Photo by Matt Lau, NPS
December 31, 2022

Each Winter, I join dozens of other committed individuals who volunteer as Winter Wildlife Docents. It is so much fun. Sure we stand all day long, usually in the cold, often in the wind, sometimes in the rain. But the compensation is excellent! OK, there is no cash....but we are paid with reserved front row seats to violent bull fights and captivating births. (Disclaimer: Between such exciting events, and most of the time, we watch elephant seals model calm, restful napping – which I find a useful lesson in itself….).
As a docent, it is so cool to watch human parents and their human pups react with awe in the presence of these massive mammals. It is spiritually rewarding to help our human visitors understand how conservation efforts benefit our marine mammal visitors.
Volunteering is Critical to the Seashore
Many of us volunteer our time. Many of us volunteer our treasure. Many of us do both. When you support PRNSA, you support volunteerism. You support programs that provide opportunities for you and others to get involved on your own terms as a volunteer – for a day or for a season.

The time is now. As you are considering your end-of-year giving, please keep PRNSA in your plans. With your support we are making a big impact on humans and wildlife by expanding our education, conservation, volunteer, and community building programs. The more we have (volunteers and donations), the more we can do.
Thank you for your time and thank you for your treasure! I hope to see you out at Drakes Beach this winter as I and other volunteer docents pass the time and we do our best to transform every Park Visitor into a Park Steward. If you can't get out to Point Reyes this winter, no worries! We have a sound gift below to transport you here. Enjoy!
Seth Rosen
Board Co-Chair, PRNSA
P.S. This is our last chance to reach our 2022 year-end fundraising goals. Please consider making a gift in support of our conservation, education, and community building work!
Sounds of the Seashore
We are so lucky to have the opportunity to experience the diverse sounds of Point Reyes National Seashore whenever we come to visit. The Point Reyes Soundscape Mapping Project was created to capture and preserve these sounds to share them more widely with those who may not hear them otherwise.

The audio in the video below was captured by Cheryl E. Leonard, one of the project's soundscape artists. The photo used was captured by Clint Graves. Enjoy!
Classes & Events
Early 2023 is full of classes and events at the Seashore! Look below for a sneak peek at the first events of the year, and visit our website for the full class list!
Sat, Jan. 7, 10:00am - 2:00pm

Volunteer with the NPS to learn how to collect fungi for displays in the 16th annual Fungus Fair the following day.

Sat, Jan. 7, 4:00pm - 7:30pm

Gather under the full moon to celebrate community with warming teas, a group activity, and a walk in Bear Valley.

Sun, Jan. 8, 10:00am - 4:30pm

Discover the basics of mushroom identification and information, then a foray in the nearby woods in search of seasonal fungi!

UC Climate Stewards Registration
Help your community find resilience in a changing climate...
become a certified Climate Steward!
Climate Stewards is an exciting new Initiative from the University of California Cooperative Extension in partnership with PRNSA. In this program you will learn about the science of climate change, how to communicate more effectively about this issue, and how to help your community adapt.

During this 9-week program (Feb. 28 - Apr. 25) you will take part in online classes and in-person field trips with guest experts while you complete online assignments and a final capstone project to receive your certification from the University of California.
We partner with the National Park Service to create opportunities for all people to experience, enhance, and preserve Point Reyes National Seashore for present and future generations.
Point Reyes National Seashore | (415) 663-1200 x 310