By Barbara Griswold, LMFT
Author, Navigating the Insurance Maze
Jan 04, 2023
Happy New Year to all!
Despite the fact that COVID finally overtook both my husband and I since I last wrote, I start the year with newfound hopefulness and positivity. Perhaps you will see why when you read my article, and hear about the progress that has finally been made after decades of work by literally thousands of therapists all over the country.
As I reported in my last email, I finally finished the newly-updated 9th edition of my book "Navigating the Insurance Maze," and you now get the choice of a digital PDF version of the book only (save $18.75) or get the paperback book also. Order your copy now.
Plus, we're looking forward to our annual LIVE webinar on progress notes -- if you take only one of my courses, please take this one. It could save you thousands of dollars if you are ever audited. It is the most important training that I do, and my personal favorite. For info, see below.
Do you have insurance questions, or could you use a little feedback on your notes and treatment plans, or a little business or clinical coaching? Schedule your consultation now -- click here.
Take care,
"What's Missing from Your Charts: Writing Great Notes"
February 4, 2023
11 - 2 pm PST | 12 - 3 pm MST | 1 - 4 pm CST | 2 - 5 pm EST
Can't make it live? No worries! Register and the recording will be sent to you
This live ZOOM webinar is for all therapists, since we all can have charts reviewed by insurance, disability, licensing boards, and courts. You'll be shown how to write brief notes that satisfy legal, ethical, and insurance expectations, so that you feel confident if you receive a records request, and you won't have to pay money back if audited. You'll get the rare opportunity to view 8 examples of good notes, get 3 downloadable templates, and learn about new telehealth note requirements. For more info, click here
Exciting News! MFTs and
Counselors Eligible for Medicare!!
Also: Medicare Telehealth Extended
You may have missed it in the hubbub of the holidays, but the government granted us an unexpected, historic, and long overdue holiday gift.
On December 23, 2022, Congress passed the Mental Health Access Improvement Act (S. 828/H.R. 432). With this Act, Marriage and Family Therapists and Mental Health Counselors will be eligible to become Medicare providers in 2024.
For literally decades, professional organizations like AAMFT, ACA, and hundreds of other organizations have lobbied tirelessly for this outcome. I myself traveled to Washington D.C. 10 years ago as part of an expedition of therapists trying to convince Congressfolk to pass this legislation. Yet this is the first time this Act passed both houses of Congress.
I repeat, this does not take effect until January 2024, so don't send me your questions. We don't have details yet, and there is a lot of time to learn about the enrollment process and to decide whether you want to work with Medicare.
Then, one week later, on December 29, 2022, Biden signed the omnibus spending bill into law (HR 2617), which "extended Medicare telehealth provisions put in place during the COVID-19 public health emergency for another two years," according to HealthCare Dive. Telehealth advocates are hoping that this two year extension will give them time to convince Congress to make Medicare telehealth coverage permanent.
What does this mean for Medicare providers?
- This means the in-person screening requirement for Medicare clients being seen via telehealth that was to go into effect at the end of the COVID Public Health Emergency (PHE) will no longer be required until at least December 31st, 2024.
The Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP -- a great website for all telehealth info) reports that the other telehealth flexibilities in Medicare that have been extended to December 31, 2024 include temporary suspension of the geographic site requirement, continuing to allow the home as an eligible client site, and continuing to allow audio-only to be used to provide some services.
The bill also extends a provision allowing employers to offer telehealth services pre-deductible to employees who have a high-deductible health plan and a health savings account.
The bad news? The law proposes a Medicare physician pay cut of 2% beginning this month, increasing to 3.5% in 2024. However, the good news is that a sharper 4.5% pay cut had been proposed. It seems that Medicare provider pay cuts are being seen as the way to fund the expanded telehealth benefits.
For more info on these laws:
WEBINAR: "THE FIRST SESSION: Juggling Clinical and Administrative Tasks"
This pre-recorded webinar gives tips on juggling intake tasks -- to build rapport, take a history, while handling paperwork, payment and insurance issues. For more info, click here
Need forms for your practice? Get 20 essential forms including telehealth consent, couples consent, and Good Faith Estimates. Easy to customize. Designed to meet common legal, ethical, and insurance expectations. For info, click here
This pre-recorded webinar is for all therapists, as treatment plans may be required by law and insurance. You'll get sample treatment plans for Anxiety and Depression plus a blank treatment plan template. For info, click here
This pre-recorded webinar answers all your questions about fraud, including whether it is ethical to bill two insurance plans for a couples session, ethical sliding fees, waiving copayments, and how to avoid common types of fraud. For info, click here
This pre-recorded webinar will answer all your telehealth questions, including how insurance plans are dealing with therapists practicing across state lines, giving up their offices, moving out of state, and what changes we can expect with coverage and billing. Find out more -- click here
This pre-recorded webinar will teach you all you didn't learn in grad school about insurance billing, superbills, telehealth billing, and sliding scales, among other topics. For info, click here
This pre-recorded webinar is for insurance novices, veterans, or even out of network providers. Topics include joining plans, billing, getting treatment approved, common mistakes. For info, click here
This pre-recorded webinar covers thorny issues and common mistakes made when working with couples. It will challenge myths, clarify areas of confusion, and invite you to think about your policies. Find out more -- click here
Understanding Rates, Raises, and Resigning -- FREE!!
January 26, 2023
12 - 1 pm PST | 1 - 2 pm MST
2 - 3 pm CST | 3 - 4 pm EST
Can't make it live? Recording sent to all registrants
Sponsor: SimplePractice
What's Missing From Your Charts: Writing Great Notes
February 4, 2023
11 - 1 pm PST | 12 - 2 pm MST
1 - 3 pm CST | 2 - 4 pm EST
Can't make it live? Recording sent to all registrants
Sponsor: Us!
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Navigating the Insurance Maze: The Therapist's Complete Guide to Working With Insurance --
And Whether You Should
(buy from us directly -- Amazon keeps 55% of profits!)
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- Considering whether taking insurance is right for you?
- Need help fighting a claim denial?
- Need help dealing with a records request?
- Want to build your practice, or discuss a case?
I CAN HELP. Schedule your consultation now-- click here
($150 for 50 min; $85 for 30 min.)
DID YOU MISS THESE? Read these articles online:
Barbara Griswold, LMFT
Author, Navigating the Insurance Maze: The Therapist's Complete Guide to Navigating Insurance -- And Whether You Should