CCF-LA News | March 15, 2023

Farewell Bishop Dave

At the funeral mass on March 3, we recognized an extraordinary man who walked with the poor and disenfranchised, with students and young adults searching for meaning in their lives, with civic and business leaders to find common ground, and with the members of the CCF-LA Board in creating value for the mission of our Church. Bishop Dave leaves a big hole in the heart of CCF-LA, yet with a renewed commitment for carrying out the soul of our operations.


As board member, he walked the talk and enthusiastically used his two donor-advised funds to make grants to charitable organizations aligned with his values and ours. He saw the importance of growing his philanthropy to give more to those causes that were close to his love of Jesus and the Church. Many of his grantees are listed in this newsletter as a tribute to them and to Bishop Dave. Please take a moment to click on to the links to their websites and find out more about the who and why Bishop Dave was such a powerful advocate for the teachings of our Catholic faith.


As a member of our nominating and governing committee, he did not hesitate to help us cultivate clients and leadership for our board and committees. His presence (and good humor) will be deeply missed at our meetings and in carrying out our mission. To honor him and our hope that more men like Bishop Dave will serve in roles of priestly vocations, we have established the Bishop David O’Connell Fund for the benefit of St. John Seminary, to teach and recognize the compassionate leadership style that made Bishop Dave an extraordinary bishop and steward of our Catholic faith.  


With our gratitude to Bishop Dave for a life well-lived that was taken too soon, and with a legacy to emulate.

Kathy Anderson

President and Executive Director

Click here to read Bishop O'Connell's Coat of Arms

Bishop Dave’s Ministry, by Msgr. Tim Dyer

I believe Bishop Dave lived his ministry in such a way that he 'bridged" what many of us might be inclined to call opposite poles. Let me give a few examples:


He was committed to the streets as much as to the sanctuary. During his pastorate at St. Michael's in South Central L.A., he began to walk the streets, visited homes, and cultivated people's Faith at the level of the "domestic church." By bringing neighboring families together, he was evangelizing by going to where people lived rather than staying home, waiting for them to come to him. Many re-discovered their roots in the Catholic Parish community and came back to Sunday Mass.


He befriended the police, committed to visiting the people they had arrested and soon he was revered as much by Officers of the Law as he was by those who had broken the law. He learned a great deal from gang kids on the streets, discovering that so many young people are lonely and without the stability they need from home and school. I remember him speaking about the need of our youth in all parts of the city who lacked parents, teachers and people in authority who will listen to them and commit to standing by them. Dave was a focused listener and, having heard an individual's story would invariably pray with her/him. The desire he had to bring young people to believe Jesus loved them was always evident.


He was not guided by any political platform nor a proponent of any ideology. Like Jesus, he went to wherever there was a need to proclaim the gospel. Like Jesus, he went to whomever was in need. He could speak one day on the issue of life in the womb as well as the love and respect we owe all women. He could be seen in the same week praying the rosary at the U.S./Mexican border and speaking about the dignity of each immigrant in whose face he recognized Christ, the Son of Man "who had no place to lay his head." Having loved and been loved by so many people of color in his three inner city parishes, he spoke passionately and prayed with confidence that our parishes live in racial harmony. He believed God's creating us in "diversity" is itself a gift to be discovered; like Jesus, he prayed that "...all may be One."


He probably never set out to become nor thought of himself as a "bridge builder." He simply gave his life to Christ over and over again and went where he was called. Now, I believe, people in Los Angeles are telling us that what they saw in Bishop Dave is what they need to see in us, the Church.

Msgr. Tim Dyer

Bishop Dave O'Connell Memorial Fund

CCF-LA creates the Bishop David O’Connell Memorial Fund for the benefit of St. John's Seminary

Msgr. Tim Dyer’s eulogy for Bishop Dave on March 1st served as our inspiration for creating a memorial fund at CCF-LA for the benefit of St. John's Seminary. Funds are to be used for the vocational priestly formation process to emulate the charism of Bishop Dave O'Connell, the man, the priest, and the bishop.

Click here to donate to the Bishop Dave O'Connell Memorial Fund.

Photo: Bishop Dave O'Connell climbs a high summit in the San Gabriel Valley on April 23, 2020 to bless the most populous counties of Southern California and beyond during the coronavirus pandemic.

Bishop Dave's Grantee Highlights

Below is a partial list of the charitable organizations that Bishop Dave's CCF-LA Fund supported on his advice. We decided not to shorten the description for this newsletter as each ministry has a compelling story to tell and shows the depth and breath of his charity.

Angels of Charity and Music (ACM) is a non-profit organization of doctors, nurses, artist, and missionaries who dedicate their talent and gifts to giving love, spiritual and material aid to children and their families in need. AMC provides religious and material help to the poor, handicapped, ill and abandoned children and families around the world, regardless of ethnicity, national origin, sex, or religion through their Ministry to the Sick.

AMC provides free surgeries to children and adults with deformities, provides food supplies, clothing, musical programs and TV and radio education and motivational shows and education scholarships.

To learn more, visit Angels of Charity and Music today.

The Call for Renew is a historic, five-year campaign to strengthen parishes, families and communities through unity and action together committed to renew what is important so we can pass it on to those we love. The mission to live in greater communion with God and the Church is carried out through our parish and diocesan schools, religious education and faith formation programs, and our presence on college campuses throughout Southern California. Every Catholic is invited to participate in this effort to affirm a commitment to our faith.

To learn more, please visit Called to Renew today. 

Catholic Polytechnic University is a nonprofit Catholic institution of higher education whose mission is to promote the intersection of faith and science as seen through the lens of faithful Catholic teachings.

Catholic Polytechnic is the fulcrum at the intersection of Faith and Science seeking to promote and combine a deep quest for scientific, tech, engineering, and business expertise with the enduring truths of the Catholic faith.

For more information about Catholic Polytechnic University visit their website today. 

The Center for Restorative Justice Works (CRJW) unites children, families, and communities separated by crime & the criminal justice system, creates awareness about the negative impacts of incarceration on children & families, & advocates for programs & policies that restore relationships. CRJW’s work is made possible with the support from incredible volunteers and supporters all over the state.

CRJW can provide reunification services to over 500+ children, parents, and loved ones during programming because of the community’s involvement. Learn more about CRJW today. 

The Dominican Sisters Vision of Hope operates solely to provide quality, affordable Catholic education for the children of their inner-city elementary schools and to ensure a vibrant future for these schools and the communities they serve.

Through Vision of Hope Schools, the Dominican Sisters of Mission of San Jose minister to the young, the poor, and the vulnerable.

Gifts to Vision of Hope ensures the educational legacy of the Dominican Sisters of the Mission of San Jose, provide tuition assistance and programmatic funding, and invest in students.

Learn more by visiting Vision of Hope today.

Bosco Tech is a fully integrated Catholic, college-prep and engineering-science-technology school in the United States. Bosco Tech is a uniquely equipped to prepare young men for a changing world.

Through a distinctive project-based curriculum, they offer opportunities for students to gain command of current and emerging technologies, while benefiting from career exposures unavailable in traditional high schools.

Based on the teachings of St. John Bosco (Don Bosco), Bosco Tech brings out the best in young learners, while creating a welcoming church, environment that feels like homeschool, church and playground for each student. 

Mission Finder’s mission is to list every Christian organization in the world on one website to network with the Christian community.

They provide every organization with its own web page to document its efforts and help each organization carry out its mission by connecting them with local volunteers, global missionaries, and financial donors.

Mission Finder's encourage individual users of the website to discover God’s will for their life by connecting them with the organizations listed on Mission Finder.

Missionaries of the New Evangelization (MNE) is a 501C3 Tax Exempt Religious Organization under the guidance of the Roman Catholic Church dedicated to the renewal of all God’s children through Proclamation of the Word, Conversion of Hearts, Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Prayers of Healing.

Moringa For Love’s mission is to use Moringa to combat malnutrition, poverty and deforestation in the world by purchasing seeds from small growers in underdeveloped countries and using them to make MFL’s cosmetic products. Gifts and donations help to support MFL’s Moringa, Education, and Charity projects around the world.

The San Gabriel Pastoral Region is a pastoral region of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in the Roman Catholic Church. It covers East Los Angeles through the San Gabriel and Pomona valleys. The region has 67 parishes, 13 high schools, many elementary schools, two cemeteries, and one Spanish Mission.

Sisters of the Poor for Jesus Christ missionary work go out to the poor wherever they may be.

St. Frances X Cabrini Church began in the humblest manner. Without a place in which to live or celebrate Mass, Father Konoske accepted offers of parishioners to host Masses in their homes. The first Mass was celebrated at 8 a.m. on Sun., Oct. 20, 1946, followed that day by a 10 a.m. Mass. It soon became necessary to find more spacious quarters and so Mass moved to the restaurant of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Olson known as Ralph’s Bar-B-Q.

In March 1947, seven acres were acquired for the future church, rectory, school, convent, and hall with the blessing of the grounds and foundation in November 1947. The church officially opened in March 1948 and dedicated by Archbishop McIntyre in October 1948.

The primary mission of St. John’s Seminary is to prepare candidates for service as Roman Catholic priests by assisting them to:

  • Grow

as disciples of Jesus Christ,

  • Discern

the vocation to which God calls them,

  • Root

themselves in Word and Sacrament and the Church’s theological tradition,

  • Integrate

the spiritual, human, intellectual and pastoral dimensions of their lives,

  • Develop

skills for ministry, leadership, and evangelization in a culturally diverse Church.

Learn more by visiting St. John's Seminary.

Located in South L.A.’s Westmont neighbor, which is a diverse neighborhood with primary Hispanic and African American population, St. Michael Catholic School serves approximately 300 student in elementary and middle school.

St. Michael Catholic School goal to provide a quality Catholic education that will enable students to think for themselves, to make good critical decisions that are just and moral, to live with integrity, to care for others, to master necessary academic and technological skills, and to develop solid social and leadership abilities that will enable students to lead meaningful lives as good citizens.

St. Patrick’s Catholic Church was founded in 1904. As the church building was being constructed, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet opened an elementary school to serve the children of the parish. St. Patrick’s has ministered to an ever-changing population.

Early in history, it served European immigrants, predominantly from Ireland and Germany. The church was demolitioned in the early 1970’s as a result of the Sylmar earthquake and the new church buildling completed and was dedicated in 2007.

The Right to Life League, founded in 1967, is an education and service organization dedicated to the support and protection of innocent human life, from conception to natural death. They provide administrative, IT, financial and medical support services to our network of crisis pregnancy clinics, centers and maternity homes across California.

The mission of Totus Tuus is to inspire in young people a true longing for holiness, a deep desire for daily conversion and an openness to their vocation by the constant challenge to give themselves entirely to Christ through Mary and by continually strengthening their prayer lives in imitation of Her.

On March 19, 1992, the Trinitarians of Mary were born when Mother Foundress accepted the will of God into her heart saying, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to your word."

Learn more about Trinitarians of Mary by visiting their website today.

Vox Vitae's mission is to educate, empower, and spiritually nurture people to actively be a voice for life.

Vox Vitae works with teens, adults, and families throughout the year, fostering the ideals of the Catholic faith.

Wells of Life is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian organization whose mission is to provide rural Ugandans access to safe, clean water through the installation or restoration of sustainable borehole water wells and WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) educational programs.

Learn more about Wells of Life by visiting their website.


A lot has already transpired this month, including the collapse of SVB, that continues to put pressure on financial market performance overall and on domestic and European banks in particular. We are working with our advisor, fund managers, investment committee, and doing our research to stay on top of the evolving situation. The Fed will be addressing another interest rate hike later this month in the hopes of combatting inflation.


The Balanced Pool portfolio experienced a -2.45% return (net of fees) in the month of February and +3.07% for the two months ending February 28, 2022. The Intermediate Fund pool returned -1.19% for the month and +1.10% so far this year. The estimated annual yield on the STIF account has continued to improve to +4.46% due to the recent increase in interest rates. 


Capital markets retreated in February while investors reassessed their expectations for both the peak in interest rates and the subsequent pace of rate cuts. The Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, and Bank of England all raised rates in the month. The S&P 500 Index fell 2.44% in February, bringing its year-to-date return to +3.68%. Developed International Equity markets also dropped, as measured by the MSCI EAFE index which fell 2.09% for the month. In addition, Fixed Income markets struggled in February as the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield jumped from 3.39% to 3.92% at month-end. The Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index declined 2.59% for February, reversing much of the positive return recorded in January. 

Andrew O'Boyle

Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Events We Supported

Cardinal's Awards Dinner

CCF-LA attended this year's 2023 Cardinal's Awards Dinner on Sat., Mar. 11, 2023, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

Since the inception, in the late 80's, the dinner's sole focus was to pay tribute to those who had given so graciously to the community. This year's honorees included Dr. Nabil I. El Sayad, Josie Hull & Siena Dancsecs, Deacon Kevin McCardle, and Mike and Tim Smith.

Proceeds from this year's Cardinal's Awards Dinner will benefit CCF-LA grant beneficiaries Good Shepard Center for the Homeless Women and Children, their mission empowers women and their children to move from homelessness to self-sufficient, through housing, employment and support services offered with dignity and love and Good Shepard Shelter, a long-term treatment and education-based shelter for women and their children who are healing from domestic violence.

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Mission Statement

The Catholic Community Foundation of Los Angeles empowers charitable individuals and organizations across cultures and generations through professional philanthropy management solutions that allow clients to develop and sustain their philanthropy in support of Catholic values.

Catholic Community Foundation of LA I | (213) 426-1180

