2024 CanadaHelps Giving Report tells us that, unfortunately, the number of people donating to charities has decreased, but the number of people seeking help from charities has surged.

Monthly donors provide consistent and reliable support to help us help women and children in precarious living situations. By becoming a monthly donor, we can make sure our essential programs and services are in place to help when it is most needed.

You can get started as a monthly donor by visiting the Give page on our website, or, contact Kelly at or 519-942-4122, ext. 243.

Host a Third Party Event in support of FTP
illustration of woman holding a yard sale with priced items in the background

As the sun shines brighter and the temperatures continue to rise, it's the perfect season to come together and bask in the warmth of community spirit. Why not seize the sunny days to organize a third party event in support of a non-profit that tugs at your heartstrings? Third party events are fundraising initiatives hosted by a company, organization or individual to benefit places like FTP. These events can take many forms and raise important funds in support of our emergency shelter, counselling services and education programs and help raise awareness about our presence in this community.

Here are a few fun third party event ideas:

  • Birthday fundraiser—ask for donations in lieu of gifts.
  • Do you produce and sell your own product or service? Run a promo where a portion of the proceeds are donated to FTP.
  • Run a yard or garage sale this spring with proceeds donated to FTP.
  • Host a bottle drive by collecting empty bottles and cans to return for a refund and donate the proceeds to FTP.
  • Host a golf tournament or fun run and donate a portion of the tournament/entry fees to FTP.

Find out how you can help support our work by hosting your own third party event by visiting our website or reading our Third Party Event Guidelines.

Image by freepik

Confirm your subscription for our monthly e-newsletter to receive important information about upcoming events (like our annual International Women's Day Celebration Event) and program and service updates.

You can unsubscribe at any time.

May Events

Sexual Violence Prevention Month

Leave a Legacy Month

May 5: Red Dress Day MMIWG2S

May 6-12: Mental Health Week (Canada)

May 7: National Child and Youth Mental Health Day

May 6-12: Mental Health Week (Canada)

May 15: International Day of Families

May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

May 28: World Hunger Day

June Events

National Indigenous History Month

Seniors Month (Ontario)

Pride Month (Canada)

June 1-7: Sexual Harassment Week

June 15: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 15: Celebrate Your Awesome

June 19: Juneteenth

June 21: National Indigenous Peoples Day

June 27: Canadian Multiculturalism Day

June 27: PTSD Awareness Day

Contact Us for Support
If you are experiencing abuse and/or homelessness, please do not hesitate to call us. Our counselling and outreach supports will be offered virtually, by phone or in person. Our support/info line operates 24/7; text options are also available. Our priority is to ensure those experiencing domestic violence and/or homelessness have somewhere safe to go, or have the option to speak with a caring and compassionate professional.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance. We are always here to provide access to safety, support and hope for those in need.

24-Hour Support/Info Line:
519-941-HELP (4357) | 905-584-HELP (4357)
Text: 519-278-5410
Text and email accounts are monitored Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Staff will respond to messages as soon as possible. 

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
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