October 22, 2020
Ohio Family and Consumer Sciences Newsletter
Upcoming Calendar Reminders
October 27 - Tri-State Officer Development Training - Registration closes Friday, October 23, 2020
November 1 - FCCLA Affiliation
Professional Development

Date: November 5, 2020
Time: 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Topics: Teaching Professions Virtual Professional Development

Date: November 10, 2020
Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Topics: Collaborating Teacher Excellence

Date: November 12, 2020
Time: 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Topics: Culinary Arts Virtual Professional Development

Date: November 17, 2020
Time: 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Topics: Early Childhood Education Virtual Professional Development

Date: November 18, 2020
Time: 3:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.
Topics: Trauma Informed Care Training - OSU Extension
COVID PILOT Chapter Participation Packages

Take your chapter’s membership “Beyond Measure” this year through FCCLA’s temporary price reduction chapter participation packages! Now available through November 1, 2020, chapter advisers have the opportunity to choose from one of two-chapter participation packages in addition to FCCLA’s.

Individual Membership - state and national dues $15.00 per member plus adviser $15.00

Urban Package $7,500 for state and national plus adviser $15.00

Middle Level is $670 for state and national plus adviser $15.00

Up to 20 Members Leadership Package $270 for state and national dues plus adviser $15.00

Unlimited Leadership Package $670 for state and national dues plus adviser $15.00


Ohio has been assigned to provide evaluators for two Skill Demonstration Events - Pastry Arts Technical Decorating Skills and Technology in Teaching. We need about 60 evaluators to score approximately 20 virtual events. Please sign up by October 30 for the event that you are willing to evaluate. I will provide continuing education hours to all evaluators. Register here.
Date: October 27, 2020
Time: 4:00 - 6:00 P.M. ET
Cost: $25 per chapter (unlimited participants)
Registration closes October 23, 2020
Put on your tennis shoes and get moving! Let's walk, skip, hop or run our way through 3.1 miles!

Click here to access your race bib
Click here to submit your race time by 10/24/20 (you will only be entered for the drawing if you submit a time)
Click here to submit your 5K photos by 10/24/20 (we want to feature you on social media!)

Tri-State Officer Development Training is a great opportunity for advisers to integrate FCCLA into their FCS classrooms and curriculum and for members to engage in FCCLA. The following items are highlights of what will be available as a resource for you and your members utilize within the Tri-State Officer Development Training platform:

  • FCCLA Chapter Management presentations
  • National Executive Council Members from Kentucky Logan Justice, Vice-President of Membership and Hannah Jones, First Vice-President
  • Leadership Development
  • Engaging Keynote Speaker - Ryan Moran
  • Networking Opportunities

We can’t wait to see you learn “Beyond Measure” at Measure Up FCCLA Virtual Tri-State Officer Development Training!
Unite in Red Campaign
This will be the last year Ohio FCCLA will offer the Unite in Red campaign. The campaign will begin November 2020 through February 2021. Applications are due by the end of business on the 18th of each month. Ten (10) recipients per month will be awarded. Blazers will be shipped directly to the school. Once the recipient has completed their time with Ohio FCCLA the balzer is to remain with the local chapter. Unite in Red Application


This year Ohio has redesigned all CDE’s. The content is the same as Nationals. However, the difference between the two is the rubric. Ohio has a more specific evaluation list than Nationals. When preparing for Regional Career Development Events, be sure you are following the Ohio events.

At this time, you can find the events on the Ohio FCCLA website under the Career Development Events tab until November 1. After that date only affiliated chapters will have access to the CDE’s through the portal under resources (Ohio folder).


Looking for FUND$ to support your FCCLA program?

Apply for the Ohio FCCLA and Ohio Dept. of Public Safety FACTS Stipend
75 Ohio chapters can receive a $1,000 stipend to help bring project ideas to life!

A FACTS project can be:
  • a simple activity or a more elaborate event planned and carried out by students
  • a short-term, one-time activity
  • a series of in-depth events
  • completed by just 1 FCCLA member, a group of members, or the entire chapter
  • about one, or several, of the FACTS topic areas (personal traffic safety, vehicle safety, or road safety)

Make this easy on yourself! - Incorporate a FACTS project within a class you teach! Leadership & Community Engagement, Personal Wellness, Personal Wellness & Development, Child Development, and Human Growth & Development are easy courses to make this connection. Of course, it is also a wonderful project for every chapter and is the perfect way to create connections with other community organizations and local government agencies.

Use your project for a Career Development Event! The following Career Development Events lend themselves to this topic: Event Management, Professional Presentation, Public Policy Advocate, Chapter Service Project Display, Chapter Service Portfolio, Leadership, National Programs in Actions. Other options include State Project Award, National Programs Award and Service Learning Hours Award.

Do you need project inspiration? A digital copy of the F.A.C.T.S. Program Guide is now available to all Ohio chapters in your registration portal! (Check Purchased Publications under the Resources tab.) For more information about FCCLA’S F.A.C.T.S. national program, visit www.fcclainc.org.

Application deadline is Nov. 22 so start planning now! 

Step 1 – Apply: Find the FACTS Initiative Application in your chapter registration portal. (Click: Surveys tab, Ohio FACTS Initiative, 2020-2021 Ohio FCCLA FACTS Project Application)

Step 2 – Receive $1,000 stipend. FCCLA will award 75 Ohio chapters a $1,000 stipend to conduct a traffic safety related project. (Failure to complete project or to apply for FACTS Program Award will result in chapter refunding stipend to National FCCLA.)

Step 3 - Carry out a FACTS Project. Use your stipend funds as needed to conduct a FACTS project in your school or community.

Step 4 – Submit a FACTS Program Award Application by Mar. 1, 2021. Four Ohio chapters with the most outstanding projects will each be awarded $2,500 and will be considered for additional state and national FACTS program awards. The FACTS Program Award application is available under the “Program Awards” tab.

For questions or assistance, please contact Kelley Smith, Ohio FACTS Initiative Coordinator grantcoordinator@ohiofccla.org
Date: November 7, 2020
Time: 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Topics: Update on FCS in Ohio
Sponsored by: Greater Cleveland Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

Date: November 17, 2020
Time: 6:30 P.M.
Topic: Happy Hacks for More Positivity and Productivity Amidst the COVID Craziness
Sponsored by: LEadFCS

Industry Feedback Survey - The Ohio Department of Education is seeking industry comments for new Industry-Recognized Credentials recently submitted for consideration for the approved graduation list. A survey was developed to request feedback on recognition of the industry credentials and whether they are used in the hiring process. The industry-recognized credential review process relies on industry partners to validate the need of an industry credential in their respective career fields to ensure that students are earning credentials that are valued by Ohio businesses and/or are tied to Ohio’s Top Jobs List.

The Department needs your help! To ensure as many quality responses as possible, please forward this request to your school’s industry partners and advisory committees and encourage their participation. Survey participants should be involved in the hiring process at their company such as a member of the human resources team or a hiring manager. Your industry partners may pass the survey on to anyone they feel meets this criterion to participate.

Click HERE to participate in the industry-recognized credential feedback survey.

Under the new submission and review process, there will be a new list of industry credentials to be reviewed by an industry each quarter. An unprecedented number of applications were received this quarter. Your role in ensuring industry-recognized credentials of value are available to your student if you have questions, please contact Patti Guseman, Program Administrator, at IndustryCredentials@education.ohio.gov.
We remain committed to communicating updates as we venture into these changing times and look forward to the day we can meet in person when it is safe. Ohio FCCLA cannot wait to see how you inspire families, careers and communities “Beyond Measure” this year through FCCLA activities..

Watch Ohio FCCLA website for specific details.
Follow Us on Social Media

Follow Ohio FCCLA on all of our social media platforms! Stay up to date with deadlines, leadership opportunities, what's going on in the FCCLA world, and interact with others! 
Ohio Family and Consumer Sciences| 25 South Front Street, Columbus Ohio 43215-4183 | 614-466-5718