Fantastic Happenings
This Sunday, Pastor Chris starts a new sermon series on Judges beginning with Deborah (Judges 4:1-9).
You are encouraged to read ahead. Next week will be Gideon (Judges 6:14-16, 7:1-8) followed by Samson (Judges 13:8-9, 16:15-17).

Also, come hear about our upcoming vision launch.

We look forward to seeing everyone!
There are Bible classes for all ages during the
9:30 AM and 11 AM service times.

Our worship services are held at
8 AM, 9:30 AM, and 11 AM.

If you can't make it in person, make sure to watch the live stream at

We are still looking for a leader!
Do you love your church and want to share the Good News?
We are looking for someone to take the lead in planning, organizing, and implementing the Lutz 4th of July parade float/participation. It is a fantastic community outreach event. Contact Tony at 813-949-0508 if you are willing to do it (he has all the info).
Cut, Paste, & Create
for VBS
May 21st
9 am - 12 PM
Let Lynne know you are coming to help so she can have the many projects ready.
Saturday, May 14th. Coffee is served at 7:30 am. Breakfast starts at 8AM.
Make sure to RSVP so plenty of food is provided.
Men of all ages are welcome to attend!
Grads will be recognized during the 9:30 AM and 11 AM services on May 22nd
Cards for Grads
If you'd like to congratulate our high school grads, there is a basket for cards in the church lobby. Leave them there and we will be sure to disperse the cards to the grads.

This year's grads are:
Trevor Abrams
Jordan Bordelon
Tim Dunn
Ethan Kirk
Nicholas Kuttappannair
Billy Payne
Connor Smith
Gracie Williams

Launch Lunch Order Forms are in the bulletins and on the center table in the Lobby
Dee Denham
Communication Coordinator

Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?