February 3
 Far from the Rocks

Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:22,23

Nothing compares to the wonderful counsel we find in the Word of God! His Word is like a compass guiding us through treacherous waters. Andrew Murray tells this story.

A captain of a ship, sailing between two harbors on a rocky coast, was once asked by an anxious passenger if the coast was very dangerous. The answer was, “Very.”

“And are you not afraid?” the passenger asked.

“No,” replied the captain. “Our way is perfectly safe; you can be at ease.”

“But how, if the rocks are so dangerous?”

“Oh, very simply! I put out to sea, and keep far from the rocks.”

Oh, Christian! Here is your only safe passage: launch out into the deep of full obedience to the will of God; keep far from all sin, and you shall be kept from willful sinning.

What more can be said? Abstain from all appearance of evil. Go full-steam ahead in obedience to God and you will arrive safely in heaven’s harbor.


Genesis 35-36; Mark 6;
Job 2;  Romans 6

Steve Hill Ministries | P.O. Box 612288, Dallas, TX 75261 | 817-849-8773